#!/bin/bash VERBOSE=0 COMPRESS='bzip2' USER='mysql' GROUP='mysql' DIRECTORYATTRIBUTES=0770 FILEATTRIBUTES=640 TIME_REMOVED_DUMP_FILES='1 week ago' BACKUP_DIR='/var/backups/mysql' CONFIG_FILE='/etc/mysql/debian.cnf' # === DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE === if [ ! -n "$BASH" ] ;then echo Please run this script $0 with bash; exit 1; fi # === FUNCTIONS === if [ -f '/etc/debian_version' ]; then CONFIG_FILE='/etc/mysql/debian.cnf' else CONFIG_FILE='~/mysql_utils/etc/mysql/debian.cnf' fi # === FUNCTION === f_log() { logger "BACKUP: $@" if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then echo "BACKUP: $@" fi } prepaire_skip_expression() { local array_skip=( "${@}" ) for skip in "${array_skip[@]}"; do if [ -x $return ]; then local return="^$skip\$" else return="$return|^$skip\$" fi done echo ${return} } backup() { f_log " START " query="SHOW databases;" local default_databases_exclude=( 'information_schema' 'performance_schema' ) local array_views=() touch $DST/$DATABASE/error.log mkdir -p $DST/$DATABASE 2>/dev/null 1>&2 chown $USER:$GROUP $DST/$DATABASE chmod $DIRECTORYATTRIBUTES $DST/$DATABASE query="SHOW CREATE DATABASE \`$DATABASE\`;" mysql --defaults-extra-file=$CONFIG_FILE --skip-column-names -B -e "$query" | awk -F"\t" '{ print $2 }' > $DST/$DATABASE/__create.sql if [ -f $DST/$DATABASE/__create.sql ]; then f_log " > Export create" fi query="SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_type = 'VIEW';" for viewName in $(mysql --defaults-extra-file=$CONFIG_FILE $DATABASE -N -e "$query" | sed 's/|//' | awk '{print $1}'); do mysqldump --defaults-file=$CONFIG_FILE $DATABASE $viewName >> $DST/$DATABASE/__views.sql 2>> $DST/$DATABASE/error.log array_views+=($viewName) done if [ -f $DST/$DATABASE/__views.sql ]; then f_log " > Exports views" fi mysqldump --defaults-file=$CONFIG_FILE --routines --no-create-info --no-data --no-create-db --skip-opt $DATABASE 2>> $DST/$DATABASE/error.log | sed -e 's/DEFINER=[^*]*\*/\*/' > $DST/$DATABASE/__routines.sql if [ -f $DST/$DATABASE/__routines.sql ]; then f_log " > Exports Routines" fi local default_tables_exclude=( 'slow_log' 'general_log' ) tables_exclude=( ${default_tables_exclude[@]} ${array_views[@]} ${EXCLUDE_TABLES[@]} ) tables_exclude_expression=`prepaire_skip_expression "${tables_exclude[@]}"` f_log "Exclude tables: $tables_exclude_expression" data_tables_exclude=( ${EXCLUDE_DATA_TABLES[@]} ) data_tables_exclude_expression=`prepaire_skip_expression "${data_tables_exclude[@]}"` f_log "Exclude data tables: $data_tables_exclude_expression" query="SHOW TABLES;" for TABLE in $(mysql --defaults-extra-file=$CONFIG_FILE --skip-column-names -B $DATABASE -e "$query" | egrep -v "$tables_exclude_expression"); do f_log " ** Dump $DATABASE.$TABLE" if [ $(echo $data_tables_exclude_expression| grep $TABLE) ]; then f_log "Exclude data from table $TABLE" mysqldump --defaults-file=$CONFIG_FILE --no-data --add-drop-table --tab=$DST/$DATABASE/ $DATABASE $TABLE 2>> $DST/$DATABASE/error.log else mysqldump --defaults-file=$CONFIG_FILE --add-drop-table --quick --tab=$DST/$DATABASE/ $DATABASE $TABLE 2>> $DST/$DATABASE/error.log fi if [ -f "$DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.sql" ]; then chmod $FILEATTRIBUTES $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.sql chown $USER:$GROUP $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.sql f_log " ** set perm on $DATABASE/$TABLE.sql" else f_log " ** WARNING : $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.sql not found" fi if [ -f "$DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt" ]; then if [ $COMPRESS ]; then f_log " ** $COMPRESS $DATABASE/$TABLE.txt in background" if [ $COMPRESS == 'bzip2' ]; then if [ -f "$DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt.bz2" ]; then rm $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt.bz2 fi ($COMPRESS $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt && chmod $FILEATTRIBUTES $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt.bz2 && chown $USER:$GROUP $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt.bz2) & elif [ $COMPRESS == 'gzip' ]; then if [ -f "$DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt.gz" ]; then rm $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt.gz fi ($COMPRESS $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt && chmod $FILEATTRIBUTES $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt.gz && chown $USER:$GROUP $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt.gz) & fi fi else f_log " ** WARNING : $DST/$DATABASE/$TABLE.txt not found" fi done f_log " END " } usage() { cat << EOF This mysql backup engine. Usage: $0 <[database-name]> <[options]> or bash $0 <[database-name]> <[options]> Options: --exclude-tables= Exclude tables --exclude-data-tables= Exclude data tables -c= | --compress= Compress with gzip or bzip2 -v | --verbose Add verbose into output -l | --lifetime= Lifetime for dump files --config= Config file of Debian format --dir= Backup directory -h | --help This text Examples: backup.sh --verbose --compress= backup.sh --verbose --compress=gzip backup.sh --verbose --compress=bzip2 backup.sh --verbose --compress= backup.sh --verbose --compress= --lifetime="3 day ago" backup.sh --verbose --config="/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" --lifetime="1 day ago" backup.sh --verbose --dir="/var/backups/mysql" --config="/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" --lifetime="1 day ago" backup.sh --verbose --dir="/home/backups/mysql" --lifetime="1 day ago" backup.sh --verbose --dir="/home/backups/mysql" --exclude-tables="tbl_template" --lifetime="1 day ago" EOF } if [ $# = 0 ]; then usage; exit; fi DATABASE='' EXCLUDE_TABLES='' EXCLUDE_DATA_TABLES='' BIN_DEPS="mysql mysqldump $COMPRESS" DATABASE="$1" for BIN in $BIN_DEPS; do which $BIN 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Error: Required command file not be found: $BIN" exit 1 fi done for i in "$@" do case $i in --exclude-tables=*) EXCLUDE_TABLES=( "${i#*=}" ) shift # past argument=value ;; --exclude-data-tables=*) EXCLUDE_DATA_TABLES=( "${i#*=}" ) shift # past argument=value ;; -c=* | --compress=*) COMPRESS=( "${i#*=}" ) shift # past argument=value ;; -l=* | --lifetime=*) TIME_REMOVED_DUMP_FILES=( "${i#*=}" ) shift # past argument=value ;; --dir=*) BACKUP_DIR=( "${i#*=}" ) shift # past argument=value ;; --config=*) CONFIG_FILE=( "${i#*=}" ) shift # past argument=value ;; -v | --verbose) VERBOSE=1 shift # past argument=value ;; -h | --help) usage exit ;; *) # unknown option ;; esac done DATE=`date '+%Y.%m.%d'` DATEOLD=`date --date="$TIME_REMOVED_DUMP_FILES" +%Y.%m.%d` DST=$BACKUP_DIR/$DATE DSTOLD=$BACKUP_DIR/$DATEOLD if [ ! -d "$DST" ]; then mkdir -p $DST; chmod $DIRECTORYATTRIBUTES $DST; chown $USER:$GROUP $DST; fi if [ -d "$DSTOLD" ]; then rm -fr $DSTOLD; fi # === SETTINGS === f_log "============================================" f_log "Dump into: $BACKUP_DIR" f_log "Config file: $CONFIG_FILE" f_log "Verbose: $VERBOSE" f_log "Compress: $COMPRESS" f_log "Database: $DATABASE" f_log "Exclude tables: $EXCLUDE_TABLES" f_log "Life time: $TIME_REMOVED_DUMP_FILES" f_log "============================================" f_log "" # === AUTORUN === backup