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Knah Tsaeb 2019-12-24 14:51:29 +01:00
parent 77d786e26c
commit 5b382724cc
21 changed files with 9578 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
* This file is part of MinigalNano:
* MiniGal Nano is based on an original work by Thomas Rybak (© 2010)
* MinigalNano is licensed under the AGPL v3 (
* for the list of options, check config-default.php
$title = "Your Own MiniGal Nano";

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff


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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

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include "config.php";
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"html" => "
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// If no folder.jpg or image is found, then display default icon:
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"html" => "
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$descContent = nl2br(htmlspecialchars('<span>Origin : </span>'.$infoContent->webpage_url.'<br><span>Description : </span>'.$infoContent->description));
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//Add to the caption all the EXIF information
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} else {
@ -319,10 +359,6 @@ if (is_dir($current_dir) && $handle = opendir($current_dir)) {
// If file is not provided, image filename will be used instead.
checkpermissions($current_dir . "/" . $file);
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$img_captions[$file] = $file . '::' . htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($current_dir . '/' . $file . '.html'), ENT_QUOTES);
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array('filename' => "$thumbdir/$file", 'size' => $thumb_size),
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"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($current_dir . "/" . $file),
"size" => filesize($current_dir . "/" . $file),
"html" => "
<a href=\"{$linkUrl}\" rel='lightbox[billeder]' title=\"" . htmlentities($img_captions[$file]) . "\">
<img $imgopts alt='$label_loading' />
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"html" => '
<p class="w3-black">
<a onclick="onClick(this);return false;" '.$dataVideo.' href="'.$linkUrl.'" data-desc="'.$imgComment.'" title="' . htmlentities($img_captions[$file]) . '">
<img '.$imgopts.' alt="'.$label_loading.'" class="w3-round" />
</a>'. $filename_caption . '
if (preg_match("/\.ogv$|\.mp4$|\.mpg$|\.mpeg$|\.mov$|\.avi$|\.wmv$|\.flv$|\.webm$/i", $file)) {
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$linkUrl = str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode("$current_dir/$file"));
$path_parts = pathinfo($file);
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"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($current_dir . "/" . $file),
"size" => filesize($current_dir . "/" . $file),
"html" => '<li>
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"html" => '<div>
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<video onplaying="onPlay(this);return false;" controls="true" poster="'.$poster.'" width="'.$thumb_size.'" height="'.$thumb_size.'" data-desc="'.$imgComment.'">
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</a>' . $filename_caption . '
// Other filetypes
$extension = "";
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"date" => filemtime($current_dir . "/" . $file),
"size" => filesize($current_dir . "/" . $file),
"html" => '
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<em-pdf>' . padstring($file, 20) . '</em-pdf>
<img src="' . GALLERY_ROOT .'images/filetype_' . $extension . '.png" width="'.$thumb_size.'" height="'.$thumb_size.'" alt="'.$file.'" />
<img src="' . GALLERY_ROOT .'images/filetype_' . $extension . '.png" alt="'.$file.'" width="'.$thumb_size.'" height="'.$thumb_size.'"/>
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View File

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templates/NeoKT.html Normal file
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