lightbox restablished

This commit is contained in:
Tom Canac 2014-02-11 22:49:28 +01:00
parent 62faecc84d
commit 7880ce7faa
1 changed files with 2 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -236,14 +236,12 @@ if (file_exists($currentdir ."/captions.txt"))
"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"size" => filesize($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"html" => "<li><a href='" . $currentdir . "/" . $file . "' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img class=\"b-lazy\" src=\"\" data-src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?filename=" . $thumbdir . "/" . $file . "&amp;size=$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>");
} else {
"html" => "<li><a href='" . $currentdir . "/" . $file . "' rel='lightbox[billeder]' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img class=\"b-lazy\" src= data-src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?filename=" . $thumbdir . "/" . $file . "&amp;size=$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>"); } else {
$files[] = array (
"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"size" => filesize($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"html" => "<li><a href='" . $currentdir . "/" . $file . "' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?filename=" . $thumbdir . "/" . $file . "&amp;size=$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>");
"html" => "<li><a href='" . $currentdir . "/" . $file . "' rel='lightbox[billeder]' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?filename=" . $thumbdir . "/" . $file . "&amp;size=$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>"); }
// Other filetypes
$extension = "";