Merge pull request #56 from Aldarone/fix10

Fix #10 : Proper escaping for files and folder name
This commit is contained in:
Tom.C. 2014-11-11 09:36:16 +01:00
commit 9d31ffd7c8

View file

@ -178,26 +178,71 @@ $dirs = array();
// Set thumbnail to folder.jpg if found:
if (file_exists($currentdir. '/' . $file . '/folder.jpg'))
$linkParams = http_build_query(
array('dir' => ltrim("$requestedDir/$file", '/')),
$linkUrl = "?$linkParams";
$imgParams = http_build_query(
'filename' => "$currentdir/$file/folder.jpg",
'size' => $thumb_size
$imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?$imgParams";
$dirs[] = array(
"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file . "/folder.jpg"),
"html" => "<li><a href='?dir=" .ltrim($requestedDir . "/" . $file, "/") . "'><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?filename=$currentdir/" . $file . "/folder.jpg&amp;size=$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>");
} else
"html" => "<li><a href=\"{$linkUrl}\"><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src=\"{$imgUrl}\" alt=\"$label_loading\" /></a></li>"
} else {
// Set thumbnail to first image found (if any):
unset ($firstimage);
$firstimage = getfirstImage("$currentdir/" . $file);
if ($firstimage != "") {
$dirs[] = array(
"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"html" => "<li><a href='?dir=" . ltrim($requestedDir . "/" . $file, "/") . "'><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?filename=$thumbdir/" . $file . "/" . $firstimage . "&amp;size=$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>");
} else {
// If no folder.jpg or image is found, then display default icon:
$linkParams = http_build_query(
array('dir' => ltrim("$requestedDir/$file", '/')),
$linkUrl = "?$linkParams";
$imgParams = http_build_query(
'filename' => "$thumbdir/$file/$firstimage",
'size' => $thumb_size
$imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?$imgParams";
$dirs[] = array(
"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"html" => "<li><a href='?dir=" . ltrim($requestedDir . "/" . $file, "/") . "'><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "images/folder_" . strtolower($folder_color) . ".png' width='$thumb_size' height='$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>");
"html" => "<li><a href=\"{$linkUrl}\"><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src=\"{$imgUrl}\" alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>"
} else {
// If no folder.jpg or image is found, then display default icon:
$linkParams = http_build_query(
array('dir' => ltrim("$requestedDir/$file", '/')),
$linkUrl = "?$linkParams";
$imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . 'images/folder_' . strtolower($folder_color) . '.png';
$dirs[] = array(
"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"html" => "<li><a href=\"{$linkUrl}\"><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src=\"{$imgUrl}\" width='$thumb_size' height='$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>"
@ -258,17 +303,39 @@ if (file_exists($currentdir ."/captions.txt"))
if (is_file($currentdir.'/'.$file.'.html')) { $img_captions[$file] = $file.'::'.htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($currentdir.'/'.$file.'.html'),ENT_QUOTES); }
if ($lazyload) {
$linkUrl = urlencode("$currentdir/$file");
$imgParams = http_build_query(
'filename' => "$thumbdir/$file",
'size' => $thumb_size
$imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?$imgParams";
$files[] = array (
"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"size" => filesize($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"html" => "<li><a href='" . $currentdir . "/" . $file . "' rel='lightbox[billeder]' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img class=\"b-lazy\" src= data-src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?filename=" . $thumbdir . "/" . $file . "&amp;size=$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a>" . $filename_caption . "</li>");
"html" => "<li><a href={$linkUrl} rel='lightbox[billeder]' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img class=\"b-lazy\" src= data-src=\"$imgUrl\" alt='$label_loading' /></a>" . $filename_caption . "</li>");
} else {
$linkUrl = urlencode("$currentdir/$file");
$imgParams = http_build_query(
'filename' => "$thumbdir/$file",
'size' => $thumb_size
$imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?$imgParams";
$files[] = array (
"name" => $file,
"date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"size" => filesize($currentdir . "/" . $file),
"html" => "<li><a href='" . $currentdir . "/" . $file . "' rel='lightbox[billeder]' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?filename=" . $thumbdir . "/" . $file . "&amp;size=$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a>" . $filename_caption . "</li>"); }
"html" => "<li><a href=\"{$linkUrl}\" rel='lightbox[billeder]' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img src=\"{$imgUrl}\" alt='$label_loading' /></a>" . $filename_caption . "</li>"); }
// Other filetypes
$extension = "";