Minigal Nano SSE ================ MiniGal Nano is a very simple image gallery. It adheres to the KISS principle and is very easy to install. MiniGal Nano does not have a web admin interface: You just upload your images in the photo folder. It only requires php and GD (no database, no special libraries like PEAR or ImageMagick). Minigal Nano uses a javascript Lightbox (Use left/right arrows for navigation), but it degrades gracefully if javascript is disabled. This fork (Minigal Nano SSE) is based on [Thomas Rybak's]( version which seems to have been abandonned in 2010. It adds a handfull of features like tumbnails cache and image/folder description. Online demo: []( Installation ============ * Place all the files in a directory on your server. * Customize `config.php` * Create the "photos" subdirectory and upload your photos. Adding your photos ================== * Simply add your photos to the `photos` directory. * You can create as many subdirectories as you want. Adding a comment to a gallery ============================= * Simple create `comment.html` in the gallery's folder. Adding a comment to an image ============================ * Create an html file. Filename must be the image filename plus `.html`. (eg. `myimage.jpg` → `myimage.jpg.html`) * The html file can contain: * comment * title::comment Using a custom image for folders ================================ * Create `folder.jpg` inside a folder: This image will be used as default image for folder. Thumbnails ========= You do not have to care about thumbnails: They are automatically created in the `thumbs` directory. If some thumbnails are wrong, you can purge this directory: Thumbnails will be automatically re-created. -------------------------------------------------- MiniGal Nano SSE by Sébastien SAUVAGE is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike. --------------------------------------------------