"; // Breadcrumb parts separator //RSS SETTINGS $description = "MiniGal Nano"; $nb_items_rss = 25; // Number of elements to display in the feed. If you add a lot of pictures at the time, consider increasing this number $rss_refresh_interval = 60;// Time, in seconds, between two RSS refresh. for example, 3600 = 1update max per hour, 86400 = 1/day. $SkipExts = array('html', 'txt', 'php', "gitignore"); //Files with one of this extension will not be displayed on the RSS feed //ADVANCED SETTINGS $thumb_size = 320; //Thumbnail height/width (square thumbs). Changing this will most likely require manual altering of the template file to make it look properly! $label_max_length = 40; //Maximum chars of a folder name that will be displayed on the folder thumbnail $display_exif = 0; //Take care, even if not diplayed EXIF are still readable for visitors. May be a good idea to erase EXIF data... $display_filename = 0; //Show file names below the pictures ?>