<?php /* MINIGAL NANO - A PHP/HTML/CSS based image gallery script This script and included files are subject to licensing from Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/) You may use, edit and redistribute this script, as long as you pay tribute to the original author by NOT removing the linkback to www.minigal.dk ("Powered by MiniGal Nano x.x.x") MiniGal Nano is created by Thomas Rybak Copyright 2010 by Thomas Rybak Support: www.minigal.dk Community: www.minigal.dk/forum Please enjoy this free script! Upgraded to https://github.com/sebsauvage/MinigalNano by Sébastien SAUVAGE. */ error_reporting(-1); // Do not edit below this section unless you know what you are doing! header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); // We use UTF-8 for proper international characters handling. $version = "0.3.7"; ini_set("memory_limit", "256M"); require("config-default.php"); include("config.php"); //----------------------- // DEFINE VARIABLES //----------------------- $page_navigation = ""; $breadcrumb_navigation = ""; $thumbnails = ""; $new = ""; $images = ""; $exif_data = ""; $messages = ""; $comment = ""; //----------------------- // PHP ENVIRONMENT CHECK //----------------------- if (!function_exists('exif_read_data') && $display_exif == 1) { $display_exif = 0; $messages = "Error: PHP EXIF is not available. Set $display_exif = 0; in config.php to remove this message"; } //----------------------- // FUNCTIONS //----------------------- function padstring($name, $length) { global $label_max_length; if (!isset($length)) { $length = $label_max_length; } if (strlen($name) > $length) { return substr($name, 0, $length) . "..."; } return $name; } function getfirstImage($dirname) { $imageName = false; $extensions = array("jpg", "png", "jpeg", "gif"); if ($handle = opendir($dirname)) { while(false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file[0] == '.') { continue; } $pathinfo = pathinfo($file); if (empty($pathinfo['extension'])) { continue; } $ext = strtolower($pathinfo['extension']); if (in_array($ext, $extensions)) { $imageName = $file; break; } } closedir($handle); } return $imageName; } function parse_fraction($v, $round=0) { list($x, $y) = array_map('intval', explode('/', $v)); if (empty($x) || empty($y)) { return $v; } if ($x % $y == 0) { return $x/$y; } if ($y % $x == 0) { return "1/" . $y/$x; } return round($x/$y, $round); } function readEXIF($file) { $exif_arr = array(); $exif_data = exif_read_data($file); $exif_val = $exif_data['Model']; if (!empty($exif_val)) { $exif_arr[] = $exif_val; } $exif_val = $exif_data['FocalLength']; if (!empty($exif_val)) { $exif_arr[] = parse_fraction($exif_val) . "mm"; } $exif_val = $exif_data['ExposureTime']; if (!empty($exif_val)) { $exif_arr[] = parse_fraction($exif_val, 2) . "s"; } $exif_val = $exif_data['FNumber']; if (!empty($exif_val)) { $exif_arr[] = "f" . parse_fraction($exif_val); } $exif_val = $exif_data['ISOSpeedRatings']; if (!empty($exif_val)) { $exif_arr[] = "ISO " . $exif_val; } if (count($exif_arr) > 0) { return "::" . implode(" | ", $exif_arr); } } function checkpermissions($file) { global $messages; if (!is_readable($file)) { $messages = "At least one file or folder has wrong permissions. " . "Learn how to <a href='http://minigal.dk/faq-reader/items/" . "how-do-i-change-file-permissions-chmod.html' target='_blank'>" . "set file permissions</a>"; } } if (!defined("GALLERY_ROOT")) define("GALLERY_ROOT", ""); $requestedDir = ''; if (!empty($_GET['dir'])) $requestedDir = $_GET['dir']; $thumbdir = rtrim('photos/' . $requestedDir, '/'); //$thumbdir = str_replace('/..', '', $thumbdir); // Prevent directory traversal attacks. if (strstr($thumbdir, '..') !== false) { $requestedDir = ''; $thumbdir = rtrim('photos/', '/'); } $currentdir = GALLERY_ROOT . $thumbdir; //----------------------- // READ FILES AND FOLDERS //----------------------- $files = array(); $dirs = array(); if (is_dir($currentdir) && $handle = opendir($currentdir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) && !in_array($file, $SkipObjects)) { // 1. LOAD FOLDERS if (is_dir($currentdir . "/" . $file)) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { checkpermissions($currentdir . "/" . $file); // Check for correct file permission // Set thumbnail to folder.jpg if found: if (file_exists($currentdir. '/' . $file . '/folder.jpg')) { $linkParams = http_build_query( array('dir' => ltrim("$requestedDir/$file", '/')), '', '&' ); $linkUrl = "?$linkParams"; $imgParams = http_build_query( array( 'filename' => "$currentdir/$file/folder.jpg", 'size' => $thumb_size ), '', '&' ); $imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?$imgParams"; $dirs[] = array( "name" => $file, "date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file . "/folder.jpg"), "html" => "<li><a href=\"{$linkUrl}\"><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src=\"{$imgUrl}\" alt=\"$label_loading\" /></a></li>" ); } else { // Set thumbnail to first image found (if any): unset($firstimage); $firstimage = getfirstImage("$currentdir/" . $file); if ($firstimage != "") { $linkParams = http_build_query( array('dir' => ltrim("$requestedDir/$file", '/')), '', '&' ); $linkUrl = "?$linkParams"; $imgParams = http_build_query( array( 'filename' => "$thumbdir/$file/$firstimage", 'size' => $thumb_size ), '', '&' ); $imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?$imgParams"; $dirs[] = array( "name" => $file, "date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file), "html" => "<li><a href=\"{$linkUrl}\"><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src=\"{$imgUrl}\" alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>" ); } else { // If no folder.jpg or image is found, then display default icon: $linkParams = http_build_query( array('dir' => ltrim("$requestedDir/$file", '/')), '', '&' ); $linkUrl = "?$linkParams"; $imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . 'images/folder_' . strtolower($folder_color) . '.png'; $dirs[] = array( "name" => $file, "date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file), "html" => "<li><a href=\"{$linkUrl}\"><em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em><span></span><img src=\"{$imgUrl}\" width='$thumb_size' height='$thumb_size' alt='$label_loading' /></a></li>" ); } } } } // 2. LOAD CAPTIONS $img_captions[''] = ''; if (file_exists($currentdir ."/captions.txt")) { $file_handle = fopen($currentdir ."/captions.txt", "rb"); while (!feof($file_handle)) { $line_of_text = fgets($file_handle); if (empty($line_of_text)) continue; $parts = explode('/n', $line_of_text); foreach($parts as $img_capts) { list($img_filename, $img_caption) = explode('|', $img_capts); $img_captions[$img_filename] = $img_caption; } } fclose($file_handle); } // 3. LOAD FILES if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "folder.jpg") { if ($display_filename) $filename_caption = "<em>" . padstring($file, $label_max_length) . "</em>"; else $filename_caption = ""; // JPG, GIF and PNG if (preg_match("/.jpg$|.gif$|.png$/i", $file)) { //Read EXIF if (!array_key_exists($file, $img_captions)) { if ($display_exif == 1) { $exifReaden = readEXIF($currentdir . "/" . $file); //Add to the caption all the EXIF information $img_captions[$file] = $file.$exifReaden; } else { //If no EXIF, just use the filename as caption $img_captions[$file] = $file; } } // Read the optionnal image title and caption in html file (image.jpg --> image.jpg.html) // Format: title::caption // Example: My cat::My cat like to <i>roll</i> on the floor. // If file is not provided, image filename will be used instead. checkpermissions($currentdir . "/" . $file); if (is_file($currentdir.'/'.$file.'.html')) $img_captions[$file] = $file.'::'.htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($currentdir.'/'.$file.'.html'), ENT_QUOTES); $linkUrl = str_replace('%2F', '/', rawurlencode("$currentdir/$file")); $imgParams = http_build_query( array('filename' => "$thumbdir/$file", 'size' => $thumb_size), '', '&'); $imgUrl = GALLERY_ROOT . "createthumb.php?$imgParams"; if ($lazyload) $imgopts = "class=\"b-lazy\" src= data-src=\"$imgUrl\""; else $imgopts = "src=\"{$imgUrl}\""; $files[] = array( "name" => $file, "date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file), "size" => filesize($currentdir . "/" . $file), "html" => "<li><a href=\"{$linkUrl}\" rel='lightbox[billeder]' title=\"".htmlentities($img_captions[$file])."\"><img $imgopts alt='$label_loading' /></a>" . $filename_caption . "</li>"); } // Other filetypes $extension = ""; if (preg_match("/.pdf$/i", $file)) $extension = "PDF"; // PDF if (preg_match("/.zip$/i", $file)) $extension = "ZIP"; // ZIP archive if (preg_match("/.rar$|.r[0-9]{2,}/i", $file)) $extension = "RAR"; // RAR Archive if (preg_match("/.tar$/i", $file)) $extension = "TAR"; // TARball archive if (preg_match("/.gz$/i", $file)) $extension = "GZ"; // GZip archive if (preg_match("/.doc$|.docx$/i", $file)) $extension = "DOCX"; // Word if (preg_match("/.ppt$|.pptx$/i", $file)) $extension = "PPTX"; //Powerpoint if (preg_match("/.xls$|.xlsx$/i", $file)) $extension = "XLXS"; // Excel if (preg_match("/.ogv$|.mp4$|.mpg$|.mpeg$|.mov$|.avi$|.wmv$|.flv$|.webm$/i", $file)) $extension = "VIDEO"; // video files if (preg_match("/.aiff$|.aif$|.wma$|.aac$|.flac$|.mp3$|.ogg$|.m4a$/i", $file)) $extension = "AUDIO"; // audio files if ($extension != "") { $files[] = array( "name" => $file, "date" => filemtime($currentdir . "/" . $file), "size" => filesize($currentdir . "/" . $file), "html" => "<li><a href='$currentdir/$file' title='$file'><em-pdf>" . padstring($file, 20) . "</em-pdf><span></span><img src='" . GALLERY_ROOT . "images/filetype_" . $extension . ".png' width='$thumb_size' height='$thumb_size' alt='$file' /></a>$filename_caption</li>"); } } } closedir($handle); } else { die("ERROR: Could not open ".htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($currentdir))." for reading!"); } //----------------------- // SORT FILES AND FOLDERS //----------------------- if (sizeof($dirs) > 0) { foreach ($dirs as $key => $row) { if ($row["name"] == "") { unset($dirs[$key]); //Delete empty array entries continue; } $name[$key] = strtolower($row['name']); $date[$key] = strtolower($row['date']); } @array_multisort($$sorting_folders, $sortdir_folders, $name, $sortdir_folders, $dirs); } if (sizeof($files) > 0) { foreach ($files as $key => $row) { if ($row["name"] == "") { unset($files[$key]); //Delete empty array entries continue; } $name[$key] = strtolower($row['name']); $date[$key] = strtolower($row['date']); $size[$key] = strtolower($row['size']); } @array_multisort($$sorting_files, $sortdir_files, $name, SORT_ASC, $files); } //----------------------- // OFFSET DETERMINATION //----------------------- if (!isset($_GET["page"])) $_GET["page"] = 1; $offset_start = ($_GET["page"] * $thumbs_pr_page) - $thumbs_pr_page; $offset_end = $offset_start + $thumbs_pr_page; if ($offset_end > sizeof($dirs) + sizeof($files)) $offset_end = sizeof($dirs) + sizeof($files); if ($_GET["page"] == "all" || $lazyload) { $offset_start = 0; $offset_end = sizeof($dirs) + sizeof($files); } //----------------------- // PAGE NAVIGATION //----------------------- if (!$lazyload && sizeof($dirs) + sizeof($files) > $thumbs_pr_page) { $page_navigation .= "$label_page "; for ($i = 1; $i <= ceil((sizeof($files) + sizeof($dirs)) / $thumbs_pr_page); $i++) { if ($_GET["page"] == $i) $page_navigation .= "$i"; else $page_navigation .= "<a href='?dir=" . $requestedDir . "&page=" . ($i) . "'>" . $i . "</a>"; if ($i != ceil((sizeof($files) + sizeof($dirs)) / $thumbs_pr_page)) $page_navigation .= " | "; } //Insert link to view all images if ($_GET["page"] == "all") $page_navigation .= " | $label_all"; else $page_navigation .= " | <a href='?dir=" . $requestedDir . "&page=all'>$label_all</a>"; } //----------------------- // BREADCRUMB NAVIGATION //----------------------- if ($requestedDir != "") { $breadcrumb_navigation .= "<a href='?dir='>" . $label_home . "</a> $breadcrumb_separator "; $navitems = explode("/", $_REQUEST['dir']); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($navitems); $i++) { if ($i == sizeof($navitems)-1) { $breadcrumb_navigation .= $navitems[$i]; } else { $breadcrumb_navigation .= "<a href='?dir="; for ($x = 0; $x <= $i; $x++) { $breadcrumb_navigation .= $navitems[$x]; if ($x < $i) $breadcrumb_navigation .= "/"; } $breadcrumb_navigation .= "'>" . $navitems[$i] . "</a> $breadcrumb_separator "; } } } else { $breadcrumb_navigation .= $label_home; } //Include hidden links for all images BEFORE current page so lightbox is able to browse images on different pages for ($y = 0; $y < $offset_start - sizeof($dirs); $y++) { $breadcrumb_navigation .= "<a href='" . $currentdir . "/" . $files[$y]["name"] . "' class='hidden' title='" . $img_captions[$files[$y]["name"]] . "'></a>"; } //----------------------- // DISPLAY FOLDERS //----------------------- if (count($dirs) + count($files) == 0) { $thumbnails .= "<li>$label_noimages</li>"; //Display 'no images' text if ($currentdir == "photos") $messages = "It looks like you have just installed MiniGal Nano. Please run the <a href='system_check.php'>system check tool</a>"; } $offset_current = $offset_start; for ($x = $offset_start; $x < sizeof($dirs) && $x < $offset_end; $x++) { $offset_current++; $thumbnails .= $dirs[$x]["html"]; } //----------------------- // DISPLAY FILES //----------------------- for ($i = $offset_start - sizeof($dirs); $i < $offset_end && $offset_current < $offset_end; $i++) { if ($i >= 0) { $offset_current++; $thumbnails .= $files[$i]["html"]; } } //Include hidden links for all images AFTER current page so lightbox is able to browse images on different pages if ($i < 0) $i = 1; for ($y = $i; $y < sizeof($files); $y++) { $page_navigation .= "<a href='" . $currentdir . "/" . $files[$y]["name"] . "' class='hidden' title='" . $img_captions[$files[$y]["name"]] . "'></a>"; } //----------------------- // OUTPUT MESSAGES //----------------------- if ($messages != "") { $messages = "<div id=\"topbar\">" . $messages . " <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"document.getElementById('topbar').style.display = 'none';\";><img src=\"images/close.png\" /></a></div>"; } // Read folder comment. $comment_filepath = $currentdir . $file . "/comment.html"; if (file_exists($comment_filepath)) { $fd = fopen($comment_filepath, "r"); $comment = fread($fd, filesize($comment_filepath)); fclose($fd); } //PROCESS TEMPLATE FILE if (GALLERY_ROOT != "") $templatefile = GALLERY_ROOT . "templates/integrate.html"; else $templatefile = "templates/" . $templatefile . ".html"; if (!$fd = fopen($templatefile, "r")) { echo "Template ".htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($templatefile))." not found!"; exit(); } else { $template = fread($fd, filesize ($templatefile)); fclose($fd); $template = stripslashes($template); $template = preg_replace("/<% title %>/", $title, $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% messages %>/", $messages, $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% author %>/", $author, $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% gallery_root %>/", GALLERY_ROOT, $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% images %>/", "$images", $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% thumbnails %>/", "$thumbnails", $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% breadcrumb_navigation %>/", "$breadcrumb_navigation", $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% page_navigation %>/", "$page_navigation", $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% folder_comment %>/", "$comment", $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% bgcolor %>/", "$backgroundcolor", $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% gallery_width %>/", "$gallery_width", $template); $template = preg_replace("/<% version %>/", "$version", $template); echo "$template"; }