# Welcome to MyNoVi MyNovi | My Notes Viewer is simple markdown viewer made for my usage. ## Features - No configuration - Easy install - Auto ToC (Table of Content) - Browser lazy loading in image - KISS ### Limitations MyNovi only work with one level dir (for moment). --- ## Setup Clone this Mynovi using git `git clone https://forge.leslibres.org/Knah-Tsaeb/MyNoVi.git` Use composer to install external lib (Parsedown and Parsedown-toc) `cd MyNoVi` `composer install` --- ## Usage Put your markdown file in 'content' dir via FTP OR SSH. That's all. You can personalize the default page by creating file **content/index.md**. ### Advanced usage Use synchronisation tools like NextCloud. Sync 'content' dir with your desktop. Now just edit your local file and when you save file, after synchro your file is online. --- ## License This project is licensed under the terms of the **[AGPLv3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt)** license.