_Unofficial but related work on Shaarli. If you maintain one of these, please get in touch with us to help us find a way to adapt your work to our fork._
- [Liens en vrac de sebsauvage](http://sebsauvage.net/links/) - the original Shaarli[](.html)
- [A large list of Shaarlis](http://porneia.free.fr/pub/links/ou-est-shaarli.html)[](.html)
- [A list of working Shaarli aggregators](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Oros42/find_shaarlis/master/annuaires.json)[](.html)
- [A list of some known Shaarlis](https://github.com/Oros42/shaarlis_list)[](.html)
- [Adieu Delicious, Diigo et StumbleUpon. Salut Shaarli ! - sebsauvage.net](http://sebsauvage.net/rhaa/index.php?2011/09/16/09/29/58-adieu-delicious-diigo-et-stumbleupon-salut-shaarli-) (fr) _16/09/2011 - the original post about Shaarli_[](.html)
* [autosave](https://github.com/kalvn/shaarli-plugin-autosave) - periodically saves contents of the _Edit link/Save link_ dialog to your browser's LocalStorage to avoid data loss when typing a long entry.[](.html)
- [shaarchiver](https://github.com/nodiscc/shaarchiver) - Archive your Shaarli bookmarks and their content[](.html)
- [shaarli-river](https://github.com/mknexen/shaarli-river) - An aggregator for shaarlis with many features [](.html)
- [Shaarlo](https://github.com/DMeloni/shaarlo) - An aggregator for shaarlis with many features (a very popular running instance among french shaarliers: [shaarli.fr](http://shaarli.fr/))[](.html)
- [Shaarlimages](https://github.com/BoboTiG/shaarlimages) - An image-oriented aggregator for Shaarlis[](.html)
- [mknexen/shaarli-api](https://github.com/mknexen/shaarli-api) - A REST API for Shaarli[](.html)
- [Self dead link](https://github.com/qwertygc/shaarli-dev-code/blob/master/self-dead-link.php) - Detect dead links on shaarli. This version use the database of shaarli. An [another version](https://github.com/qwertygc/shaarli-dev-code/blob/master/dead-link.php), can be used for others shaarli (but use most ressources).[](.html)
- [Shaarli💫](http://app.mro.name/Shaarli💫) iOS share extension - see [#308](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues/308#issuecomment-184592070) for some promo codes,[](.html)
- [tt-rss-shaarli](https://github.com/jcsaaddupuy/tt-rss-shaarli) - [TinyTiny RSS](http://tt-rss.org/) plugin that adds support for sharing articles with Shaarli[](.html)
- [octopress-shaarli](https://github.com/ahmet2mir/octopress-shaarli) - Octopress plugin to retrieve Shaarli links on the sidebar[](.html)