- [Awesomeplete](https://leaverou.github.io/awesomplete/) ([GitHub](https://github.com/LeaVerou/awesomplete)) - autocompletion in input forms
- [bLazy](http://dinbror.dk/blazy/) ([GitHub](https://github.com/dinbror/blazy)) - lazy loading for thumbnails
- [qr.js](http://neocotic.com/qr.js/) ([GitHub](https://github.com/neocotic/qr.js)) - QR code generation
PHP (managed through [`composer.json`](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/blob/master/composer.json)):
- [RainTPL](https://github.com/rainphp/raintpl) - HTML templating for PHP
- [`shaarli/netscape-bookmark-parser`](https://packagist.org/packages/shaarli/netscape-bookmark-parser) - Import bookmarks from Netscape files
- [`erusev/parsedown`](https://packagist.org/packages/erusev/parsedown) - Parse MarkDown syntax for the MarkDown plugin
- [`slim/slim`](https://packagist.org/packages/slim/slim) - Handle routes and middleware for the REST API
- [`ArthurHoaro/web-thumbnailer`](https://github.com/ArthurHoaro/web-thumbnailer) - PHP library which will retrieve a thumbnail for any given URL
- [`pubsubhubbub/publisher`](https://github.com/pubsubhubbub/php-publisher) - A PubSubHubbub publisher module for PHP.
- [`gettext/gettext`](https://github.com/php-gettext/Gettext) - PHP library to collect and manipulate gettext (.po, .mo, .php, .json, etc)
## Security
- The password is salted, hashed and stored in the data subdirectory, in a PHP file, and protected by htaccess. Even if the webserver does not support htaccess, the hash is not readable by URL. Even if the .php file is stolen, the password cannot deduced from the hash. The salt prevents rainbow-tables attacks.
- Directories are protected using `.htaccess` files
- Forms are protected against [XSRF](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery):
- Forms which act on data (save,delete…) contain a token generated by the server.
- Any posted form which does not contain a valid token is rejected.
- Any token can only be used once.
- Tokens are attached to the session and cannot be reused in another session.
- Sessions automatically expire after 60 minutes.
- Sessions are protected against hijacking: the session ID cannot be used from a different IP address.
- Links are stored as an associative array which is serialized, compressed (with deflate), base64-encoded and saved as a comment in a `.php` file - even if the server does not support `.htaccess` files, the data file will still not be readable by URL.
- Bruteforce protection: Successful and failed login attempts are logged - IP bans are enforced after a configurable amount of failures. Logs can also be used consumed by [fail2ban](../Server-configuration.md#fail2ban)
- A pop-up notification is shown when a new release is available.
Small hashes are used to make a link to an entry in Shaarli. They are unique: the date of the item (eg. `20110923_150523`) is hashed with CRC32, then converted to base64 and some characters are replaced. They are always 6 characters longs and use only `A-Z a-z 0-9 - _` and `@`.
## Directory structure
Here is the directory structure of Shaarli and the purpose of the different files:
index.php # Main program
application/ # Shaarli classes
├── LinkDB.php
└── Utils.php
tests/ # Shaarli unitary & functional tests
├── LinkDBTest.php
├── utils # utilities to ease testing
│ └── ReferenceLinkDB.php
└── UtilsTest.php
├── common/ # Assets shared by multiple themes
├── ...
├── default/ # Assets for the default template, before compilation
├── fonts/ # Font files
├── img/ # Images used by the default theme
├── js/ # JavaScript files in ES6 syntax
├── scss/ # SASS files
└── vintage/ # Assets for the vintage template, before compilation
- a status icon represents the result for the `master` branch: [![Build Status](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/actions)
- Pull Requests are updated with the Github Actions build result.
Github Actions is also used to build and push [Docker](../Docker.md) images to <https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/pkgs/container/shaarli> for the `master` branch and on every git `tag`/[release](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases).
[Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/) is used to convert markdown documentation to HTML pages. The [public documentation](https://shaarli.readthedocs.io/en/master/) website is rendered and hosted by [readthedocs.org](https://readthedocs.org/). A copy of the documentation is also included in prebuilt [release archives](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases) (`doc/html/` path in your Shaarli installation). To generate the HTML documentation locally, run `make htmldoc`.
Static analysis tools are installed with Composer dependencies, and used through Shaarli's [Makefile](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/blob/master/Makefile) with `make code_sniffer`.
Shaarli uses the [PHPUnit](https://phpunit.de/) test framework; it can be installed with [Composer](../Installation.md#from-sources), which is a dependency management tool.
### Install composer
You can either use:
- a system-wide version, e.g. installed through your distro's package manager
- a local version, downloadable [here](https://getcomposer.org/download/).
# for Debian-based distros
sudo apt install composer
### Install Shaarli dev dependencies
After installing [required PHP extensions](../Server-configuration.md#php), install development dependencies:
$ cd /path/to/shaarli
$ make composer_dependencies_dev
### Install and enable Xdebug to generate PHPUnit coverage reports
[Xdebug](http://xdebug.org/docs/install) is a PHP extension which provides debugging and profiling capabilities. Install Xdebug:
# for Debian-based distros:
sudo apt install php-xdebug
# for ArchLinux:
pacman -S xdebug
# then add the following line to /etc/php/php.ini
### Run unit tests
Ensure tests pass successfully:
make test
# ...
# OK (36 tests, 65 assertions)
In case of failure the test suite will point you to actual errors and output a summary:
By default, PHPUnit will run all suitable tests found under the `tests` directory. Each test has 3 possible outcomes:
-`.` - success
-`F` - failure: the test was run but its results are invalid
- the code does not behave as expected
- dependencies to external elements: globals, session, cache...
-`E` - error: something went wrong and the tested code has crashed
- typos in the code, or in the test code
- dependencies to missing external elements
If Xdebug has been installed and activated, two coverage reports will be generated:
- a summary in the console
- a detailed HTML report with metrics for tested code
- to open it in a web browser: `firefox coverage/index.html &`
### Executing specific tests
Add a [`@group`](https://phpunit.de/manual/current/en/appendixes.annotations.html#appendixes.annotations.group) annotation in a test class or method comment:
* Netscape bookmark import
*@group WIP
class BookmarkImportTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
To run all tests annotated with `@group WIP`:
$ vendor/bin/phpunit --group WIP tests/
### Running tests inside Docker containers
Unit tests can be run inside [Docker](../Docker.md) containers.
Test Dockerfiles are located under `tests/docker/<distribution>/Dockerfile`, and can be used to build Docker images to run Shaarli test suites under commonLinux environments. Dockerfiles are provided for the following environments:
- [`alpine316`](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/blob/master/tests/docker/alpine36/Dockerfile) - [Alpine Linux 3.16](https://www.alpinelinux.org/downloads/)
- Tests that run inside the container using a standard Linux user account (running tests as `root` would bypass permission checks and may hide issues)
Build a test image:
# build the Debian 9 Docker image
cd /path/to/shaarli/tests/docker/debian9
docker build -t shaarli-test:debian9 .
Run unit tests in a container:
cd /path/to/shaarli
# install/update 3rd-party test dependencies
composer install --prefer-dist
# run tests using the freshly built image
docker run -v $PWD:/shaarli shaarli-test:debian9 docker_test
# run the full test campaign
docker run -v $PWD:/shaarli shaarli-test:debian9 docker_all_tests
## GnuPG Signature
[Gnu Privacy Guard](https://gnupg.org/) (GnuPG) is an Open Source implementation of the [Pretty Good Privacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy#OpenPGP) (OpenPGP) specification. Its main purposes are digital authentication, signature and encryption. It is often used by the [FLOSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software) community to verify:
- Linux package signatures: Debian [SecureApt](https://wiki.debian.org/SecureApt), ArchLinux [Master Keys](https://www.archlinux.org/master-keys/)
> You MUST understand that presence of data in the keyserver (pools) in no way connotes trust. Anyone can generate a key, with any name or email address, and upload it. All security and trust comes from evaluating security at the “object level”, via PGP [Web of trust](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_of_trust) signatures. This keyserver makes it possible to retrieve keys, looking them up via various indices, but the collection of keys in this public pool is KNOWN to contain malicious and fraudulent keys. It is the common expectation of server operators that users understand this and use software which, like all known common OpenPGP implementations, evaluates trust accordingly. This expectation is so common that it is not normally explicitly stated.
-- Phil Pennock (author of the [SKS](https://bitbucket.org/skskeyserver/sks-keyserver/wiki/Home) key server - http://sks.spodhuis.org/)
Trust can be gained by having your key signed by other people (and signing their key back, too :) ), for instance during [key signing parties](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_signing_party): [Keysigning party HOWTO](http://www.cryptnet.net/fdp/crypto/keysigning_party/en/keysigning_party.html),
### Generate a GPG key
- [Generating a GPG key for Git tagging](http://stackoverflow.com/a/16725717) (StackOverflow)
- [Generating a GPG key](https://help.github.com/articles/generating-a-gpg-key/) (GitHub)
$ gpg --gen-key
gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.6; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Note: Use "gpg2 --full-gen-key" for a full featured key generation dialog.
GnuPG needs to construct a user ID to identify your key.
Real name: Marvin the Paranoid Android
Email address: marvin@h2g2.net
You selected this USER-ID:
"Marvin the Paranoid Android <marvin@h2g2.net>"
Change (N)ame, (E)mail, or (O)kay/(Q)uit? o
We need to generate a lot of random bytes. It is a good idea to perform
some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
disks) during the prime generation; this gives the random number
generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.
At this point, you will:
- be prompted for a secure password to protect your key (the input method will depend on your Desktop Environment and configuration)
- be asked to use your machine's input devices (mouse, keyboard, etc.) to generate random entropy; this step _may take some time_
GnuPG will the confirm key creation:
gpg: key A9D53A3E marked as ultimately trusted
public and secret key created and signed.
gpg: checking the trustdb
gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
gpg: sending key A9D53A3E to hkp server pgp.mit.edu
## Release Shaarli
This guide assumes that you have:
- a GPG key matching your GitHub authentication credentials/email (the email address identified by the GPG key is the same as the one in your `~/.gitconfig`)
- a GitHub fork of Shaarli
- a local clone of your Shaarli fork, with the following remotes:
-`origin` pointing to your GitHub fork
-`upstream` pointing to the main Shaarli repository
- maintainer permissions on the main Shaarli repository, to:
- push the signed tag
- create a new release
- [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) needs to be installed
- The [venv](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html) Python 3 module needs to be installed for HTML documentation generation.
- Make sure you have GNU `tar` installed (not BSD `tar`). On macOS, you can install it with `brew install gnu-tar`.
### Release notes and `CHANGELOG.md`
GitHub allows drafting the release notes for the upcoming release, from the [Releases](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases) page. This way, the release note can be drafted while contributions are merged to `master`. See http://keepachangelog.com/en/0.3.0/ for changelog formatting.
`CHANGELOG.md` should contain the same information as the release note draft for the upcoming version. Update it to:
- add new entries (additions, fixes, etc.)
- mark the current version as released by setting its date and link
- add a new section for the future unreleased version
Create a Pull Request to marge changes from your remote, into `master` in the community Shaarli repository, and have it merged.
### Create the release branch and update shaarli_version.php
# fetch latest changes from master to your local copy
git checkout master
git pull upstream master
# If releasing a new minor version, create a release branch
$ git checkout -b v0.x
# Otherwise just use the existing one
$ git checkout v0.x
# Get the latest changes
$ git merge master
# Check that everything went fine:
$ make test
# Bump shaarli_version.php from dev to 0.x.0, **without the v**
$ vim shaarli_version.php
$ git add shaarli_version
$ git commit -s -m "Bump Shaarli version to v0.x.0"
$ git push upstream v0.x
### Create and push a signed tag
Git [tags](http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Distributed-Git-Maintaining-a-Project#Tagging-Your-Releases) are used to identify specific revisions with a unique version number that follows [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/)
# update your local copy
git checkout v0.5
git pull upstream v0.5
# create a signed tag
git tag -s -m "Release v0.5.0" v0.5.0
# push the tag to upstream
git push --tags upstream
Here is how to verify a signed tag. [`v0.5.0`](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases/tag/v0.5.0) is the first GPG-signed tag pushed on the Community Shaarli. Let's have a look at its signature!
# gpg: Signature made Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:46:34 CEST using RSA key ID 4100DF6F
# gpg: Good signature from "VirtualTam <virtualtam@flibidi.net>" [ultimate]
### Publish the GitHub release
- In the `master` banch, update version badges in `README.md` to point to the newly released Shaarli version
- Update the previously drafted [release](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases) (notes, tag) and publish it
- Profit!
### Generate full release zip archives
Release archives will contain Shaarli code plus all required third-party libraries. They are useful for users who:
- have no SSH access, no possibility to install PHP packages/server extensions, no possibility to run scripts (shared hosting)
- do not want to install build/dev dependencies on their server
`git checkout` the appropriate branch, then:
# checkout the appropriate branch
git checkout 0.x.y
# generate zip archives
make release_archive
This will create `shaarli-v0.x.y-full.tar`, `shaarli-v0.x.y-full.zip`. These archives need to be manually uploaded on the previously created GitHub [release](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases).
### Update the `release` branch
# checkout the 'release' branch
git checkout release
# merge changes from your newly published release branch
git merge v0.x.y
# fix eventual conflicts with git mergetool...
# run tests
make test
# push the latest branch
git push upstream release
## Plugin system
The plugin system lets you:
- insert content into specific places across templates.
- alter data before templates rendering.
- alter data before saving new links.
### How to create a plugin for Shaarli
First, chose a plugin name, such as `demo_plugin`.
Under `plugin` folder, create a folder named with your plugin name. Then create a <plugin_name>.meta file and a <plugin_name>.php file in that folder.
You should have the following tree view:
| index.php
| plugins/
|---| demo_plugin/
| |---| demo_plugin.meta
| |---| demo_plugin.php
### Plugin initialization
At the beginning of Shaarli execution, all enabled plugins are loaded. At this point, the plugin system looks for an `init()` function in the <plugin_name>.php to execute and run it if it exists. This function must be named this way, and takes the `ConfigManager` as parameter.
This function can be used to create initial data, load default settings, etc. But also to set *plugin errors*. If the initialization function returns an array of strings, they will be understand as errors, and displayed in the header to logged in users.
The plugin system also looks for a `description` variable in the <plugin_name>.meta file, to be displayed in the plugin administration page.
description="The plugin does this and that."
### Understanding hooks
A plugin is a set of functions. Each function will be triggered by the plugin system at certain point in Shaarli execution.
These functions need to be named with this pattern:
hook_<plugin_name>_<hook_name>($data, $conf)
- data: see [$data section](#plugins-data)
- conf: the `ConfigManager` instance.
For example, if my plugin want to add data to the header, this function is needed:
If this function is declared, and the plugin enabled, it will be called every time Shaarli is rendering the header.
### Plugin's data
#### Parameters
Every hook function has a `$data` parameter. Its content differs for each hooks.
**This parameter needs to be returned every time**, otherwise data is lost.
return $data;
#### Special data
Special additional data are passed to every hook through the
`$data` parameter to give you access to additional context, and services.
Complete list:
*`_PAGE_` (string): if the current hook is used to render a template, its name is passed through this additional parameter.
*`_LOGGEDIN_` (bool): whether the user is logged in or not.
*`_BASE_PATH_` (string): if Shaarli instance is hosted under a subfolder, contains the subfolder path to `index.php` (e.g. `https://domain.tld/shaarli/` -> `/shaarli/`).
*`_BOOKMARK_SERVICE_` (`BookmarkServiceInterface`): bookmark service instance, for advanced usage.
if ($data['_PAGE_'] === TemplatePage::LINKLIST && $data['LOGGEDIN'] === true) {
// Do something for logged in users when the link list is rendered
#### Filling templates placeholder
Template placeholders are displayed in template in specific places.
RainTPL displays every element contained in the placeholder's array. These element can be added by plugins.
For example, let's add a value in the placeholder `top_placeholder` which is displayed at the top of my page:
If it needs to be included in front end side (e.g. an image),
the relative path must be prefixed with special data:
* if it's a link that will need to be processed by Shaarli, use `_BASE_PATH_`:
for e.g. `$data['_BASE_PATH_'] . '/admin/tools`.
* if you want to include an asset, you need to add the root URL (base path without `/index.php`, for people using Shaarli without URL rewriting), then use `_ROOT_PATH_`:
Note that special placeholders for CSS and JS files (respectively `css_files` and `js_files`) are already prefixed
with the root path in template files.
### It's not working!
Use `demo_plugin` as a functional example. It covers most of the plugin system features.
If it's still not working, please [open an issue](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues/new).
### Hooks
| Hooks | Description |
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| [render_header](#render-header) | Allow plugin to add content in page headers. |
| [render_includes](#render-includes) | Allow plugin to include their own CSS files. |
| [render_footer](#render_footer) | Allow plugin to add content in page footer and include their own JS files. |
| [render_linklist](#render-linklist) | It allows to add content at the begining and end of the page, after every link displayed and to alter link data. |
| [render_editlink](#render-editlink) | Allow to add fields in the form, or display elements. |
| [render_tools](#render-tools) | Allow to add content at the end of the page. |
| [render_picwall](#render-picwall) | Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page. |
| [render_tagcloud](#render-tagcloud) | Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page, and after all tags. |
| [render_taglist](#render-taglist) | Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page, and after all tags. |
| [render_daily](#render-daily) | Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page, the bottom of each link and to alter data. |
| [render_feed](#render-feed) | Allow to do add tags in RSS and ATOM feeds. |
| [save_link](#save-link) | Allow to alter the link being saved in the datastore. |
| [delete_link](#delete-link) | Allow to do an action before a link is deleted from the datastore. |
| [save_plugin_parameters](#save-plugin-parameters) | Allow to manipulate plugin parameters before they're saved. |
- **`$data`** is an array containing [Special data](#special-data)
- Template placeholders: items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in `$data['<placeholder>']` array. List of placeholders:
-`text`: called after the end of the footer text.
-`endofpage`: called at the end of the page.
-`js_files`: called at the end of the page, to include custom JS scripts. Note: only add the path of the JS file. E.g: `plugins/demo_plugin/custom_demo.js`.
Triggered when `linklist` is displayed (list of links, permalink, search, tag filtered, etc.) - allows to add content at the begining and end of the page, after every link displayed and to alter link data.
Triggered when the ATOM or RSS feed is displayed - allows to add tags in the feed, either in the header or for each items. Items (links) can also be altered before being rendered.
Triggered when the plugin parameters are saved from the plugin administration page. Plugins can perform an action every times their settings are updated. For example it is used to update the CSS file of the `default_colors` plugins.
- the `$_POST` array, so if the plugin has a parameter called `MYPLUGIN_PARAMETER`, the array will contain an entry with `MYPLUGIN_PARAMETER` as a key.
Triggered for *every* bookmark when Shaarli's BookmarkService method `search()` is used. Any custom filter can be added to filter out bookmarks from search results.
# the file should be owned by Apache, thus not writeable => sudo
$ sudo sed -i s=tpl=tpl/albinomouse-template=g shaarli/data/config.php
## Translations
Shaarli supports [gettext](https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/manual/gettext.html) translations since `>= v0.9.2`.
Note that only the `default` theme supports translations.
We encourage the community to contribute to Shaarli translations, either by improving existing translations or submitting a new language.
Contributing to the translation does not require software development knowledge.
Please submit a pull request with the `.po` file updated/created. Note that the compiled file (`.mo`) is not stored on the repository, and is generated during the release process.
Install [Poedit](https://poedit.net/) (used to extract strings to translate from the PHP source code, and generate `.po` files).
Due to the usage of a template engine, it's important to generate PHP cache files to extract every translatable string. You can either use [this script](https://gist.github.com/ArthurHoaro/5d0323f758ab2401ef444a53f54e9a07) (recommended) or visit every template page in your browser to generate cache files, while logged in. Here is a list :
### Improve existing translations
- In Poedit, click on "Edit a Translation
- Open `inc/languages/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/shaarli.po` under Shaarli's directory
- The existing list of translatable strings should load
- Click on the "Update" button.
- Start editing translations.
Save when you're done, then you can submit a pull request containing the updated `shaarli.po`.
### Add a new language
- In Poedit select "Create New Translation"
- Open `inc/languages/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/shaarli.po` under Shaarli's directory
- Select the language you want to create.
- Click on `File > Save as...`, save your file in `<shaarli directory>/inc/language/<new language>/LC_MESSAGES/shaarli.po` (`<newlanguage>` here should be the language code respecting the [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2) format in lowercase - e.g. `de` for German)
- Click on the "Update" button
- Start editing translations.
Save when you're done, then you can submit a pull request containing the new `shaarli.po`.
### Theme translations
[Theme](#theming) translation extensions are loaded automatically if they're present.
As a theme developer, all you have to do is to add the `.po` and `.mo` compiled file like this:
> Note that the page needs to be reloaded after the registration.
It is then recommended to create a custom translation function which will call the `t()` function with your domain.
For example :
function my_theme_t($text, $nText = '', $nb = 1)
return t($text, $nText, $nb, 'my_theme'); // the last parameter is your translation domain.
All strings which can be translated should be processed through your function:
my_theme_t('Comment', 'Comments', 2);
Or in templates:
{function="my_theme_t('Comment', 'Comments', 2)"}
> Note than in template, you need to visit your page at least once to generate a cache file.
When you're done, open Poedit and load translation strings from sources:
1.`File > New`
2. Choose your language
3. Save your `PO` file in `<your_module>/languages/<language code>/LC_MESSAGES/my_theme.po`.
4. Go to `Catalog > Properties...`
5. Fill the `Translation Properties` tab
6. Add your source path in the `Sources Paths` tab
7. In the `Sources Keywords` tab uncheck "Also use default keywords" and add the following lines:
Click on the "Update" button and you're free to start your translations!
## Versioning
If you're maintaining a 3rd party tool for Shaarli (theme, plugin, etc.), It's important to understand how Shaarli branches work ensure your tool stays compatible.
### `master` branch
The `master` branch is the development branch. Any new change MUST go through this branch using Pull Requests.
- This branch shouldn't be used for production as it isn't necessary stable.
- 3rd party aren't required to be compatible with the latest changes.
- Official plugins, themes and libraries (contained within Shaarli organization repos) must be compatible with the master branch.
### `v0.x` branch
The `v0.x` branch points to the latest `v0.x.y` release.
If a major bug affects the original `v0.x.0` release, we may [backport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backporting) a fix for this bug from master, to the `v0.x` branch, and create a new bugfix release (eg. `v0.x.1`) from this branch.
This allows users of the original release to upgrade to the fixed version, without having to upgrade to a completely new minor/major release.
## `release` branch
This branch point the latest release. It recommended to use it to get the latest tested changes.
### Releases
For every release, we manually generate a .zip file which contains all Shaarli dependencies, making Shaarli's installation only one step.
### Advices on 3rd party git repos workflow
Any time a new Shaarli release is published, you should publish a new release of your repo if the changes affected you since the latest release (take a look at the [changelog](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases) (*Draft* means not released yet) and the commit log (like [`tpl` folder](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/commits/master/tpl/default) for themes)). You can either:
- use the Shaarli version number, with your repo version. For example, if Shaarli `v0.8.3` is released, publish a `v0.8.3-1` release, where `v0.8.3` states Shaarli compatibility and `-1` is your own version digit for the current Shaarli version.
- use your own versioning scheme, and state Shaarli compatibility in the release description.
Using this, any user will be able to pick the release matching his own Shaarli version.
### Major bugfix backport releases
To be able to support backported fixes, it recommended to use our workflow:
# In master, fix the major bug
git commit -m "Katastrophe"
git push origin master
# Get your commit hash
git log --format="%H" -n 1
# Create a new branch from your latest release, let's say v0.8.2-1 (the tag name)
git checkout -b katastrophe v0.8.2-1
# Backport the fix commit to your brand new branch
git cherry-pick <fixcommithash>
git push origin katastrophe
# Then you just have to make a new release from the `katastrophe` branch tagged `v0.8.3-1`