cleanup: remove json_encode() (built-in since PHP 5.2)
See Legacy since php 5.2.x . If php5.3 is required for the install script
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 1 additions and 186 deletions
@ -2299,192 +2299,7 @@ function install()
// Generates the timezone selection form and javascript.
// Input: (optional) current timezone (can be 'UTC/UTC'). It will be pre-selected.
// Output: array(html,js)
// Example: list($htmlform,$js) = templateTZform('Europe/Paris'); // Europe/Paris pre-selected.
// Returns array('','') if server does not support timezones list. (eg. php 5.1 on
function templateTZform($ptz=false)
if (function_exists('timezone_identifiers_list')) // because of old php version (5.1) which can be found on
// Try to split the provided timezone.
if ($ptz==false) { $l=timezone_identifiers_list(); $ptz=$l[0]; }
$spos=strpos($ptz,'/'); $pcontinent=substr($ptz,0,$spos); $pcity=substr($ptz,$spos+1);
// Display config form:
$timezone_form = '';
$timezone_js = '';
// The list is in the forme "Europe/Paris", "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"...
// We split the list in continents/cities.
$continents = array();
$cities = array();
foreach(timezone_identifiers_list() as $tz)
if ($tz=='UTC') $tz='UTC/UTC';
$spos = strpos($tz,'/');
if ($spos!==false)
$continent=substr($tz,0,$spos); $city=substr($tz,$spos+1);
if (!isset($cities[$continent])) $cities[$continent]='';
$cities[$continent].='<option value="'.$city.'"'.($pcity==$city?'selected':'').'>'.$city.'</option>';
$continents_html = '';
$continents = array_keys($continents);
foreach($continents as $continent)
$continents_html.='<option value="'.$continent.'"'.($pcontinent==$continent?'selected':'').'>'.$continent.'</option>';
$cities_html = $cities[$pcontinent];
$timezone_form = "Continent: <select name=\"continent\" id=\"continent\" onChange=\"onChangecontinent();\">${continents_html}</select>";
$timezone_form .= " City: <select name=\"city\" id=\"city\">${cities[$pcontinent]}</select><br />";
$timezone_js = "<script>";
$timezone_js .= "function onChangecontinent(){document.getElementById(\"city\").innerHTML = citiescontinent[document.getElementById(\"continent\").value];}";
$timezone_js .= "var citiescontinent = ".json_encode($cities).";" ;
$timezone_js .= "</script>" ;
return array($timezone_form,$timezone_js);
return array('','');
// Tells if a timezone is valid or not.
// If not valid, returns false.
// If system does not support timezone list, returns false.
function isTZvalid($continent,$city)
$tz = $continent.'/'.$city;
if (function_exists('timezone_identifiers_list')) // because of old php version (5.1) which can be found on
if (in_array($tz, timezone_identifiers_list())) // it's a valid timezone ?
return true;
return false;
if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
function json_encode($data) {
switch ($type = gettype($data)) {
case 'NULL':
return 'null';
case 'boolean':
return ($data ? 'true' : 'false');
case 'integer':
case 'double':
case 'float':
return $data;
case 'string':
return '"' . addslashes($data) . '"';
case 'object':
$data = get_object_vars($data);
case 'array':
$output_index_count = 0;
$output_indexed = array();
$output_associative = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$output_indexed[] = json_encode($value);
$output_associative[] = json_encode($key) . ':' . json_encode($value);
if ($output_index_count !== NULL && $output_index_count++ !== $key) {
$output_index_count = NULL;
if ($output_index_count !== NULL) {
return '[' . implode(',', $output_indexed) . ']';
} else {
return '{' . implode(',', $output_associative) . '}';
return ''; // Not supported
// Webservices (for use with jQuery/jQueryUI)
// eg. index.php?ws=tags&term=minecr
function processWS()
if (empty($_GET['ws']) || empty($_GET['term'])) return;
$term = $_GET['term'];
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']); // Read links from database (and filter private links if used it not logged in).
header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
// Search in tags (case insentitive, cumulative search)
if ($_GET['ws']=='tags')
$tags=explode(' ',str_replace(',',' ',$term)); $last = array_pop($tags); // Get the last term ("a b c d" ==> "a b c", "d")
$addtags=''; if ($tags) $addtags=implode(' ',$tags).' '; // We will pre-pend previous tags
/* To speed up things, we store list of tags in session */
if (empty($_SESSION['tags'])) $_SESSION['tags'] = $LINKSDB->allTags();
foreach($_SESSION['tags'] as $key=>$value)
if (startsWith($key,$last,$case=false) && !in_array($key,$tags)) $suggested[$addtags.$key.' ']=0;
echo json_encode(array_keys($suggested));
// Search a single tag (case sentitive, single tag search)
if ($_GET['ws']=='singletag')
/* To speed up things, we store list of tags in session */
if (empty($_SESSION['tags'])) $_SESSION['tags'] = $LINKSDB->allTags();
foreach($_SESSION['tags'] as $key=>$value)
if (startsWith($key,$term,$case=true)) $suggested[$key]=0;
echo json_encode(array_keys($suggested));
function getAllTheme(){
$allTheme = glob('tpl/*', GLOB_ONLYDIR);
foreach ($allTheme as $value) {
$themes[] = str_replace('tpl/', '', $value);
return $themes;
// Re-write configuration file according to globals.
// Requires some $GLOBALS to be set (login,hash,salt,title).
// If the config file cannot be saved, an error message is dislayed and the user is redirected to "Tools" menu.
// (otherwise, the function simply returns.)
function writeConfig()
if (is_file($GLOBALS['config']['CONFIG_FILE']) && !isLoggedIn()) die('You are not authorized to alter config.'); // Only logged in user can alter config.
$config = "<?php\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'login\']='.var_export($GLOBALS['login'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'hash\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['hash'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'salt\']='.var_export($GLOBALS['salt'],true).';'."\n";
$config .='$GLOBALS[\'timezone\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['timezone'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= 'date_default_timezone_set('.var_export($GLOBALS['timezone'],true).');'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'title\']='.var_export($GLOBALS['title'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'titleLink\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['titleLink'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'redirector\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['redirector'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'disablesessionprotection\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['disablesessionprotection'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'disablejquery\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['disablejquery'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'privateLinkByDefault\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['privateLinkByDefault'],true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'ENABLE_RSS_PERMALINKS\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['ENABLE_RSS_PERMALINKS'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'ENABLE_UPDATECHECK\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['ENABLE_UPDATECHECK'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'ENABLE_MARKDOWN\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['ENABLE_MARKDOWN'], true).';'."\n";;
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'BAN_AFTER\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['BAN_AFTER'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'BAN_DURATION\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['BAN_DURATION'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'THEME\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['THEME'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'LINKS_PER_PAGE\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['LINKS_PER_PAGE'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'HIDE_TIMESTAMPS\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['HIDE_TIMESTAMPS'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'ENABLE_THUMBNAILS\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['ENABLE_THUMBNAILS'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'ENABLE_FAVICON\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['ENABLE_FAVICON'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'ENABLE_LOCALCACHE\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['ENABLE_LOCALCACHE'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'externalThumbshot\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['externalThumbshot'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'contactLink\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['contactLink'], true).';'."\n";
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'config\'][\'DATE_FORMAT\'] = '.var_export($GLOBALS['config']['DATE_FORMAT'], true).';'."\n";
if (!file_put_contents($GLOBALS['config']['CONFIG_FILE'],$config) || strcmp(file_get_contents($GLOBALS['config']['CONFIG_FILE']),$config)!=0)
echo '<script>alert("Shaarli could not create the config file. Please make sure Shaarli has the right to write in the folder is it installed in.");document.location=\'?\';</script>';
/* Because some f*cking services like Flickr require an extra HTTP request to get the thumbnail URL,
/* Because some f*cking services like flickr require an extra HTTP request to get the thumbnail URL,
I have deported the thumbnail URL code generation here, otherwise this would slow down page generation.
The following function takes the URL a link (eg. a flickr page) and return the proper thumbnail.
This function is called by passing the url:
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