Feature: add weekly and monthly view/RSS feed for daily page

- Heavy refactoring of DailyController
  - Add a banner like in tag cloud to display monthly and weekly links
  - Translations: t() now supports variables with optional first letter

This commit is contained in:
ArthurHoaro 2020-10-16 11:50:53 +02:00
parent c2cd15dac2
commit 36e6d88dbf
11 changed files with 1186 additions and 314 deletions

View file

@ -326,6 +326,23 @@ function format_date($date, $time = true, $intl = true)
return $formatter->format($date);
* Format the date month according to the locale.
* @param DateTimeInterface $date to format.
* @return bool|string Formatted date, or false if the input is invalid.
function format_month(DateTimeInterface $date)
if (! $date instanceof DateTimeInterface) {
return false;
return strftime('%B', $date->getTimestamp());
* Check if the input is an integer, no matter its real type.
@ -454,16 +471,20 @@ function alphabetical_sort(&$data, $reverse = false, $byKeys = false)
* Wrapper function for translation which match the API
* of gettext()/_() and ngettext().
* @param string $text Text to translate.
* @param string $nText The plural message ID.
* @param int $nb The number of items for plural forms.
* @param string $domain The domain where the translation is stored (default: shaarli).
* @param string $text Text to translate.
* @param string $nText The plural message ID.
* @param int $nb The number of items for plural forms.
* @param string $domain The domain where the translation is stored (default: shaarli).
* @param array $variables Associative array of variables to replace in translated text.
* @param bool $fixCase Apply `ucfirst` on the translated string, might be useful for strings with variables.
* @return string Text translated.
function t($text, $nText = '', $nb = 1, $domain = 'shaarli')
function t($text, $nText = '', $nb = 1, $domain = 'shaarli', $variables = [], $fixCase = false)
return dn__($domain, $text, $nText, $nb);
$postFunction = $fixCase ? 'ucfirst' : function ($input) { return $input; };
return $postFunction(dn__($domain, $text, $nText, $nb, $variables));

View file

@ -343,26 +343,42 @@ class BookmarkFileService implements BookmarkServiceInterface
* @inheritDoc
public function days(): array
$bookmarkDays = [];
foreach ($this->search() as $bookmark) {
$bookmarkDays[$bookmark->getCreated()->format('Ymd')] = 0;
$bookmarkDays = array_keys($bookmarkDays);
public function findByDate(
\DateTimeInterface $from,
\DateTimeInterface $to,
?\DateTimeInterface &$previous,
?\DateTimeInterface &$next
): array {
$out = [];
$previous = null;
$next = null;
return array_map('strval', $bookmarkDays);
foreach ($this->search([], null, false, false, true) as $bookmark) {
if ($to < $bookmark->getCreated()) {
$next = $bookmark->getCreated();
} else if ($from < $bookmark->getCreated() && $to > $bookmark->getCreated()) {
$out[] = $bookmark;
} else {
if ($previous !== null) {
$previous = $bookmark->getCreated();
return $out;
* @inheritDoc
public function filterDay(string $request)
public function getLatest(): ?Bookmark
$visibility = $this->isLoggedIn ? BookmarkFilter::$ALL : BookmarkFilter::$PUBLIC;
foreach ($this->search([], null, false, false, true) as $bookmark) {
return $bookmark;
return $this->bookmarkFilter->filter(BookmarkFilter::$FILTER_DAY, $request, false, $visibility);
return null;

View file

@ -156,22 +156,29 @@ interface BookmarkServiceInterface
public function bookmarksCountPerTag(array $filteringTags = [], ?string $visibility = null): array;
* Returns the list of days containing articles (oldest first)
* Return a list of bookmark matching provided period of time.
* It also update directly previous and next date outside of given period found in the datastore.
* @return array containing days (in format YYYYMMDD).
* @param \DateTimeInterface $from Starting date.
* @param \DateTimeInterface $to Ending date.
* @param \DateTimeInterface|null $previous (by reference) updated with first created date found before $from.
* @param \DateTimeInterface|null $next (by reference) updated with first created date found after $to.
* @return array List of bookmarks matching provided period of time.
public function days(): array;
public function findByDate(
\DateTimeInterface $from,
\DateTimeInterface $to,
?\DateTimeInterface &$previous,
?\DateTimeInterface &$next
): array;
* Returns the list of articles for a given day.
* Returns the latest bookmark by creation date.
* @param string $request day to filter. Format: YYYYMMDD.
* @return Bookmark[] list of shaare found.
* @throws BookmarkNotFoundException
* @return Bookmark|null Found Bookmark or null if the datastore is empty.
public function filterDay(string $request);
public function getLatest(): ?Bookmark;
* Creates the default database after a fresh install.

View file

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Visitor;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
use Shaarli\Helper\DailyPageHelper;
use Shaarli\Render\TemplatePage;
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
@ -26,32 +26,20 @@ class DailyController extends ShaarliVisitorController
public function index(Request $request, Response $response): Response
$day = $request->getQueryParam('day') ?? date('Ymd');
$type = DailyPageHelper::extractRequestedType($request);
$format = DailyPageHelper::getFormatByType($type);
$latestBookmark = $this->container->bookmarkService->getLatest();
$dateTime = DailyPageHelper::extractRequestedDateTime($type, $request->getQueryParam($type), $latestBookmark);
$start = DailyPageHelper::getStartDateTimeByType($type, $dateTime);
$end = DailyPageHelper::getEndDateTimeByType($type, $dateTime);
$dailyDesc = DailyPageHelper::getDescriptionByType($type, $dateTime);
$availableDates = $this->container->bookmarkService->days();
$nbAvailableDates = count($availableDates);
$index = array_search($day, $availableDates);
if ($index === false) {
// no bookmarks for day, but at least one day with bookmarks
$day = $availableDates[$nbAvailableDates - 1] ?? $day;
$previousDay = $availableDates[$nbAvailableDates - 2] ?? '';
} else {
$previousDay = $availableDates[$index - 1] ?? '';
$nextDay = $availableDates[$index + 1] ?? '';
if ($day === date('Ymd')) {
$this->assignView('dayDesc', t('Today'));
} elseif ($day === date('Ymd', strtotime('-1 days'))) {
$this->assignView('dayDesc', t('Yesterday'));
try {
$linksToDisplay = $this->container->bookmarkService->filterDay($day);
} catch (\Exception $exc) {
$linksToDisplay = [];
$linksToDisplay = $this->container->bookmarkService->findByDate(
$formatter = $this->container->formatterFactory->getFormatter();
$formatter->addContextData('base_path', $this->container->basePath);
@ -63,13 +51,15 @@ class DailyController extends ShaarliVisitorController
$linksToDisplay[$key]['description'] = $bookmark->getDescription();
$dayDate = DateTime::createFromFormat(Bookmark::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, $day.'_000000');
$data = [
'linksToDisplay' => $linksToDisplay,
'day' => $dayDate->getTimestamp(),
'dayDate' => $dayDate,
'previousday' => $previousDay ?? '',
'nextday' => $nextDay ?? '',
'dayDate' => $start,
'day' => $start->getTimestamp(),
'previousday' => $previousDay ? $previousDay->format($format) : '',
'nextday' => $nextDay ? $nextDay->format($format) : '',
'dayDesc' => $dailyDesc,
'type' => $type,
'localizedType' => $this->translateType($type),
// Hooks are called before column construction so that plugins don't have to deal with columns.
@ -82,7 +72,7 @@ class DailyController extends ShaarliVisitorController
$mainTitle = $this->container->conf->get('general.title', 'Shaarli');
t('Daily') .' - '. format_date($dayDate, false) . ' - ' . $mainTitle
$data['localizedType'] . ' - ' . $data['dayDesc'] . ' - ' . $mainTitle
return $response->write($this->render(TemplatePage::DAILY));
@ -106,11 +96,14 @@ class DailyController extends ShaarliVisitorController
$days = [];
$type = DailyPageHelper::extractRequestedType($request);
$format = DailyPageHelper::getFormatByType($type);
$length = DailyPageHelper::getRssLengthByType($type);
foreach ($this->container->bookmarkService->search() as $bookmark) {
$day = $bookmark->getCreated()->format('Ymd');
$day = $bookmark->getCreated()->format($format);
// Stop iterating after DAILY_RSS_NB_DAYS entries
if (count($days) === static::$DAILY_RSS_NB_DAYS && !isset($days[$day])) {
if (count($days) === $length && !isset($days[$day])) {
@ -127,12 +120,19 @@ class DailyController extends ShaarliVisitorController
/** @var Bookmark[] $bookmarks */
foreach ($days as $day => $bookmarks) {
$dayDatetime = DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat(Bookmark::LINK_DATE_FORMAT, $day.'_000000');
$dayDateTime = DailyPageHelper::extractRequestedDateTime($type, (string) $day);
$endDateTime = DailyPageHelper::getEndDateTimeByType($type, $dayDateTime);
// We only want the RSS entry to be published when the period is over.
if (new DateTime() < $endDateTime) {
$dataPerDay[$day] = [
'date' => $dayDatetime,
'date_rss' => $dayDatetime->format(DateTime::RSS),
'date_human' => format_date($dayDatetime, false, true),
'absolute_url' => $indexUrl . 'daily?day=' . $day,
'date' => $endDateTime,
'date_rss' => $endDateTime->format(DateTime::RSS),
'date_human' => DailyPageHelper::getDescriptionByType($type, $dayDateTime),
'absolute_url' => $indexUrl . 'daily?'. $type .'=' . $day,
'links' => [],
@ -141,16 +141,20 @@ class DailyController extends ShaarliVisitorController
// Make permalink URL absolute
if ($bookmark->isNote()) {
$dataPerDay[$day]['links'][$key]['url'] = $indexUrl . $bookmark->getUrl();
$dataPerDay[$day]['links'][$key]['url'] = rtrim($indexUrl, '/') . $bookmark->getUrl();
$this->assignView('title', $this->container->conf->get('general.title', 'Shaarli'));
$this->assignView('index_url', $indexUrl);
$this->assignView('page_url', $pageUrl);
$this->assignView('hide_timestamps', $this->container->conf->get('privacy.hide_timestamps', false));
$this->assignView('days', $dataPerDay);
'title' => $this->container->conf->get('general.title', 'Shaarli'),
'index_url' => $indexUrl,
'page_url' => $pageUrl,
'hide_timestamps' => $this->container->conf->get('privacy.hide_timestamps', false),
'days' => $dataPerDay,
'type' => $type,
'localizedType' => $this->translateType($type),
$rssContent = $this->render(TemplatePage::DAILY_RSS);
@ -189,4 +193,13 @@ class DailyController extends ShaarliVisitorController
return $columns;
protected function translateType($type): string
return [
t('day') => t('Daily'),
t('week') => t('Weekly'),
t('month') => t('Monthly'),
][t($type)] ?? t('Daily');

View file

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
namespace Shaarli\Helper;
use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
use Slim\Http\Request;
class DailyPageHelper
public const MONTH = 'month';
public const WEEK = 'week';
public const DAY = 'day';
* Extracts the type of the daily to display from the HTTP request parameters
* @param Request $request HTTP request
* @return string month/week/day
public static function extractRequestedType(Request $request): string
if ($request->getQueryParam(static::MONTH) !== null) {
return static::MONTH;
} elseif ($request->getQueryParam(static::WEEK) !== null) {
return static::WEEK;
return static::DAY;
* Extracts a DateTimeImmutable from provided HTTP request.
* If no parameter is provided, we rely on the creation date of the latest provided created bookmark.
* If the datastore is empty or no bookmark is provided, we use the current date.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @param string|null $requestedDate Input string extracted from the request
* @param Bookmark|null $latestBookmark Latest bookmark found in the datastore (by date)
* @return \DateTimeImmutable from input or latest bookmark.
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function extractRequestedDateTime(
string $type,
?string $requestedDate,
Bookmark $latestBookmark = null
): \DateTimeImmutable {
$format = static::getFormatByType($type);
if (empty($requestedDate)) {
return $latestBookmark instanceof Bookmark
? new \DateTimeImmutable($latestBookmark->getCreated()->format(\DateTime::ATOM))
: new \DateTimeImmutable()
// W is not supported by createFromFormat...
if ($type === static::WEEK) {
return (new \DateTimeImmutable())
->setISODate((int) substr($requestedDate, 0, 4), (int) substr($requestedDate, 4, 2))
return \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat($format, $requestedDate);
* Get the DateTime format used by provided type
* Examples:
* - day: 20201016 (<year><month><day>)
* - week: 202041 (<year><week number>)
* - month: 202010 (<year><month>)
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @return string DateTime compatible format
* @see https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getFormatByType(string $type): string
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return 'Ym';
case static::WEEK:
return 'YW';
case static::DAY:
return 'Ymd';
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');
* Get the first DateTime of the time period depending on given datetime and type.
* Note: DateTimeImmutable is required because we rely heavily on DateTime->modify() syntax
* and we don't want to alter original datetime.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @param \DateTimeImmutable $requested DateTime extracted from request input
* (should come from extractRequestedDateTime)
* @return \DateTimeInterface First DateTime of the time period
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getStartDateTimeByType(string $type, \DateTimeImmutable $requested): \DateTimeInterface
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return $requested->modify('first day of this month midnight');
case static::WEEK:
return $requested->modify('Monday this week midnight');
case static::DAY:
return $requested->modify('Today midnight');
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');
* Get the last DateTime of the time period depending on given datetime and type.
* Note: DateTimeImmutable is required because we rely heavily on DateTime->modify() syntax
* and we don't want to alter original datetime.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @param \DateTimeImmutable $requested DateTime extracted from request input
* (should come from extractRequestedDateTime)
* @return \DateTimeInterface Last DateTime of the time period
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getEndDateTimeByType(string $type, \DateTimeImmutable $requested): \DateTimeInterface
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return $requested->modify('last day of this month 23:59:59');
case static::WEEK:
return $requested->modify('Sunday this week 23:59:59');
case static::DAY:
return $requested->modify('Today 23:59:59');
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');
* Get localized description of the time period depending on given datetime and type.
* Example: for a month period, it returns `October, 2020`.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @param \DateTimeImmutable $requested DateTime extracted from request input
* (should come from extractRequestedDateTime)
* @return string Localized time period description
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getDescriptionByType(string $type, \DateTimeImmutable $requested): string
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return $requested->format('F') . ', ' . $requested->format('Y');
case static::WEEK:
$requested = $requested->modify('Monday this week');
return t('Week') . ' ' . $requested->format('W') . ' (' . format_date($requested, false) . ')';
case static::DAY:
$out = '';
if ($requested->format('Ymd') === date('Ymd')) {
$out = t('Today') . ' - ';
} elseif ($requested->format('Ymd') === date('Ymd', strtotime('-1 days'))) {
$out = t('Yesterday') . ' - ';
return $out . format_date($requested, false);
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');
* Get the number of items to display in the RSS feed depending on the given type.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @return int number of elements
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getRssLengthByType(string $type): int
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return 12; // 1 year
case static::WEEK:
return 26; // ~6 months
case static::DAY:
return 30; // ~1 month
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Shaarli\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-27 19:32+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-27 19:32+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2020-10-27 19:44+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-10-27 19:44+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: Shaarli\n"
"Language: fr_FR\n"
@ -20,78 +20,11 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: init.php\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-4: plugins\n"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:162
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Your PHP version is obsolete! Shaarli requires at least PHP %s, and thus "
"cannot run. Your PHP version has known security vulnerabilities and should "
"be updated as soon as possible."
msgstr ""
"Votre version de PHP est obsolète ! Shaarli nécessite au moins PHP %s, et ne "
"peut donc pas fonctionner. Votre version de PHP a des failles de sécurités "
"connues et devrait être mise à jour au plus tôt."
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:195 application/ApplicationUtils.php:215
msgid "directory is not readable"
msgstr "le répertoire n'est pas accessible en lecture"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:218
msgid "directory is not writable"
msgstr "le répertoire n'est pas accessible en écriture"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:240
msgid "file is not readable"
msgstr "le fichier n'est pas accessible en lecture"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:243
msgid "file is not writable"
msgstr "le fichier n'est pas accessible en écriture"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:277
msgid "Configuration parsing"
msgstr "Chargement de la configuration"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:278
msgid "Slim Framework (routing, etc.)"
msgstr "Slim Framwork (routage, etc.)"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:279
msgid "Multibyte (Unicode) string support"
msgstr "Support des chaînes de caractère multibytes (Unicode)"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:280
msgid "Required to use thumbnails"
msgstr "Obligatoire pour utiliser les miniatures"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:281
msgid "Localized text sorting (e.g. e->è->f)"
msgstr "Tri des textes traduits (ex : e->è->f)"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:282
msgid "Better retrieval of bookmark metadata and thumbnail"
msgstr "Meilleure récupération des meta-données des marque-pages et minatures"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:283
msgid "Use the translation system in gettext mode"
msgstr "Utiliser le système de traduction en mode gettext"
#: application/ApplicationUtils.php:284
msgid "Login using LDAP server"
msgstr "Authentification via un serveur LDAP"
#: application/FileUtils.php:100
msgid "Provided path is not a directory."
msgstr "Le chemin fourni n'est pas un dossier."
#: application/FileUtils.php:104
msgid "Trying to delete a folder outside of Shaarli path."
msgstr "Tentative de supprimer un dossier en dehors du chemin de Shaarli."
#: application/History.php:179
#: application/History.php:180
msgid "History file isn't readable or writable"
msgstr "Le fichier d'historique n'est pas accessible en lecture ou en écriture"
#: application/History.php:190
#: application/History.php:191
msgid "Could not parse history file"
msgstr "Format incorrect pour le fichier d'historique"
@ -123,27 +56,27 @@ msgstr ""
"l'extension php-gd doit être chargée pour utiliser les miniatures. Les "
"miniatures sont désormais désactivées. Rechargez la page."
#: application/Utils.php:385
#: application/Utils.php:402
msgid "Setting not set"
msgstr "Paramètre non défini"
#: application/Utils.php:392
#: application/Utils.php:409
msgid "Unlimited"
msgstr "Illimité"
#: application/Utils.php:395
#: application/Utils.php:412
msgid "B"
msgstr "o"
#: application/Utils.php:395
#: application/Utils.php:412
msgid "kiB"
msgstr "ko"
#: application/Utils.php:395
#: application/Utils.php:412
msgid "MiB"
msgstr "Mo"
#: application/Utils.php:395
#: application/Utils.php:412
msgid "GiB"
msgstr "Go"
@ -156,7 +89,7 @@ msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à modifier les données"
#: application/bookmark/BookmarkFileService.php:208
msgid "This bookmarks already exists"
msgstr "Ce marque-page existe déjà."
msgstr "Ce marque-page existe déjà"
#: application/bookmark/BookmarkInitializer.php:39
msgid "(private bookmark with thumbnail demo)"
@ -354,7 +287,8 @@ msgid "Direct link"
msgstr "Liens directs"
#: application/feed/FeedBuilder.php:181
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:96
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:103
#: tmp/dailyrss.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:26
#: tmp/linklist.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:179
msgid "Permalink"
msgstr "Permalien"
@ -537,20 +471,36 @@ msgstr "Outils"
msgid "Search: "
msgstr "Recherche : "
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:45
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Aujourd'hui"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:200
msgid "day"
msgstr "jour"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:47
msgid "Yesterday"
msgstr "Hier"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:85
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:200
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:203
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:13
#: tmp/page.header.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:48
#: tmp/page.header.cedf684561d925457130839629000a81.rtpl.php:48
msgid "Daily"
msgstr "Quotidien"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:201
msgid "week"
msgstr "semaine"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:201
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:14
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Hebdomadaire"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:202
msgid "month"
msgstr "mois"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/DailyController.php:202
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:15
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Mensuel"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/ErrorController.php:33
msgid "An unexpected error occurred."
msgstr "Une erreur inattendue s'est produite."
@ -616,7 +566,7 @@ msgstr "Mur d'images"
#: application/front/controller/visitor/TagCloudController.php:88
msgid "Tag "
msgstr "Tag"
msgstr "Tag "
#: application/front/exceptions/AlreadyInstalledException.php:11
msgid "Shaarli has already been installed. Login to edit the configuration."
@ -644,6 +594,86 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Wrong token."
msgstr "Jeton invalide."
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:162
#, php-format
msgid ""
"Your PHP version is obsolete! Shaarli requires at least PHP %s, and thus "
"cannot run. Your PHP version has known security vulnerabilities and should "
"be updated as soon as possible."
msgstr ""
"Votre version de PHP est obsolète ! Shaarli nécessite au moins PHP %s, et ne "
"peut donc pas fonctionner. Votre version de PHP a des failles de sécurités "
"connues et devrait être mise à jour au plus tôt."
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:195
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:215
msgid "directory is not readable"
msgstr "le répertoire n'est pas accessible en lecture"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:218
msgid "directory is not writable"
msgstr "le répertoire n'est pas accessible en écriture"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:240
msgid "file is not readable"
msgstr "le fichier n'est pas accessible en lecture"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:243
msgid "file is not writable"
msgstr "le fichier n'est pas accessible en écriture"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:277
msgid "Configuration parsing"
msgstr "Chargement de la configuration"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:278
msgid "Slim Framework (routing, etc.)"
msgstr "Slim Framwork (routage, etc.)"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:279
msgid "Multibyte (Unicode) string support"
msgstr "Support des chaînes de caractère multibytes (Unicode)"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:280
msgid "Required to use thumbnails"
msgstr "Obligatoire pour utiliser les miniatures"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:281
msgid "Localized text sorting (e.g. e->è->f)"
msgstr "Tri des textes traduits (ex : e->è->f)"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:282
msgid "Better retrieval of bookmark metadata and thumbnail"
msgstr "Meilleure récupération des meta-données des marque-pages et minatures"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:283
msgid "Use the translation system in gettext mode"
msgstr "Utiliser le système de traduction en mode gettext"
#: application/helper/ApplicationUtils.php:284
msgid "Login using LDAP server"
msgstr "Authentification via un serveur LDAP"
#: application/helper/DailyPageHelper.php:172
msgid "Week"
msgstr "Semaine"
#: application/helper/DailyPageHelper.php:176
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Aujourd'hui"
#: application/helper/DailyPageHelper.php:178
msgid "Yesterday"
msgstr "Hier"
#: application/helper/FileUtils.php:100
msgid "Provided path is not a directory."
msgstr "Le chemin fourni n'est pas un dossier."
#: application/helper/FileUtils.php:104
msgid "Trying to delete a folder outside of Shaarli path."
msgstr "Tentative de supprimer un dossier en dehors du chemin de Shaarli."
#: application/legacy/LegacyLinkDB.php:131
msgid "You are not authorized to add a link."
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à ajouter un lien."
@ -1103,25 +1133,30 @@ msgstr "Aucune"
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Enregistrer"
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:15
msgid "The Daily Shaarli"
msgstr "Le Quotidien Shaarli"
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:26
msgid "1 RSS entry per :type"
msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] "1 entrée RSS par :type"
msgstr[1] ""
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:17
msgid "1 RSS entry per day"
msgstr "1 entrée RSS par jour"
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:49
msgid "Previous :type"
msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ":type précédent"
msgstr[1] "Jour précédent"
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:37
msgid "Previous day"
msgstr "Jour précédent"
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:56
#: tmp/dailyrss.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:7
msgid "All links of one :type in a single page."
msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] "Tous les liens d'un :type sur une page."
msgstr[1] "Tous les liens d'un jour sur une page."
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:44
msgid "All links of one day in a single page."
msgstr "Tous les liens d'un jour sur une page."
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:51
msgid "Next day"
msgstr "Jour suivant"
#: tmp/daily.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:63
msgid "Next :type"
msgid_plural ""
msgstr[0] ":type suivant"
msgstr[1] ""
#: tmp/editlink.b91ef64efc3688266305ea9b42e5017e.rtpl.php:21
msgid "Edit Shaare"
@ -1821,8 +1856,11 @@ msgstr ""
"Glisser ce lien dans votre barre de favoris ou cliquer droit dessus et « "
"Ajouter aux favoris »"
#~ msgid "Rename"
#~ msgstr "Renommer"
#~ msgid "Display:"
#~ msgstr "Afficher :"
#~ msgid "The Daily Shaarli"
#~ msgstr "Le Quotidien Shaarli"
#, fuzzy
#~| msgid "Selection"

View file

@ -685,22 +685,6 @@ class BookmarkFileServiceTest extends TestCase
$this->assertEquals(0, $linkDB->count());
* List the days for which bookmarks have been posted
public function testDays()
['20100309', '20100310', '20121206', '20121207', '20130614', '20150310'],
['20100309', '20100310', '20121206', '20121207', '20130614', '20141125', '20150310'],
* The URL corresponds to an existing entry in the DB
@ -1074,33 +1058,105 @@ class BookmarkFileServiceTest extends TestCase
* Test filterDay while logged in
* Test find by dates in the middle of the datastore (sorted by dates) with a single bookmark as a result.
public function testFilterDayLoggedIn(): void
public function testFilterByDateMidTimePeriodSingleBookmark(): void
$bookmarks = $this->privateLinkDB->filterDay('20121206');
$expectedIds = [4, 9, 1, 0];
$bookmarks = $this->privateLinkDB->findByDate(
DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20121206_150000'),
DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20121206_160000'),
static::assertCount(4, $bookmarks);
foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) {
$i = ($i ?? -1) + 1;
static::assertSame($expectedIds[$i], $bookmark->getId());
static::assertCount(1, $bookmarks);
static::assertSame(9, $bookmarks[0]->getId());
static::assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20121206_142300'), $before);
static::assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20121206_172539'), $after);
* Test filterDay while logged out
* Test find by dates in the middle of the datastore (sorted by dates) with a multiple bookmarks as a result.
public function testFilterDayLoggedOut(): void
public function testFilterByDateMidTimePeriodMultipleBookmarks(): void
$bookmarks = $this->publicLinkDB->filterDay('20121206');
$expectedIds = [4, 9, 1];
$bookmarks = $this->privateLinkDB->findByDate(
DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20121206_150000'),
DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20121206_180000'),
static::assertCount(3, $bookmarks);
foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) {
$i = ($i ?? -1) + 1;
static::assertSame($expectedIds[$i], $bookmark->getId());
static::assertCount(2, $bookmarks);
static::assertSame(1, $bookmarks[0]->getId());
static::assertSame(9, $bookmarks[1]->getId());
static::assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20121206_142300'), $before);
static::assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20121206_182539'), $after);
* Test find by dates at the end of the datastore (sorted by dates).
public function testFilterByDateLastTimePeriod(): void
$after = new DateTime();
$bookmarks = $this->privateLinkDB->findByDate(
DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20150310_114640'),
DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20450101_010101'),
static::assertCount(1, $bookmarks);
static::assertSame(41, $bookmarks[0]->getId());
static::assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20150310_114633'), $before);
* Test find by dates at the beginning of the datastore (sorted by dates).
public function testFilterByDateFirstTimePeriod(): void
$before = new DateTime();
$bookmarks = $this->privateLinkDB->findByDate(
DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20000101_101010'),
DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20100309_110000'),
static::assertCount(1, $bookmarks);
static::assertSame(11, $bookmarks[0]->getId());
static::assertEquals(DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20100310_101010'), $after);
* Test getLatest with a sticky bookmark: it should be ignored and return the latest by creation date instead.
public function testGetLatestWithSticky(): void
$bookmark = $this->publicLinkDB->getLatest();
static::assertSame(41, $bookmark->getId());
* Test getLatest with a sticky bookmark: it should be ignored and return the latest by creation date instead.
public function testGetLatestEmptyDatastore(): void
$this->publicLinkDB = new BookmarkFileService($this->conf, $this->history, $this->mutex, false);
$bookmark = $this->publicLinkDB->getLatest();

View file

@ -28,52 +28,49 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
public function testValidIndexControllerInvokeDefault(): void
$currentDay = new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-13');
$previousDate = new \DateTime('2 days ago 00:00:00');
$nextDate = new \DateTime('today 00:00:00');
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$request->method('getQueryParam')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($currentDay): ?string {
return $key === 'day' ? $currentDay->format('Ymd') : null;
$response = new Response();
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
// Links dataset: 2 links with thumbnails
->willReturnCallback(function () use ($currentDay): array {
return [
->willReturnCallback(function (): array {
return [
(new Bookmark())
(new Bookmark())
(new Bookmark())
function ($from, $to, &$previous, &$next) use ($currentDay, $previousDate, $nextDate): array {
$previous = $previousDate;
$next = $nextDate;
return [
(new Bookmark())
(new Bookmark())
(new Bookmark())
// Make sure that PluginManager hook is triggered
@ -81,20 +78,22 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
->willReturnCallback(function (string $hook, array $data, array $param) use ($currentDay): array {
if ('render_daily' === $hook) {
static::assertArrayHasKey('linksToDisplay', $data);
static::assertCount(3, $data['linksToDisplay']);
static::assertSame(1, $data['linksToDisplay'][0]['id']);
static::assertSame($currentDay->getTimestamp(), $data['day']);
static::assertSame('20200510', $data['previousday']);
static::assertSame('20200516', $data['nextday']);
function (string $hook, array $data, array $param) use ($currentDay, $previousDate, $nextDate): array {
if ('render_daily' === $hook) {
static::assertArrayHasKey('linksToDisplay', $data);
static::assertCount(3, $data['linksToDisplay']);
static::assertSame(1, $data['linksToDisplay'][0]['id']);
static::assertSame($currentDay->getTimestamp(), $data['day']);
static::assertSame($previousDate->format('Ymd'), $data['previousday']);
static::assertSame($nextDate->format('Ymd'), $data['nextday']);
static::assertArrayHasKey('loggedin', $param);
static::assertArrayHasKey('loggedin', $param);
return $data;
return $data;
$result = $this->controller->index($request, $response);
@ -107,6 +106,11 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
static::assertEquals($currentDay, $assignedVariables['dayDate']);
static::assertEquals($currentDay->getTimestamp(), $assignedVariables['day']);
static::assertSame($previousDate->format('Ymd'), $assignedVariables['previousday']);
static::assertSame($nextDate->format('Ymd'), $assignedVariables['nextday']);
static::assertSame('day', $assignedVariables['type']);
static::assertSame('May 13, 2020', $assignedVariables['dayDesc']);
static::assertSame('Daily', $assignedVariables['localizedType']);
static::assertCount(3, $assignedVariables['linksToDisplay']);
$link = $assignedVariables['linksToDisplay'][0];
@ -171,26 +175,19 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
$currentDay = new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-13');
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$request->method('getQueryParam')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($currentDay): ?string {
return $key === 'day' ? $currentDay->format('Ymd') : null;
$response = new Response();
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
// Links dataset: 2 links with thumbnails
->willReturnCallback(function () use ($currentDay): array {
return [
->willReturnCallback(function (): array {
return [
(new Bookmark())
@ -250,20 +247,10 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
$assignedVariables = [];
// Links dataset: 2 links with thumbnails
->willReturnCallback(function () use ($currentDay): array {
return [
->willReturnCallback(function (): array {
return [
(new Bookmark())->setId(1)->setUrl('http://url.tld')->setTitle('title'),
(new Bookmark())
@ -320,14 +307,7 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
// Links dataset: 2 links with thumbnails
->willReturnCallback(function (): array {
return [];
->willReturnCallback(function (): array {
return [];
@ -347,7 +327,7 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
static::assertSame('daily', (string) $result->getBody());
static::assertCount(0, $assignedVariables['linksToDisplay']);
static::assertSame('Today', $assignedVariables['dayDesc']);
static::assertSame('Today - ' . (new \DateTime())->format('F d, Y'), $assignedVariables['dayDesc']);
static::assertEquals((new \DateTime())->setTime(0, 0)->getTimestamp(), $assignedVariables['day']);
static::assertEquals((new \DateTime())->setTime(0, 0), $assignedVariables['dayDate']);
@ -361,6 +341,7 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-17'),
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-15'),
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-13'),
new \DateTimeImmutable('+1 month'),
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
@ -371,6 +352,7 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
(new Bookmark())->setId(2)->setCreated($dates[1])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/2'),
(new Bookmark())->setId(3)->setCreated($dates[1])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/3'),
(new Bookmark())->setId(4)->setCreated($dates[2])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/4'),
(new Bookmark())->setId(5)->setCreated($dates[3])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/5'),
@ -397,13 +379,14 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/', $assignedVariables['index_url']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily-rss', $assignedVariables['page_url']);
static::assertCount(2, $assignedVariables['days']);
static::assertCount(3, $assignedVariables['days']);
$day = $assignedVariables['days'][$dates[0]->format('Ymd')];
$date = $dates[0]->setTime(23, 59, 59);
static::assertEquals($dates[0], $day['date']);
static::assertSame($dates[0]->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame(format_date($dates[0], false), $day['date_human']);
static::assertEquals($date, $day['date']);
static::assertSame($date->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame(format_date($date, false), $day['date_human']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily?day='. $dates[0]->format('Ymd'), $day['absolute_url']);
static::assertCount(1, $day['links']);
static::assertSame(1, $day['links'][0]['id']);
@ -411,10 +394,11 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
static::assertEquals($dates[0], $day['links'][0]['created']);
$day = $assignedVariables['days'][$dates[1]->format('Ymd')];
$date = $dates[1]->setTime(23, 59, 59);
static::assertEquals($dates[1], $day['date']);
static::assertSame($dates[1]->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame(format_date($dates[1], false), $day['date_human']);
static::assertEquals($date, $day['date']);
static::assertSame($date->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame(format_date($date, false), $day['date_human']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily?day='. $dates[1]->format('Ymd'), $day['absolute_url']);
static::assertCount(2, $day['links']);
@ -424,6 +408,18 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
static::assertSame(3, $day['links'][1]['id']);
static::assertSame('http://domain.tld/3', $day['links'][1]['url']);
static::assertEquals($dates[1], $day['links'][1]['created']);
$day = $assignedVariables['days'][$dates[2]->format('Ymd')];
$date = $dates[2]->setTime(23, 59, 59);
static::assertEquals($date, $day['date']);
static::assertSame($date->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame(format_date($date, false), $day['date_human']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily?day='. $dates[2]->format('Ymd'), $day['absolute_url']);
static::assertCount(1, $day['links']);
static::assertSame(4, $day['links'][0]['id']);
static::assertSame('http://domain.tld/4', $day['links'][0]['url']);
static::assertEquals($dates[2], $day['links'][0]['created']);
@ -475,4 +471,246 @@ class DailyControllerTest extends TestCase
static::assertCount(0, $assignedVariables['days']);
* Test simple display index with week parameter
public function testSimpleIndexWeekly(): void
$currentDay = new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-13');
$expectedDay = new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-11');
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$request->method('getQueryParam')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($currentDay): ?string {
return $key === 'week' ? $currentDay->format('YW') : null;
$response = new Response();
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
function (): array {
return [
(new Bookmark())
(new Bookmark())
$result = $this->controller->index($request, $response);
static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
static::assertSame('daily', (string) $result->getBody());
'Weekly - Week 20 (May 11, 2020) - Shaarli',
static::assertCount(2, $assignedVariables['linksToDisplay']);
static::assertEquals($expectedDay->setTime(0, 0), $assignedVariables['dayDate']);
static::assertSame($expectedDay->setTime(0, 0)->getTimestamp(), $assignedVariables['day']);
static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['previousday']);
static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['nextday']);
static::assertSame('Week 20 (May 11, 2020)', $assignedVariables['dayDesc']);
static::assertSame('week', $assignedVariables['type']);
static::assertSame('Weekly', $assignedVariables['localizedType']);
* Test simple display index with month parameter
public function testSimpleIndexMonthly(): void
$currentDay = new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-13');
$expectedDay = new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-01');
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$request->method('getQueryParam')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key) use ($currentDay): ?string {
return $key === 'month' ? $currentDay->format('Ym') : null;
$response = new Response();
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
function (): array {
return [
(new Bookmark())
(new Bookmark())
$result = $this->controller->index($request, $response);
static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
static::assertSame('daily', (string) $result->getBody());
'Monthly - May, 2020 - Shaarli',
static::assertCount(2, $assignedVariables['linksToDisplay']);
static::assertEquals($expectedDay->setTime(0, 0), $assignedVariables['dayDate']);
static::assertSame($expectedDay->setTime(0, 0)->getTimestamp(), $assignedVariables['day']);
static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['previousday']);
static::assertSame('', $assignedVariables['nextday']);
static::assertSame('May, 2020', $assignedVariables['dayDesc']);
static::assertSame('month', $assignedVariables['type']);
static::assertSame('Monthly', $assignedVariables['localizedType']);
* Test simple display RSS with week parameter
public function testSimpleRssWeekly(): void
$dates = [
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-19'),
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-13'),
$expectedDates = [
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-24 23:59:59'),
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-17 23:59:59'),
$this->container->environment['QUERY_STRING'] = 'week';
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$request->method('getQueryParam')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key): ?string {
return $key === 'week' ? '' : null;
$response = new Response();
(new Bookmark())->setId(1)->setCreated($dates[0])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/1'),
(new Bookmark())->setId(2)->setCreated($dates[1])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/2'),
(new Bookmark())->setId(3)->setCreated($dates[1])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/3'),
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
$result = $this->controller->rss($request, $response);
static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
static::assertStringContainsString('application/rss', $result->getHeader('Content-Type')[0]);
static::assertSame('dailyrss', (string) $result->getBody());
static::assertSame('Shaarli', $assignedVariables['title']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/', $assignedVariables['index_url']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily-rss?week', $assignedVariables['page_url']);
static::assertCount(2, $assignedVariables['days']);
$day = $assignedVariables['days'][$dates[0]->format('YW')];
$date = $expectedDates[0];
static::assertEquals($date, $day['date']);
static::assertSame($date->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame('Week 21 (May 18, 2020)', $day['date_human']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily?week='. $dates[0]->format('YW'), $day['absolute_url']);
static::assertCount(1, $day['links']);
$day = $assignedVariables['days'][$dates[1]->format('YW')];
$date = $expectedDates[1];
static::assertEquals($date, $day['date']);
static::assertSame($date->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame('Week 20 (May 11, 2020)', $day['date_human']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily?week='. $dates[1]->format('YW'), $day['absolute_url']);
static::assertCount(2, $day['links']);
* Test simple display RSS with month parameter
public function testSimpleRssMonthly(): void
$dates = [
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-19'),
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-04-13'),
$expectedDates = [
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-05-31 23:59:59'),
new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-04-30 23:59:59'),
$this->container->environment['QUERY_STRING'] = 'month';
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$request->method('getQueryParam')->willReturnCallback(function (string $key): ?string {
return $key === 'month' ? '' : null;
$response = new Response();
(new Bookmark())->setId(1)->setCreated($dates[0])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/1'),
(new Bookmark())->setId(2)->setCreated($dates[1])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/2'),
(new Bookmark())->setId(3)->setCreated($dates[1])->setUrl('http://domain.tld/3'),
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
$result = $this->controller->rss($request, $response);
static::assertSame(200, $result->getStatusCode());
static::assertStringContainsString('application/rss', $result->getHeader('Content-Type')[0]);
static::assertSame('dailyrss', (string) $result->getBody());
static::assertSame('Shaarli', $assignedVariables['title']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/', $assignedVariables['index_url']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily-rss?month', $assignedVariables['page_url']);
static::assertCount(2, $assignedVariables['days']);
$day = $assignedVariables['days'][$dates[0]->format('Ym')];
$date = $expectedDates[0];
static::assertEquals($date, $day['date']);
static::assertSame($date->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame('May, 2020', $day['date_human']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily?month='. $dates[0]->format('Ym'), $day['absolute_url']);
static::assertCount(1, $day['links']);
$day = $assignedVariables['days'][$dates[1]->format('Ym')];
$date = $expectedDates[1];
static::assertEquals($date, $day['date']);
static::assertSame($date->format(\DateTime::RSS), $day['date_rss']);
static::assertSame('April, 2020', $day['date_human']);
static::assertSame('http://shaarli/subfolder/daily?month='. $dates[1]->format('Ym'), $day['absolute_url']);
static::assertCount(2, $day['links']);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
namespace Shaarli\Helper;
use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
use Shaarli\TestCase;
use Slim\Http\Request;
class DailyPageHelperTest extends TestCase
* @dataProvider getRequestedTypes
public function testExtractRequestedType(array $queryParams, string $expectedType): void
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$request->method('getQueryParam')->willReturnCallback(function ($key) use ($queryParams): ?string {
return $queryParams[$key] ?? null;
$type = DailyPageHelper::extractRequestedType($request);
static::assertSame($type, $expectedType);
* @dataProvider getRequestedDateTimes
public function testExtractRequestedDateTime(
string $type,
string $input,
?Bookmark $bookmark,
\DateTimeInterface $expectedDateTime,
string $compareFormat = 'Ymd'
): void {
$dateTime = DailyPageHelper::extractRequestedDateTime($type, $input, $bookmark);
static::assertSame($dateTime->format($compareFormat), $expectedDateTime->format($compareFormat));
public function testExtractRequestedDateTimeExceptionUnknownType(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported daily format type');
DailyPageHelper::extractRequestedDateTime('nope', null, null);
* @dataProvider getFormatsByType
public function testGetFormatByType(string $type, string $expectedFormat): void
$format = DailyPageHelper::getFormatByType($type);
static::assertSame($expectedFormat, $format);
public function testGetFormatByTypeExceptionUnknownType(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported daily format type');
* @dataProvider getStartDatesByType
public function testGetStartDatesByType(
string $type,
\DateTimeImmutable $dateTime,
\DateTimeInterface $expectedDateTime
): void {
$startDateTime = DailyPageHelper::getStartDateTimeByType($type, $dateTime);
static::assertEquals($expectedDateTime, $startDateTime);
public function testGetStartDatesByTypeExceptionUnknownType(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported daily format type');
DailyPageHelper::getStartDateTimeByType('nope', new \DateTimeImmutable());
* @dataProvider getEndDatesByType
public function testGetEndDatesByType(
string $type,
\DateTimeImmutable $dateTime,
\DateTimeInterface $expectedDateTime
): void {
$endDateTime = DailyPageHelper::getEndDateTimeByType($type, $dateTime);
static::assertEquals($expectedDateTime, $endDateTime);
public function testGetEndDatesByTypeExceptionUnknownType(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported daily format type');
DailyPageHelper::getEndDateTimeByType('nope', new \DateTimeImmutable());
* @dataProvider getDescriptionsByType
public function testGeDescriptionsByType(
string $type,
\DateTimeImmutable $dateTime,
string $expectedDescription
): void {
$description = DailyPageHelper::getDescriptionByType($type, $dateTime);
static::assertEquals($expectedDescription, $description);
public function getDescriptionByTypeExceptionUnknownType(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported daily format type');
DailyPageHelper::getDescriptionByType('nope', new \DateTimeImmutable());
* @dataProvider getRssLengthsByType
public function testGeRssLengthsByType(string $type): void {
$length = DailyPageHelper::getRssLengthByType($type);
public function testGeRssLengthsByTypeExceptionUnknownType(): void
$this->expectExceptionMessage('Unsupported daily format type');
* Data provider for testExtractRequestedType() test method.
public function getRequestedTypes(): array
return [
[['month' => null], DailyPageHelper::DAY],
[['month' => ''], DailyPageHelper::MONTH],
[['month' => 'content'], DailyPageHelper::MONTH],
[['week' => null], DailyPageHelper::DAY],
[['week' => ''], DailyPageHelper::WEEK],
[['week' => 'content'], DailyPageHelper::WEEK],
[['day' => null], DailyPageHelper::DAY],
[['day' => ''], DailyPageHelper::DAY],
[['day' => 'content'], DailyPageHelper::DAY],
* Data provider for testExtractRequestedDateTime() test method.
public function getRequestedDateTimes(): array
return [
[DailyPageHelper::DAY, '20201013', null, new \DateTime('2020-10-13')],
(new Bookmark())->setCreated($date = new \DateTime('2020-10-13 12:05:31')),
[DailyPageHelper::DAY, '', null, new \DateTime()],
[DailyPageHelper::WEEK, '202030', null, new \DateTime('2020-07-20')],
(new Bookmark())->setCreated($date = new \DateTime('2020-10-13 12:05:31')),
new \DateTime('2020-10-13'),
[DailyPageHelper::WEEK, '', null, new \DateTime(), 'Ym'],
[DailyPageHelper::MONTH, '202008', null, new \DateTime('2020-08-01'), 'Ym'],
(new Bookmark())->setCreated($date = new \DateTime('2020-10-13 12:05:31')),
new \DateTime('2020-10-13'),
[DailyPageHelper::MONTH, '', null, new \DateTime(), 'Ym'],
* Data provider for testGetFormatByType() test method.
public function getFormatsByType(): array
return [
[DailyPageHelper::DAY, 'Ymd'],
[DailyPageHelper::WEEK, 'YW'],
[DailyPageHelper::MONTH, 'Ym'],
* Data provider for testGetStartDatesByType() test method.
public function getStartDatesByType(): array
return [
[DailyPageHelper::DAY, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), new \DateTime('2020-10-09 00:00:00')],
[DailyPageHelper::WEEK, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), new \DateTime('2020-10-05 00:00:00')],
[DailyPageHelper::MONTH, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), new \DateTime('2020-10-01 00:00:00')],
* Data provider for testGetEndDatesByType() test method.
public function getEndDatesByType(): array
return [
[DailyPageHelper::DAY, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), new \DateTime('2020-10-09 23:59:59')],
[DailyPageHelper::WEEK, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), new \DateTime('2020-10-11 23:59:59')],
[DailyPageHelper::MONTH, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), new \DateTime('2020-10-31 23:59:59')],
* Data provider for testGetDescriptionsByType() test method.
public function getDescriptionsByType(): array
return [
[DailyPageHelper::DAY, $date = new \DateTimeImmutable(), 'Today - ' . $date->format('F d, Y')],
[DailyPageHelper::DAY, $date = new \DateTimeImmutable('-1 day'), 'Yesterday - ' . $date->format('F d, Y')],
[DailyPageHelper::DAY, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), 'October 9, 2020'],
[DailyPageHelper::WEEK, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), 'Week 41 (October 5, 2020)'],
[DailyPageHelper::MONTH, new \DateTimeImmutable('2020-10-09 04:05:06'), 'October, 2020'],
* Data provider for testGetDescriptionsByType() test method.
public function getRssLengthsByType(): array
return [

View file

@ -6,12 +6,25 @@
<div class="pure-g">
<div class="pure-u-1 pure-alert pure-alert-success tag-sort">
<a href="{$base_path}/daily?day">{'Daily'|t}</a>
<a href="{$base_path}/daily?week">{'Weekly'|t}</a>
<a href="{$base_path}/daily?month">{'Monthly'|t}</a>
<div class="pure-g">
<div class="pure-u-lg-1-6 pure-u-1-24"></div>
<div class="pure-u-lg-2-3 pure-u-22-24 page-form page-visitor" id="daily">
<h2 class="window-title">
{'The Daily Shaarli'|t}
<a href="{$base_path}/daily-rss" title="{'1 RSS entry per day'|t}"><i class="fa fa-rss"></i></a>
{$localizedType} Shaarli
<a href="{$base_path}/daily-rss?{$type}"
title="{function="t('1 RSS entry per :type', '', 1, 'shaarli', [':type' => t($type)])"}"
<i class="fa fa-rss"></i>
<div id="plugin_zone_start_daily" class="plugin_zone">
@ -25,19 +38,19 @@
<div class="pure-g">
<div class="pure-u-lg-1-3 pure-u-1 center">
<a href="{$base_path}/daily?day={$previousday}">
<a href="{$base_path}/daily?{$type}={$previousday}">
<i class="fa fa-arrow-left"></i>
{'Previous day'|t}
{function="t('Previous :type', '', 1, 'shaarli', [':type' => t($type)], true)"}
<div class="daily-desc pure-u-lg-1-3 pure-u-1 center">
{'All links of one day in a single page.'|t}
{function="t('All links of one :type in a single page.', '', 1, 'shaarli', [':type' => t($type)])"}
<div class="pure-u-lg-1-3 pure-u-1 center">
<a href="{$base_path}/daily?day={$nextday}">
{'Next day'|t}
<a href="{$base_path}/daily?{$type}={$nextday}">
{function="t('Next :type', '', 1, 'shaarli', [':type' => t($type)], true)"}
<i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i>
@ -45,10 +58,7 @@
<h3 class="window-subtitle">
{$dayDesc} -
{function="format_date($dayDate, false)"}
<div id="plugin_zone_about_daily" class="plugin_zone">

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Daily - {$title}</title>
<title>{$localizedType} - {$title}</title>
<description>Daily shaared bookmarks</description>
<description>{function="t('All links of one :type in a single page.', '', 1, 'shaarli', [':type' => t($type)])"}</description>
@ -18,12 +18,15 @@
<h3><a href="{$value.url}">{$value.title}</a></h3>
{if="!$hide_timestamps"}{$value.created|format_date} - {/if}{if="$value.tags"}{$value.tags}{/if}<br>
{if="!$hide_timestamps"}{$value.created|format_date} &#8212; {/if}
<a href="{$index_url}shaare/{$value.shorturl}">{'Permalink'|t}</a>
{if="$value.tags"} &#8212; {$value.tags}{/if}
{if="$value.thumbnail"}<img src="{$index_url}{$value.thumbnail}#" alt="thumbnail" />{/if}<br>