Docs: Add an installation guide for Debian 9 + Docker

Signed-off-by: VirtualTam <>
This commit is contained in:
VirtualTam 2018-07-01 16:02:35 +02:00
parent 1cafacfedd
commit a0c34a4976
10 changed files with 264 additions and 1 deletions

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_Last updated on 2018-07-01._
## Goals
- Getting a Virtual Private Server (VPS)
- Running Shaarli:
- as a Docker container,
- using the Træfik reverse proxy,
- securized with TLS certificates from Let's Encrypt.
The following components and tools will be used:
- [Debian](, a GNU/Linux distribution widely used in
server environments;
- [Docker](, an open platform
for developing, shipping, and running applications;
- [Docker Compose](, a tool for defining and
running multi-container Docker applications.
More information can be found in the [Resources](#resources) section at the
bottom of the guide.
## Getting a Virtual Private Server
For this guide, I went for the smallest VPS available from DigitalOcean,
a Droplet with 1 CPU, 1 GiB RAM and 25 GiB SSD storage, which costs
$5/month ($0.007/hour):
- [Droplets Overview](
- [Pricing](
- [How to Create a Droplet from the DigitalOcean Control Panel](
- [How to Add SSH Keys to Droplets](
- [Initial Server Setup with Debian 8]( (also applies to Debian 9)
- [An Introduction to Securing your Linux VPS](
### Creating a Droplet
Select `Debian 9` as the Droplet distribution:
<img src="../images/01-create-droplet-distro.jpg"
alt="Droplet distribution" />
Choose a region that is geographically close to you:
<img src="../images/02-create-droplet-region.jpg"
alt="Droplet region" />
Choose a Droplet size that corresponds to your usage and budget:
<img src="../images/03-create-droplet-size.jpg"
alt="Droplet size" />
Finalize the Droplet creation:
<img src="../images/04-finalize.jpg"
alt="Droplet finalization" />
Droplet information is displayed on the Control Panel:
<img src="../images/05-droplet.jpg"
alt="Droplet summary" />
Once your VPS has been created, you will receive an e-mail with connection
## Obtaining a domain name
After creating your VPS, it will be reachable using its IP address; some hosting
providers also create a DNS record, e.g. ``.
A domain name (DNS record) is required to obtain a certificate and setup HTTPS
(HTTP with TLS encryption).
Domain names can be obtained from registrars through hosting providers such as
Once you have your own domain, you need to create a new DNS record that points
to your VPS' IP address:
<img src="../images/06-domain.jpg"
alt="Domain configuration" />
## Host setup
Now's the time to connect to your freshly created VPS!
$ ssh root@
Linux stretch-shaarli-02 4.9.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.88-1+deb9u1 (2018-05-07) x86_64
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
Last login: Sun Jul 1 11:20:18 2018 from <REDACTED>
### Updating the system
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ apt update && apt upgrade -y
### Setting up Docker
_The following instructions are from the
[Get Docker CE for Debian](
Install package dependencies:
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg2 software-properties-common
Add Docker's package repository GPG key:
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
Add Docker's package repository:
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stretch stable"
Update package lists and install Docker:
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ apt update && apt install -y docker-ce
Verify Docker is properly configured by running the `hello-world` image:
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ docker run hello-world
### Setting up Docker Compose
_The following instructions are from the
[Install Docker Compose](
Download the current version from the release page:
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ curl -L$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
## Running Shaarli
Shaarli comes with a configuration file for Docker Compose, that will setup:
- a local Docker network
- a Docker [volume]( to store Shaarli data
- a Docker [volume]( to store Træfik TLS configuration and certificates
- a [Shaarli]( instance
- a [Træfik]( instance
[Træfik]( is a modern HTTP reverse proxy, with native
support for Docker and [Let's Encrypt](
### Compose configuration
Create a new directory to store the configuration:
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~$ mkdir shaarli && cd shaarli
Download the current version of Shaarli's `docker-compose.yml`:
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~/shaarli$ curl -L -o docker-compose.yml
Create the `.env` file and fill in your VPS and domain information (replace
`<MY_SHAARLI_DOMAIN>` and `<MY_CONTACT_EMAIL>` with your actual information):
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~/shaarli$ vim .env
### Pull the Docker images
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~/shaarli$ docker-compose pull
Pulling shaarli ... done
Pulling traefik ... done
### Run!
root@stretch-shaarli-02:~/shaarli$ docker-compose up -d
Creating network "shaarli_http-proxy" with the default driver
Creating volume "shaarli_traefik-acme" with default driver
Creating volume "shaarli_shaarli-data" with default driver
Creating shaarli_shaarli_1 ... done
Creating shaarli_traefik_1 ... done
## Conclusion
Congratulations! Your Shaarli instance should be up and running, and available
at `https://<MY_SHAARLI_DOMAIN>`.
<img src="../images/07-installation.jpg"
alt="Shaarli installation page" />
## Resources
### Related Shaarli documentation
- [Docker 101](../docker/
- [Shaarli images](../docker/
### Hosting providers
- [DigitalOcean](
- [Gandi](
- [OVH](
- [RackSpace](
- etc.
### Domain Names and Registrars
- [Introduction to the Domain Name System (DNS)](
- [ICANN](
- [Domain name registrar](
- [OVH Domain Registration](
- [Gandi Domain Registration](
### HTTPS and Security
- [Transport Layer Security](
- [Let's Encrypt](
### Docker
- [Docker Overview](
- [Docker Documentation](
- [Get Docker CE for Debian](
- [docker logs](
- [Volumes](
- [Install Docker Compose](
- [docker-compose logs](
### Træfik
- [Getting Started](
- [Docker backend](
- [Let's Encrypt and Docker](
- [traefik]( Docker image

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@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
# Shaarli - Docker Compose script
# Shaarli - Docker Compose example configuration
# See:
# -
# -
# Environment variables:
# - SHAARLI_VIRTUAL_HOST Fully Qualified Domain Name for the Shaarli instance
# - SHAARLI_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL Contact email for certificate renewal
version: '3'

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ pages:
- Community & Related software: Community-&
- Guides:
- Install Shaarli on Debian 9 with Docker: guides/
- Backup, restore, import and export: guides/
- Various hacks: guides/
- Development: