[add] https://github.com/sebsauvage/Shaarli/issues/20 New links created as private by default.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 71 additions and 60 deletions
@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ if (empty($GLOBALS['title'])) $GLOBALS['title']='Shared links on '.htmlspecialch
if (empty($GLOBALS['timezone'])) $GLOBALS['timezone']=date_default_timezone_get();
if (empty($GLOBALS['disablesessionprotection'])) $GLOBALS['disablesessionprotection']=false;
if (empty($GLOBALS['disablejquery'])) $GLOBALS['disablejquery']=false;
if (empty($GLOBALS['privateLinkByDefault'])) $GLOBALS['privateLinkByDefault']=false;
// I really need to rewrite Shaarli with a proper configuation manager.
autoLocale(); // Sniff browser language and set date format accordingly.
@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ class pageCache
private $shouldBeCached; // boolean: Should this url be cached ?
private $filename; // Name of the cache file for this url
$url = url (typically the value returned by pageUrl())
$shouldBeCached = boolean. If false, the cache will be disabled.
@ -155,7 +156,7 @@ class pageCache
$this->url = $url;
$this->filename = $GLOBALS['config']['PAGECACHE'].'/'.sha1($url).'.cache';
$this->shouldBeCached = $shouldBeCached;
// If the page should be cached and a cached version exists,
// returns the cached version (otherwise, return null).
@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ class pageCache
$handler = opendir($GLOBALS['config']['PAGECACHE']);
if ($handler!==false)
while (($filename = readdir($handler))!==false)
while (($filename = readdir($handler))!==false)
if (endsWith($filename,'.cache')) { unlink($GLOBALS['config']['PAGECACHE'].'/'.$filename); }
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ function text2clickable($url)
function keepMultipleSpaces($text)
return str_replace(' ',' ',$text);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sniff browser language to display dates in the right format automatically.
@ -306,7 +307,7 @@ function check_auth($login,$password)
function isLoggedIn()
if ($GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']) return true;
if (!isset($GLOBALS['login'])) return false; // Shaarli is not configured yet.
// If session does not exist on server side, or IP address has changed, or session has expired, logout.
@ -606,7 +607,7 @@ function tokenOk($token)
p = new pageBuilder;
class pageBuilder
@ -615,11 +616,11 @@ class pageBuilder
function __construct()
private function initialize()
$this->tpl = new RainTPL;
$this->tpl = new RainTPL;
$searchcrits=''; // Search criteria
@ -634,16 +635,16 @@ class pageBuilder
if (!empty($GLOBALS['title'])) $this->tpl->assign('pagetitle',$GLOBALS['title']);
if (!empty($GLOBALS['pagetitle'])) $this->tpl->assign('pagetitle',$GLOBALS['pagetitle']);
$this->tpl->assign('shaarlititle',empty($GLOBALS['title']) ? 'Shaarli': $GLOBALS['title'] );
// The following assign() method is basically the same as RainTPL (except that it's lazy)
public function assign($what,$where)
if ($this->tpl===false) $this->initialize(); // Lazy initialization
// Render a specific page (using a template).
// eg. pb.renderPage('picwall')
public function renderPage($page)
@ -661,14 +662,14 @@ class pageBuilder
echo $mylinks['20110826_161819']['title'];
foreach($mylinks as $link)
echo $link['title'].' at url '.$link['url'].' ; description:'.$link['description'];
Available keys:
title : Title of the link
url : URL of the link. Can be absolute or relative. Relative URLs are permalinks (eg.'?m-ukcw')
description : description of the entry
private : Is this link private ? 0=no, other value=yes
linkdate : date of the creation of this entry, in the form YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS (eg.'20110914_192317')
tags : tags attached to this entry (separated by spaces)
tags : tags attached to this entry (separated by spaces)
We implement 3 interfaces:
- ArrayAccess so that this object behaves like an associative array.
@ -847,7 +848,7 @@ class linkdb implements Iterator, Countable, ArrayAccess
arsort($tags); // Sort tags by usage (most used tag first)
return $tags;
// Returns the list of days containing articles (oldest first)
// Output: An array containing days (in format YYYYMMDD).
public function days()
@ -1007,7 +1008,7 @@ function showATOM()
$feed.='</feed><!-- Cached version of '.pageUrl().' -->';
echo $feed;
@ -1025,11 +1026,11 @@ function showDailyRSS()
$cached = $cache->cachedVersion(); if (!empty($cached)) { echo $cached; exit; }
// If cached was not found (or not usable), then read the database and build the response:
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']); // Read links from database (and filter private links if used it not logged in).
/* Some Shaarlies may have very few links, so we need to look
back in time (rsort()) until we have enough days ($nb_of_days).
$linkdates=array(); foreach($LINKSDB as $linkdate=>$value) { $linkdates[]=$linkdate; }
$linkdates=array(); foreach($LINKSDB as $linkdate=>$value) { $linkdates[]=$linkdate; }
$nb_of_days=7; // We take 7 days.
@ -1044,14 +1045,14 @@ function showDailyRSS()
if (count($days)>$nb_of_days) break; // Have we collected enough days ?
// Build the RSS feed.
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=utf-8');
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0">';
echo '<channel><title>Daily - '.htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['title']).'</title><link>'.$pageaddr.'</link>';
echo '<description>Daily shared links</description><language>en-en</language><copyright>'.$pageaddr.'</copyright>'."\n";
foreach($days as $day=>$linkdates) // For each day.
$daydate = utf8_encode(strftime('%A %d, %B %Y',linkdate2timestamp($day.'_000000'))); // Full text date
@ -1059,7 +1060,7 @@ function showDailyRSS()
$absurl=htmlspecialchars(indexUrl().'?do=daily&day='.$day); // Absolute URL of the corresponding "Daily" page.
echo '<item><title>'.htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['title'].' - '.$daydate).'</title><guid>'.$absurl.'</guid><link>'.$absurl.'</link>';
echo '<pubDate>'.htmlspecialchars($rfc822date)."</pubDate>";
// Build the HTML body of this RSS entry.
@ -1069,21 +1070,21 @@ function showDailyRSS()
$l = $LINKSDB[$linkdate];
$l['thumbnail'] = thumbnail($l['url']);
$l['thumbnail'] = thumbnail($l['url']);
if (startsWith($l['url'],'?')) $l['url']=indexUrl().$l['url']; // make permalink URL absolute
// Then build the HTML for this day:
$tpl = new RainTPL;
$tpl = new RainTPL;
$html = $tpl->draw('dailyrss',$return_string=true);
echo "\n";
echo '<description><![CDATA['.$html.']]></description>'."\n</item>\n\n";
echo '</channel></rss><!-- Cached version of '.pageUrl().' -->';
@ -1097,12 +1098,12 @@ function showDaily()
$day=Date('Ymd',strtotime('-1 day')); // Yesterday, in format YYYYMMDD.
if (isset($_GET['day'])) $day=$_GET['day'];
$days = $LINKSDB->days();
$i = array_search($day,$days);
if ($i==false) { $i=count($days)-1; $day=$days[$i]; }
if ($i!==false)
if ($i>1) $previousday=$days[$i-1];
@ -1117,12 +1118,12 @@ function showDaily()
uasort($taglist, 'strcasecmp');
$linksToDisplay[$key]['thumbnail'] = thumbnail($link['url']);
$linksToDisplay[$key]['thumbnail'] = thumbnail($link['url']);
/* We need to spread the articles on 3 columns.
I did not want to use a javascript lib like http://masonry.desandro.com/
so I manually spread entries with a simple method: I roughly evaluate the
so I manually spread entries with a simple method: I roughly evaluate the
height of a div according to title and description length.
$columns=array(array(),array(),array()); // Entries to display, for each column.
@ -1150,7 +1151,7 @@ function showDaily()
$PAGE->assign('day',utf8_encode(strftime('%A %d, %B %Y',linkdate2timestamp($day.'_000000'))));
@ -1229,7 +1230,7 @@ function renderPage()
// -------- User clicks on a tag in a link: The tag is added to the list of searched tags (searchtags=...)
@ -1272,7 +1273,7 @@ function renderPage()
header('Location: '.$referer);
// -------- User wants to see only private links (toggle)
if (isset($_GET['privateonly']))
@ -1363,6 +1364,7 @@ function renderPage()
echo '<script language="JavaScript">alert("Configuration was saved.");document.location=\'?do=tools\';</script>';
@ -1740,7 +1742,7 @@ function buildLinkList($PAGE,$LINKSDB)
$linksToDisplay = $LINKSDB; // otherwise, display without filtering.
// Option: Show only private links
if (!empty($_SESSION['privateonly']))
@ -1785,7 +1787,7 @@ function buildLinkList($PAGE,$LINKSDB)
$linkDisp[$keys[$i]] = $link;
// Compute paging navigation
$searchterm= ( empty($_GET['searchterm']) ? '' : '&searchterm='.$_GET['searchterm'] );
$searchtags= ( empty($_GET['searchtags']) ? '' : '&searchtags='.$_GET['searchtags'] );
@ -1793,8 +1795,8 @@ function buildLinkList($PAGE,$LINKSDB)
$previous_page_url=''; if ($i!=count($keys)) $previous_page_url='?page='.($page+1).$searchterm.$searchtags;
$next_page_url='';if ($page>1) $next_page_url='?page='.($page-1).$searchterm.$searchtags;
$token = ''; if (isLoggedIn()) $token=getToken();
$token = ''; if (isLoggedIn()) $token=getToken();
// Fill all template fields.
@ -1803,7 +1805,7 @@ function buildLinkList($PAGE,$LINKSDB)
$PAGE->assign('redirector',empty($GLOBALS['redirector']) ? '' : $GLOBALS['redirector']); // optional redirector URL
@ -1811,7 +1813,7 @@ function buildLinkList($PAGE,$LINKSDB)
// Compute the thumbnail for a link.
// with a link to the original URL.
// Understands various services (youtube.com...)
// Input: $url = url for which the thumbnail must be found.
@ -1838,15 +1840,15 @@ function computeThumbnail($url,$href=false)
$path = parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
return array('src'=>'http://img.youtube.com/vi'.$path.'/default.jpg',
'href'=>$href,'width'=>'120','height'=>'90','alt'=>'YouTube thumbnail');
'href'=>$href,'width'=>'120','height'=>'90','alt'=>'YouTube thumbnail');
if ($domain=='pix.toile-libre.org') // pix.toile-libre.org image hosting
parse_str(parse_url($url,PHP_URL_QUERY), $params); // Extract image filename.
if (!empty($params) && !empty($params['img'])) return array('src'=>'http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/thumb/'.urlencode($params['img']),
'href'=>$href,'style'=>'max-width:120px; max-height:150px','alt'=>'pix.toile-libre.org thumbnail');
'href'=>$href,'style'=>'max-width:120px; max-height:150px','alt'=>'pix.toile-libre.org thumbnail');
if ($domain=='imgur.com')
$path = parse_url($url,PHP_URL_PATH);
@ -1925,7 +1927,7 @@ function computeThumbnail($url,$href=false)
$sign = hash_hmac('sha256', $url, $GLOBALS['salt']); // We use the salt to sign data (it's random, secret, and specific to each installation)
return array('src'=>indexUrl().'?do=genthumbnail&hmac='.htmlspecialchars($sign).'&url='.urlencode($url),
return array(); // No thumbnail.
@ -1942,7 +1944,7 @@ function thumbnail($url,$href=false)
$t = computeThumbnail($url,$href);
if (count($t)==0) return ''; // Empty array = no thumbnail for this URL.
$html='<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($t['href']).'"><img src="'.htmlspecialchars($t['src']).'"';
if (!empty($t['width'])) $html.=' width="'.htmlspecialchars($t['width']).'"';
if (!empty($t['height'])) $html.=' height="'.htmlspecialchars($t['height']).'"';
@ -1961,11 +1963,11 @@ function thumbnail($url,$href=false)
// Returns '' if no thumbnail available.
function lazyThumbnail($url,$href=false)
$t = computeThumbnail($url,$href);
$t = computeThumbnail($url,$href);
if (count($t)==0) return ''; // Empty array = no thumbnail for this URL.
$html='<a href="'.htmlspecialchars($t['href']).'">';
// Lazy image (only loaded by javascript when in the viewport).
if (!empty($GLOBALS['disablejquery'])) // (except if jQuery is disabled)
$html.='<img class="lazyimage" src="'.htmlspecialchars($t['src']).'"';
@ -1978,7 +1980,7 @@ function lazyThumbnail($url,$href=false)
if (!empty($t['style'])) $html.=' style="'.htmlspecialchars($t['style']).'"';
if (!empty($t['alt'])) $html.=' alt="'.htmlspecialchars($t['alt']).'"';
// No-javascript fallback.
$html.='<noscript><img src="'.htmlspecialchars($t['src']).'"';
if (!empty($t['width'])) $html.=' width="'.htmlspecialchars($t['width']).'"';
@ -1986,7 +1988,7 @@ function lazyThumbnail($url,$href=false)
if (!empty($t['style'])) $html.=' style="'.htmlspecialchars($t['style']).'"';
if (!empty($t['alt'])) $html.=' alt="'.htmlspecialchars($t['alt']).'"';
return $html;
@ -2041,7 +2043,7 @@ function install()
// Display config form:
list($timezone_form,$timezone_js) = templateTZform();
$timezone_html=''; if ($timezone_form!='') $timezone_html='<tr><td valign="top"><b>Timezone:</b></td><td>'.$timezone_form.'</td></tr>';
$PAGE = new pageBuilder;
@ -2163,6 +2165,7 @@ function writeConfig()
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'redirector\']='.var_export($GLOBALS['redirector'],true).'; ';
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'disablesessionprotection\']='.var_export($GLOBALS['disablesessionprotection'],true).'; ';
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'disablejquery\']='.var_export($GLOBALS['disablejquery'],true).'; ';
$config .= '$GLOBALS[\'privateLinkByDefault\']='.var_export($GLOBALS['privateLinkByDefault'],true).'; ';
$config .= ' ?>';
if (!file_put_contents($GLOBALS['config']['CONFIG_FILE'],$config) || strcmp(file_get_contents($GLOBALS['config']['CONFIG_FILE']),$config)!=0)
@ -2279,7 +2282,7 @@ function genThumbnail()
// The thumbnail for TED talks is located in the <link rel="image_src" [...]> tag on that page
// http://www.ted.com/talks/mikko_hypponen_fighting_viruses_defending_the_net.html
// <link rel="image_src" href="http://images.ted.com/images/ted/28bced335898ba54d4441809c5b1112ffaf36781_389x292.jpg" />
list($httpstatus,$headers,$data) = getHTTP($url,5);
list($httpstatus,$headers,$data) = getHTTP($url,5);
if (strpos($httpstatus,'200 OK')!==false)
// Extract the link to the thumbnail
@ -2302,7 +2305,7 @@ function genThumbnail()
elseif ($domain=='xkcd.com' || endsWith($domain,'.xkcd.com'))
// There is no thumbnail available for xkcd comics, so download the whole image and resize it.
@ -2330,7 +2333,7 @@ function genThumbnail()
@ -2402,7 +2405,7 @@ if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=g
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=rss')) { showRSS(); exit; }
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=atom')) { showATOM(); exit; }
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=dailyrss')) { showDailyRSS(); exit; }
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=daily')) { showDaily(); exit; }
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=daily')) { showDaily(); exit; }
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'ws=')) { processWS(); exit; } // Webservices (for jQuery/jQueryUI)
@ -19,8 +19,10 @@
<tr><td valign="top"><b>Features:</b></td><td>
<input type="checkbox" name="disablejquery" id="disablejquery" {if="!empty($GLOBALS['disablejquery'])"}checked{/if}><label for="disablejquery"> Disable jQuery and all heavy javascript (for example: Autocomplete in tags. Useful for slow computers.)</label>
<tr><td valign="top"><b>New link:</b></td><td>
<input type="checkbox" name="privateLinkByDefault" id="privateLinkByDefault" {if="!empty($GLOBALS['privateLinkByDefault'])"}checked{/if}/><label for="privateLinkByDefault"> All new link are private by default</label></td>
<tr><td></td><td align="right"><input type="submit" name="Save" value="Save config" class="bigbutton"></td></tr>
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
{if condition="$link.title==''"}onload="document.linkform.lf_title.focus();"
{elseif condition="$link.description==''"}onload="document.linkform.lf_description.focus();"
{else}onload="document.linkform.lf_tags.focus();"{/if} >
@ -14,7 +14,13 @@
<i>Title</i><br><input type="text" name="lf_title" value="{$link.title|htmlspecialchars}" style="width:100%"><br>
<i>Description</i><br><textarea name="lf_description" rows="4" cols="25" style="width:100%">{$link.description|htmlspecialchars}</textarea><br>
<i>Tags</i><br><input type="text" id="lf_tags" name="lf_tags" value="{$link.tags|htmlspecialchars}" style="width:100%"><br>
<input type="checkbox" {if condition="$link.private!=0"}checked="yes"{/if} style="margin:7 0 10 0;" name="lf_private" id="lf_private"> <label for="lf_private"><i>Private</i></label><br>
{if condition="($link_is_new && $GLOBALS['privateLinkByDefault']==true) || $link.private == true"}
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" name="lf_private" id="lf_private">
<label for="lf_private"><i>Private</i></label><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="lf_private" id="lf_private">
<label for="lf_private"><i>Private</i></label><br>
<input type="submit" value="Save" name="save_edit" class="bigbutton" style="margin-left:40px;">
<input type="submit" value="Cancel" name="cancel_edit" class="bigbutton" style="margin-left:40px;">
{if condition="!$link_is_new"}<input type="submit" value="Delete" name="delete_link" class="bigbutton" style="margin-left:180px;" onClick="return confirmDeleteLink();">{/if}
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