LinkDB: move to a proper file, add test coverage

Relates to 

 - move to application/LinkDB.php
 - code cleanup
   - indentation
   - whitespaces
   - formatting
 - comment cleanup
   - add missing documentation
   - unify formatting

Test coverage for LinkDB
 - constructor
 - public / private access
 - link-related methods

Shaarli utilities (LinkDB dependencies)
 - move startsWith() and endsWith() functions to application/Utils.php
 - add test coverage

Dev utilities
 - Composer: add PHPUnit to dev dependencies
 - Makefile:
    - update lint targets
    - add test targets
    - generate coverage reports

Signed-off-by: VirtualTam <>
This commit is contained in:
VirtualTam 2015-03-12 00:43:02 +01:00 committed by VirtualTam
parent cbecab7735
commit ca74886f30
12 changed files with 1231 additions and 257 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -16,5 +16,7 @@ pagecache
# Ignore test output
# Ignore test data & output

View file

@ -8,12 +8,15 @@
# - install/update test dependencies:
# $ composer install # 1st setup
# $ composer update
# - install Xdebug for PHPUnit code coverage reports:
# - see
# - enable in php.ini
BIN = vendor/bin
PHP_SOURCE = index.php
MESS_DETECTOR_RULES = cleancode,codesize,controversial,design,naming,unusedcode
PHP_SOURCE = index.php application tests
PHP_COMMA_SOURCE = index.php,application,tests
all: static_analysis_summary
all: static_analysis_summary test
# Concise status of the project
@ -21,6 +24,7 @@ all: static_analysis_summary
static_analysis_summary: code_sniffer_source copy_paste mess_detector_summary
# PHP_CodeSniffer
@ -62,6 +66,7 @@ copy_paste:
# Detects PHP syntax errors, sorted by category
# Rules documentation:
MESS_DETECTOR_RULES = cleancode,codesize,controversial,design,naming,unusedcode
@echo "-----------------"
@ -70,11 +75,11 @@ mess_title:
### - all warnings
mess_detector: mess_title
@$(BIN)/phpmd $(PHP_SOURCE) text $(MESS_DETECTOR_RULES) | sed 's_.*\/__'
@$(BIN)/phpmd $(PHP_COMMA_SOURCE) text $(MESS_DETECTOR_RULES) | sed 's_.*\/__'
### - all warnings + HTML output contains links to PHPMD's documentation
--reportfile phpmd.html || exit 0
### - warnings grouped by message, sorted by descending frequency order
@ -85,10 +90,24 @@ mess_detector_grouped: mess_title
### - summary: number of warnings by rule set
mess_detector_summary: mess_title
@for rule in $$(echo $(MESS_DETECTOR_RULES) | tr ',' ' '); do \
warnings=$$($(BIN)/phpmd $(PHP_SOURCE) text $$rule | wc -l); \
warnings=$$($(BIN)/phpmd $(PHP_COMMA_SOURCE) text $$rule | wc -l); \
printf "$$warnings\t$$rule\n"; \
# PHPUnit
# Runs unitary and functional tests
# Generates an HTML coverage report if Xdebug is enabled
# See phpunit.xml for configuration
test: clean
@echo "-------"
@echo "PHPUNIT"
@echo "-------"
@$(BIN)/phpunit tests
# Targets for repository and documentation maintenance
@ -107,4 +126,4 @@ doc: clean
for file in `find doc/ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.md"`; do \
pandoc -f markdown_github -t html5 -s -c "github-markdown.css" -o doc/`basename $$file .md`.html "$$file"; \

application/.htaccess Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Allow from none
Deny from all

application/LinkDB.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
* Data storage for links.
* This object behaves like an associative array.
* Example:
* $myLinks = new LinkDB();
* echo $myLinks['20110826_161819']['title'];
* foreach ($myLinks as $link)
* echo $link['title'].' at url '.$link['url'].'; description:'.$link['description'];
* Available keys:
* - description: description of the entry
* - linkdate: date of the creation of this entry, in the form YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
* (e.g.'20110914_192317')
* - private: Is this link private? 0=no, other value=yes
* - tags: tags attached to this entry (separated by spaces)
* - title Title of the link
* - url URL of the link. Can be absolute or relative.
* Relative URLs are permalinks (e.g.'?m-ukcw')
* Implements 3 interfaces:
* - ArrayAccess: behaves like an associative array;
* - Countable: there is a count() method;
* - Iterator: usable in foreach () loops.
class LinkDB implements Iterator, Countable, ArrayAccess
// List of links (associative array)
// - key: link date (e.g. "20110823_124546"),
// - value: associative array (keys: title, description...)
private $links;
// List of all recorded URLs (key=url, value=linkdate)
// for fast reserve search (url-->linkdate)
private $urls;
// List of linkdate keys (for the Iterator interface implementation)
private $keys;
// Position in the $this->keys array (for the Iterator interface)
private $position;
// Is the user logged in? (used to filter private links)
private $loggedIn;
* Creates a new LinkDB
* Checks if the datastore exists; else, attempts to create a dummy one.
* @param $isLoggedIn is the user logged in?
function __construct($isLoggedIn)
// FIXME: do not access $GLOBALS, pass the datastore instead
$this->loggedIn = $isLoggedIn;
* Countable - Counts elements of an object
public function count()
return count($this->links);
* ArrayAccess - Assigns a value to the specified offset
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
// TODO: use exceptions instead of "die"
if (!$this->loggedIn) {
die('You are not authorized to add a link.');
if (empty($value['linkdate']) || empty($value['url'])) {
die('Internal Error: A link should always have a linkdate and URL.');
if (empty($offset)) {
die('You must specify a key.');
$this->links[$offset] = $value;
* ArrayAccess - Whether or not an offset exists
public function offsetExists($offset)
return array_key_exists($offset, $this->links);
* ArrayAccess - Unsets an offset
public function offsetUnset($offset)
if (!$this->loggedIn) {
// TODO: raise an exception
die('You are not authorized to delete a link.');
$url = $this->links[$offset]['url'];
* ArrayAccess - Returns the value at specified offset
public function offsetGet($offset)
return isset($this->links[$offset]) ? $this->links[$offset] : null;
* Iterator - Returns the current element
function current()
return $this->links[$this->keys[$this->position]];
* Iterator - Returns the key of the current element
function key()
return $this->keys[$this->position];
* Iterator - Moves forward to next element
function next()
* Iterator - Rewinds the Iterator to the first element
* Entries are sorted by date (latest first)
function rewind()
$this->keys = array_keys($this->links);
$this->position = 0;
* Iterator - Checks if current position is valid
function valid()
return isset($this->keys[$this->position]);
* Checks if the DB directory and file exist
* If no DB file is found, creates a dummy DB.
private function checkDB()
if (file_exists($GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE'])) {
// Create a dummy database for example
$this->links = array();
$link = array(
'title'=>'Shaarli -',
'description'=>'Welcome to Shaarli! This is a bookmark. To edit or delete me, you must first login.',
'tags'=>'opensource software'
$this->links[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
$link = array(
'title'=>'My secret stuff... -',
'description'=>'SShhhh!! I\'m a private link only YOU can see. You can delete me too.',
$this->links[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
// Write database to disk
// TODO: raise an exception if the file is not write-able
// FIXME: do not use $GLOBALS
* Reads database from disk to memory
private function readdb()
// Read data
// Note that gzinflate is faster than gzuncompress.
// See:
// FIXME: do not use $GLOBALS
$this->links = array();
if (file_exists($GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE'])) {
$this->links = unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode(
strlen(PHPPREFIX), -strlen(PHPSUFFIX)))));
// If user is not logged in, filter private links.
if (!$this->loggedIn) {
$toremove = array();
foreach ($this->links as $link) {
if ($link['private'] != 0) {
$toremove[] = $link['linkdate'];
foreach ($toremove as $linkdate) {
// Keep the list of the mapping URLs-->linkdate up-to-date.
$this->urls = array();
foreach ($this->links as $link) {
$this->urls[$link['url']] = $link['linkdate'];
* Saves the database from memory to disk
public function savedb()
if (!$this->loggedIn) {
// TODO: raise an Exception instead
die('You are not authorized to change the database.');
* Returns the link for a given URL, or False if it does not exist.
public function getLinkFromUrl($url)
if (isset($this->urls[$url])) {
return $this->links[$this->urls[$url]];
return false;
* Returns the list of links corresponding to a full-text search
* Searches:
* - in the URLs, title and description;
* - are case-insensitive.
* Example:
* print_r($mydb->filterFulltext('hollandais'));
* mb_convert_case($val, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8')
* - allows to perform searches on Unicode text
* - see for examples
public function filterFulltext($searchterms)
// FIXME: explode(' ',$searchterms) and perform a AND search.
// FIXME: accept double-quotes to search for a string "as is"?
$filtered = array();
$search = mb_convert_case($searchterms, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8');
$keys = ['title', 'description', 'url', 'tags'];
foreach ($this->links as $link) {
$found = false;
foreach ($keys as $key) {
if (strpos(mb_convert_case($link[$key], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'),
$search) !== false) {
$found = true;
if ($found) {
$filtered[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
return $filtered;
* Returns the list of links associated with a given list of tags
* You can specify one or more tags, separated by space or a comma, e.g.
* print_r($mydb->filterTags('linux programming'));
public function filterTags($tags, $casesensitive=false)
// Same as above, we use UTF-8 conversion to handle various graphemes (i.e. cyrillic, or greek)
// FIXME: is $casesensitive ever true?
$t = str_replace(
',', ' ',
($casesensitive ? $tags : mb_convert_case($tags, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'))
$searchtags = explode(' ', $t);
$filtered = array();
foreach ($this->links as $l) {
$linktags = explode(
' ',
($casesensitive ? $l['tags']:mb_convert_case($l['tags'], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'))
if (count(array_intersect($linktags, $searchtags)) == count($searchtags)) {
$filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
* Returns the list of articles for a given day, chronologically sorted
* Day must be in the form 'YYYYMMDD' (e.g. '20120125'), e.g.
* print_r($mydb->filterDay('20120125'));
public function filterDay($day)
// TODO: check input format
$filtered = array();
foreach ($this->links as $l) {
if (startsWith($l['linkdate'], $day)) {
$filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
* Returns the article corresponding to a smallHash
public function filterSmallHash($smallHash)
$filtered = array();
foreach ($this->links as $l) {
if ($smallHash == smallHash($l['linkdate'])) {
// Yes, this is ugly and slow
$filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
return $filtered;
* Returns the list of all tags
* Output: associative array key=tags, value=0
public function allTags()
$tags = array();
foreach ($this->links as $link) {
foreach (explode(' ', $link['tags']) as $tag) {
if (!empty($tag)) {
$tags[$tag] = (empty($tags[$tag]) ? 1 : $tags[$tag] + 1);
// Sort tags by usage (most used tag first)
return $tags;
* Returns the list of days containing articles (oldest first)
* Output: An array containing days (in format YYYYMMDD).
public function days()
$linkDays = array();
foreach (array_keys($this->links) as $day) {
$linkDays[substr($day, 0, 8)] = 0;
$linkDays = array_keys($linkDays);
return $linkDays;

application/Utils.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Shaarli utilities
* Returns the small hash of a string, using RFC 4648 base64url format
* Small hashes:
* - are unique (well, as unique as crc32, at last)
* - are always 6 characters long.
* - only use the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ @
* - are NOT cryptographically secure (they CAN be forged)
* In Shaarli, they are used as a tinyurl-like link to individual entries,
* e.g. smallHash('20111006_131924') --> yZH23w
function smallHash($text)
$t = rtrim(base64_encode(hash('crc32', $text, true)), '=');
return strtr($t, '+/', '-_');
* Tells if a string start with a substring
function startsWith($haystack, $needle, $case=true)
if ($case) {
return (strcmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)), $needle) === 0);
return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)), $needle) === 0);
* Tells if a string ends with a substring
function endsWith($haystack, $needle, $case=true)
if ($case) {
return (strcmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)), $needle) === 0);
return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)), $needle) === 0);

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"require": {},
"require-dev": {
"phpmd/phpmd" : "@stable",
"phpunit/phpunit": "4.6.*",
"sebastian/phpcpd": "*",
"squizlabs/php_codesniffer": "2.*"

View file

@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ checkphpversion();
error_reporting(E_ALL^E_WARNING); // See all error except warnings.
//error_reporting(-1); // See all errors (for debugging only)
// Shaarli library
require_once 'application/LinkDB.php';
require_once 'application/Utils.php';
include "inc/rain.tpl.class.php"; //include Rain TPL
raintpl::$tpl_dir = $GLOBALS['config']['RAINTPL_TPL']; // template directory
raintpl::$cache_dir = $GLOBALS['config']['RAINTPL_TMP']; // cache directory
@ -268,21 +272,6 @@ function nl2br_escaped($html)
return str_replace('>','&gt;',str_replace('<','&lt;',nl2br($html)));
/* Returns the small hash of a string, using RFC 4648 base64url format
e.g. smallHash('20111006_131924') --> yZH23w
Small hashes:
- are unique (well, as unique as crc32, at last)
- are always 6 characters long.
- only use the following characters: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ @
- are NOT cryptographically secure (they CAN be forged)
In Shaarli, they are used as a tinyurl-like link to individual entries.
function smallHash($text)
$t = rtrim(base64_encode(hash('crc32',$text,true)),'=');
return strtr($t, '+/', '-_');
// In a string, converts URLs to clickable links.
// Function inspired from
function text2clickable($url)
@ -536,20 +525,6 @@ function getMaxFileSize()
return $maxsize;
// Tells if a string start with a substring or not.
function startsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true)
if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, 0, strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);
// Tells if a string ends with a substring or not.
function endsWith($haystack,$needle,$case=true)
if($case){return (strcmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);}
return (strcasecmp(substr($haystack, strlen($haystack) - strlen($needle)),$needle)===0);
/* Converts a linkdate time (YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS) of an article to a timestamp (Unix epoch)
(used to build the ADD_DATE attribute in Netscape-bookmarks file)
PS: I could have used strptime(), but it does not exist on Windows. I'm too kind. */
@ -710,220 +685,6 @@ class pageBuilder
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Data storage for links.
This object behaves like an associative array.
$mylinks = new linkdb();
echo $mylinks['20110826_161819']['title'];
foreach($mylinks as $link)
echo $link['title'].' at url '.$link['url'].' ; description:'.$link['description'];
Available keys:
title : Title of the link
url : URL of the link. Can be absolute or relative. Relative URLs are permalinks (e.g.'?m-ukcw')
description : description of the entry
private : Is this link private? 0=no, other value=yes
linkdate : date of the creation of this entry, in the form YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS (e.g.'20110914_192317')
tags : tags attached to this entry (separated by spaces)
We implement 3 interfaces:
- ArrayAccess so that this object behaves like an associative array.
- Iterator so that this object can be used in foreach() loops.
- Countable interface so that we can do a count() on this object.
class linkdb implements Iterator, Countable, ArrayAccess
private $links; // List of links (associative array. Key=linkdate (e.g. "20110823_124546"), value= associative array (keys:title,description...)
private $urls; // List of all recorded URLs (key=url, value=linkdate) for fast reserve search (url-->linkdate)
private $keys; // List of linkdate keys (for the Iterator interface implementation)
private $position; // Position in the $this->keys array. (for the Iterator interface implementation.)
private $loggedin; // Is the user logged in? (used to filter private links)
// Constructor:
function __construct($isLoggedIn)
// Input : $isLoggedIn : is the user logged in?
$this->loggedin = $isLoggedIn;
$this->checkdb(); // Make sure data file exists.
$this->readdb(); // Then read it.
// ---- Countable interface implementation
public function count() { return count($this->links); }
// ---- ArrayAccess interface implementation
public function offsetSet($offset, $value)
if (!$this->loggedin) die('You are not authorized to add a link.');
if (empty($value['linkdate']) || empty($value['url'])) die('Internal Error: A link should always have a linkdate and URL.');
if (empty($offset)) die('You must specify a key.');
$this->links[$offset] = $value;
public function offsetExists($offset) { return array_key_exists($offset,$this->links); }
public function offsetUnset($offset)
if (!$this->loggedin) die('You are not authorized to delete a link.');
$url = $this->links[$offset]['url']; unset($this->urls[$url]);
public function offsetGet($offset) { return isset($this->links[$offset]) ? $this->links[$offset] : null; }
// ---- Iterator interface implementation
function rewind() { $this->keys=array_keys($this->links); rsort($this->keys); $this->position=0; } // Start over for iteration, ordered by date (latest first).
function key() { return $this->keys[$this->position]; } // current key
function current() { return $this->links[$this->keys[$this->position]]; } // current value
function next() { ++$this->position; } // go to next item
function valid() { return isset($this->keys[$this->position]); } // Check if current position is valid.
// ---- Misc methods
private function checkdb() // Check if db directory and file exists.
if (!file_exists($GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE'])) // Create a dummy database for example.
$this->links = array();
$link = array('title'=>'Shaarli -','url'=>'','description'=>'Welcome to Shaarli ! This is a bookmark. To edit or delete me, you must first login.','private'=>0,'linkdate'=>'20110914_190000','tags'=>'opensource software');
$this->links[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
$link = array('title'=>'My secret stuff... -','url'=>'','description'=>'SShhhh!! I\'m a private link only YOU can see. You can delete me too.','private'=>1,'linkdate'=>'20110914_074522','tags'=>'secretstuff');
$this->links[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
file_put_contents($GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE'], PHPPREFIX.base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->links))).PHPSUFFIX); // Write database to disk
// Read database from disk to memory
private function readdb()
// Read data
$this->links=(file_exists($GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE']) ? unserialize(gzinflate(base64_decode(substr(file_get_contents($GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE']),strlen(PHPPREFIX),-strlen(PHPSUFFIX))))) : array() );
// Note that gzinflate is faster than gzuncompress. See:
// If user is not logged in, filter private links.
if (!$this->loggedin)
foreach($this->links as $link) { if ($link['private']!=0) $toremove[]=$link['linkdate']; }
foreach($toremove as $linkdate) { unset($this->links[$linkdate]); }
// Keep the list of the mapping URLs-->linkdate up-to-date.
foreach($this->links as $link) { $this->urls[$link['url']]=$link['linkdate']; }
// Save database from memory to disk.
public function savedb()
if (!$this->loggedin) die('You are not authorized to change the database.');
file_put_contents($GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE'], PHPPREFIX.base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->links))).PHPSUFFIX);
// Returns the link for a given URL (if it exists). False if it does not exist.
public function getLinkFromUrl($url)
if (isset($this->urls[$url])) return $this->links[$this->urls[$url]];
return false;
// Case insensitive search among links (in the URLs, title and description). Returns filtered list of links.
// e.g. print_r($mydb->filterFulltext('hollandais'));
public function filterFulltext($searchterms)
// FIXME: explode(' ',$searchterms) and perform a AND search.
// FIXME: accept double-quotes to search for a string "as is"?
// Using mb_convert_case($val, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8') allows us to perform searches on
// Unicode text. See for examples.
$s = mb_convert_case($searchterms, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8');
foreach($this->links as $l)
$found= (strpos(mb_convert_case($l['title'], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'),$s) !== false)
|| (strpos(mb_convert_case($l['description'], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'),$s) !== false)
|| (strpos(mb_convert_case($l['url'], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'),$s) !== false)
|| (strpos(mb_convert_case($l['tags'], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'),$s) !== false);
if ($found) $filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
// Filter by tag.
// You can specify one or more tags (tags can be separated by space or comma).
// e.g. print_r($mydb->filterTags('linux programming'));
public function filterTags($tags,$casesensitive=false)
// Same as above, we use UTF-8 conversion to handle various graphemes (i.e. cyrillic, or greek)
// TODO: is $casesensitive ever true ?
$t = str_replace(',',' ',($casesensitive?$tags:mb_convert_case($tags, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8')));
$searchtags=explode(' ',$t);
foreach($this->links as $l)
$linktags = explode(' ',($casesensitive?$l['tags']:mb_convert_case($l['tags'], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8')));
if (count(array_intersect($linktags,$searchtags)) == count($searchtags))
$filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
// Filter by day. Day must be in the form 'YYYYMMDD' (e.g. '20120125')
// Sort order is: older articles first.
// e.g. print_r($mydb->filterDay('20120125'));
public function filterDay($day)
foreach($this->links as $l)
if (startsWith($l['linkdate'],$day)) $filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
// Filter by smallHash.
// Only 1 article is returned.
public function filterSmallHash($smallHash)
foreach($this->links as $l)
if ($smallHash==smallHash($l['linkdate'])) // Yes, this is ugly and slow
$filtered[$l['linkdate']] = $l;
return $filtered;
return $filtered;
// Returns the list of all tags
// Output: associative array key=tags, value=0
public function allTags()
foreach($this->links as $link)
foreach(explode(' ',$link['tags']) as $tag)
if (!empty($tag)) $tags[$tag]=(empty($tags[$tag]) ? 1 : $tags[$tag]+1);
arsort($tags); // Sort tags by usage (most used tag first)
return $tags;
// Returns the list of days containing articles (oldest first)
// Output: An array containing days (in format YYYYMMDD).
public function days()
foreach(array_keys($this->links) as $day)
return $linkdays;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Output the last N links in RSS 2.0 format.
function showRSS()
@ -941,7 +702,7 @@ function showRSS()
$cached = $cache->cachedVersion(); if (!empty($cached)) { echo $cached; exit; }
// If cached was not found (or not usable), then read the database and build the response:
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']); // Read links from database (and filter private links if user it not logged in).
$LINKSDB = new LinkDB(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']);
// Optionally filter the results:
@ -1019,7 +780,7 @@ function showATOM()
$cached = $cache->cachedVersion(); if (!empty($cached)) { echo $cached; exit; }
// If cached was not found (or not usable), then read the database and build the response:
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']); // Read links from database (and filter private links if used it not logged in).
$LINKSDB = new LinkDB(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']);
// Optionally filter the results:
@ -1104,7 +865,7 @@ function showDailyRSS()
$cache = new pageCache(pageUrl(),startsWith($query,'do=dailyrss') && !isLoggedIn());
$cached = $cache->cachedVersion(); if (!empty($cached)) { echo $cached; exit; }
// If cached was not found (or not usable), then read the database and build the response:
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']); // Read links from database (and filter private links if used it not logged in).
$LINKSDB = new LinkDB(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']);
/* Some Shaarlies may have very few links, so we need to look
back in time (rsort()) until we have enough days ($nb_of_days).
@ -1172,7 +933,7 @@ function showDailyRSS()
// "Daily" page.
function showDaily()
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']); // Read links from database (and filter private links if used it not logged in).
$LINKSDB = new LinkDB(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']);
$day=Date('Ymd',strtotime('-1 day')); // Yesterday, in format YYYYMMDD.
@ -1240,7 +1001,7 @@ function showDaily()
// Render HTML page (according to URL parameters and user rights)
function renderPage()
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']); // Read links from database (and filter private links if used it not logged in).
$LINKSDB = new LinkDB(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']);
// -------- Display login form.
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]) && startswith($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],'do=login'))
@ -1822,7 +1583,7 @@ HTML;
function importFile()
if (!(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI'])) { die('Not allowed.'); }
$LINKSDB=new linkdb(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']); // Read links from database (and filter private links if used it not logged in).
$LINKSDB = new LinkDB(isLoggedIn() || $GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']);

phpunit.xml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<whitelist addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
<directory suffix=".php">application</directory>
<log type="coverage-html" target="coverage" lowUpperBound="30" highLowerBound="80"/>
<log type="coverage-text" target="php://stdout" showUncoveredFiles="true"/>

tests/.htaccess Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Allow from none
Deny from all

tests/LinkDBTest.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
* Link datastore tests
require_once 'application/LinkDB.php';
require_once 'application/Utils.php';
require_once 'tests/utils/ReferenceLinkDB.php';
define('PHPPREFIX', '<?php /* ');
define('PHPSUFFIX', ' */ ?>');
* Unitary tests for LinkDB
class LinkDBTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
// datastore to test write operations
protected static $testDatastore = 'tests/datastore.php';
protected static $dummyDatastoreSHA1 = 'e3edea8ea7bb50be4bcb404df53fbb4546a7156e';
protected static $refDB = null;
protected static $publicLinkDB = null;
protected static $privateLinkDB = null;
* Instantiates public and private LinkDBs with test data
* The reference datastore contains public and private links that
* will be used to test LinkDB's methods:
* - access filtering (public/private),
* - link searches:
* - by day,
* - by tag,
* - by text,
* - etc.
public static function setUpBeforeClass()
self::$refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB();
self::$refDB->write(self::$testDatastore, PHPPREFIX, PHPSUFFIX);
$GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE'] = self::$testDatastore;
self::$publicLinkDB = new LinkDB(false);
self::$privateLinkDB = new LinkDB(true);
* Resets test data for each test
protected function setUp()
$GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE'] = self::$testDatastore;
if (file_exists(self::$testDatastore)) {
* Allows to test LinkDB's private methods
* @see
protected static function getMethod($name)
$class = new ReflectionClass('LinkDB');
$method = $class->getMethod($name);
return $method;
* Instantiate LinkDB objects - logged in user
public function testConstructLoggedIn()
new LinkDB(true);
* Instantiate LinkDB objects - logged out or public instance
public function testConstructLoggedOut()
new LinkDB(false);
* Attempt to instantiate a LinkDB whereas the datastore is not writable
* @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /failed to open stream: No such file or directory/
public function testConstructDatastoreNotWriteable()
$GLOBALS['config']['DATASTORE'] = 'null/store.db';
new LinkDB(false);
* The DB doesn't exist, ensure it is created with dummy content
public function testCheckDBNew()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(false);
$checkDB = self::getMethod('checkDB');
$checkDB->invokeArgs($linkDB, array());
// ensure the correct data has been written
* The DB exists, don't do anything
public function testCheckDBLoad()
$linkDB = new LinkDB(false);
$checkDB = self::getMethod('checkDB');
$checkDB->invokeArgs($linkDB, array());
// ensure the datastore is left unmodified
* Load an empty DB
public function testReadEmptyDB()
file_put_contents(self::$testDatastore, PHPPREFIX.'S7QysKquBQA='.PHPSUFFIX);
$emptyDB = new LinkDB(false);
$this->assertEquals(0, sizeof($emptyDB));
$this->assertEquals(0, count($emptyDB));
* Load public links from the DB
public function testReadPublicDB()
* Load public and private links from the DB
public function testReadPrivateDB()
* Save the links to the DB
public function testSaveDB()
$testDB = new LinkDB(true);
$dbSize = sizeof($testDB);
$link = array(
'title'=>'an additional link',
'description'=>'One more',
'tags'=>'unit test'
$testDB[$link['linkdate']] = $link;
// TODO: move PageCache to a proper class/file
function invalidateCaches() {}
$testDB = new LinkDB(true);
$this->assertEquals($dbSize + 1, sizeof($testDB));
* Count existing links
public function testCount()
* List the days for which links have been posted
public function testDays()
['20121206', '20130614', '20150310'],
['20121206', '20130614', '20141125', '20150310'],
* The URL corresponds to an existing entry in the DB
public function testGetKnownLinkFromURL()
$link = self::$publicLinkDB->getLinkFromUrl('');
$this->assertNotEquals(false, $link);
'A free software media publishing platform',
* The URL is not in the DB
public function testGetUnknownLinkFromURL()
* Lists all tags
public function testAllTags()
'web' => 3,
'cartoon' => 2,
'gnu' => 2,
'dev' => 1,
'samba' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'free' => 1
'web' => 4,
'cartoon' => 3,
'gnu' => 2,
'dev' => 2,
'samba' => 1,
'media' => 1,
'software' => 1,
'stallman' => 1,
'free' => 1,
'html' => 1,
'w3c' => 1,
'css' => 1,
'Mercurial' => 1
* Filter links using a tag
public function testFilterOneTag()
sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterTags('web', false))
sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterTags('web', false))
* Filter links using a tag - case-sensitive
public function testFilterCaseSensitiveTag()
sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterTags('mercurial', true))
sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterTags('Mercurial', true))
* Filter links using a tag combination
public function testFilterMultipleTags()
sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterTags('dev cartoon', false))
sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterTags('dev cartoon', false))
* Filter links using a non-existent tag
public function testFilterUnknownTag()
sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterTags('null', false))
* Return links for a given day
public function testFilterDay()
* 404 - day not found
public function testFilterUnknownDay()
* Use an invalid date format
public function testFilterInvalidDay()
sizeof(self::$privateLinkDB->filterDay('Rainy day, dream away'))
// TODO: check input format
* Retrieve a link entry with its hash
public function testFilterSmallHash()
$links = self::$privateLinkDB->filterSmallHash('IuWvgA');
* No link for this hash
public function testFilterUnknownSmallHash()
* Full-text search - result from a link's URL
public function testFilterFullTextURL()
* Full-text search - result from a link's title only
public function testFilterFullTextTitle()
// use miscellaneous cases
sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('userfriendly -'))
sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('UserFriendly -'))
sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('uSeRFrIendlY -'))
// use miscellaneous case and offset
* Full-text search - result from the link's description only
public function testFilterFullTextDescription()
sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('media publishing'))
* Full-text search - result from the link's tags only
public function testFilterFullTextTags()
* Full-text search - result set from mixed sources
public function testFilterFullTextMixed()
sizeof(self::$publicLinkDB->filterFullText('free software'))

tests/UtilsTest.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* Utilities' tests
require_once 'application/Utils.php';
* Unitary tests for Shaarli utilities
class UtilsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Represent a link by its hash
public function testSmallHash()
$this->assertEquals('CyAAJw', smallHash(''));
$this->assertEquals(6, strlen(smallHash('')));
* Look for a substring at the beginning of a string
public function testStartsWithCaseInsensitive()
$this->assertTrue(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'lorem', false));
$this->assertTrue(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'LoReM i', false));
* Look for a substring at the beginning of a string (case-sensitive)
public function testStartsWithCaseSensitive()
$this->assertTrue(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'Lorem', true));
$this->assertFalse(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'lorem', true));
$this->assertFalse(startsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'LoReM i', true));
* Look for a substring at the beginning of a string (Unicode)
public function testStartsWithSpecialChars()
$this->assertTrue(startsWith('å!ùµ', 'å!', false));
$this->assertTrue(startsWith('µ$åù', 'µ$', true));
* Look for a substring at the end of a string
public function testEndsWithCaseInsensitive()
$this->assertTrue(endsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'ipsum', false));
$this->assertTrue(endsWith('Lorem ipsum', 'm IpsUM', false));
* Look for a substring at the end of a string (case-sensitive)
public function testEndsWithCaseSensitive()
$this->assertTrue(endsWith('lorem Ipsum', 'Ipsum', true));
$this->assertFalse(endsWith('lorem Ipsum', 'ipsum', true));
$this->assertFalse(endsWith('lorem Ipsum', 'M IPsuM', true));
* Look for a substring at the end of a string (Unicode)
public function testEndsWithSpecialChars()
$this->assertTrue(endsWith('å!ùµ', 'ùµ', false));
$this->assertTrue(endsWith('µ$åù', 'åù', true));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
* Populates a reference datastore to test LinkDB
class ReferenceLinkDB
private $links = array();
private $publicCount = 0;
private $privateCount = 0;
* Populates the test DB with reference data
function __construct()
'Free as in Freedom 2.0',
'Richard Stallman and the Free Software Revolution',
'free gnu software stallman'
'A free software media publishing platform',
'gnu media web'
'Mercurial repository for the W3C Validator',
'css html w3c web Mercurial'
'UserFriendly - Web Designer',
'Naming conventions...',
'dev cartoon web'
'UserFriendly - Samba',
'Tropical printing',
'samba cartoon web'
'Geek and Poke',
'dev cartoon'
* Adds a new link
protected function addLink($title, $url, $description, $private, $date, $tags)
$link = array(
'title' => $title,
'url' => $url,
'description' => $description,
'private' => $private,
'linkdate' => $date,
'tags' => $tags,
$this->links[$date] = $link;
if ($private) {
* Writes data to the datastore
public function write($filename, $prefix, $suffix)
* Returns the number of links in the reference data
public function countLinks()
return $this->publicCount + $this->privateCount;
* Returns the number of public links in the reference data
public function countPublicLinks()
return $this->publicCount;
* Returns the number of private links in the reference data
public function countPrivateLinks()
return $this->privateCount;