Check that sessions work before installation.
This is necessary because some hosts do not have a properly set session.save_path parameter in php config, or do not have write access to the directory.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 32 additions and 7 deletions
@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ $cookie=session_get_cookie_params();
$cookiedir = ''; if(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])!='/') $cookiedir=dirname($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]).'/';
session_set_cookie_params($cookie['lifetime'],$cookiedir); // Set default cookie expiration and path.
// Set session parameters on server side.
define('INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT',3600); // (in seconds). If the user does not access any page within this time, his/her session is considered expired.
ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); // Use cookies to store session.
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); // Force cookies for session (phpsessionID forbidden in URL)
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); // Prevent php to use sessionID in URL if cookies are disabled.
if (session_id() == '') session_start(); // Start session if needed (Some server auto-start sessions).
// PHP Settings
ini_set('max_input_time','60'); // High execution time in case of problematic imports/exports.
ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); // Try to set max upload file size and read (May not work on some hosts).
@ -89,7 +97,6 @@ if (empty($GLOBALS['title'])) $GLOBALS['title']='Shared links on '.htmlspecialch
if (empty($GLOBALS['timezone'])) $GLOBALS['timezone']=date_default_timezone_get();
if (empty($GLOBALS['disablesessionprotection'])) $GLOBALS['disablesessionprotection']=false;
autoLocale(); // Sniff browser language and set date format accordingly.
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); // We use UTF-8 for proper international characters handling.
@ -265,12 +272,6 @@ function pubsubhub()
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Session management
define('INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT',3600); // (in seconds). If the user does not access any page within this time, his/her session is considered expired.
ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1); // Use cookies to store session.
ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1); // Force cookies for session (phpsessionID forbidden in URL)
ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', false); // Prevent php to use sessionID in URL if cookies are disabled.
// Returns the IP address of the client (Used to prevent session cookie hijacking.)
function allIPs()
@ -303,6 +304,8 @@ function check_auth($login,$password)
function isLoggedIn()
if ($GLOBALS['config']['OPEN_SHAARLI']) return true;
if (!isset($GLOBALS['login'])) return false; // Shaarli is not configured yet.
// If session does not exist on server side, or IP address has changed, or session has expired, logout.
if (empty($_SESSION['uid']) || ($GLOBALS['disablesessionprotection']==false && $_SESSION['ip']!=allIPs()) || time()>=$_SESSION['expires_on'])
@ -1971,6 +1974,28 @@ function install()
// On host, make sure the /sessions directory exists, otherwise login will not work.
if (endsWith($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],'') && !is_dir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/sessions')) mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/sessions',0705);
// This part makes sure sessions works correctly.
// (Because on some hosts, session.save_path may not be set correctly,
// or we may not have write access to it.)
if (isset($_GET['test_session']) && ( !isset($_SESSION) || !isset($_SESSION['session_tested']) || $_SESSION['session_tested']!='Working'))
{ // Step 2: Check if data in session is correct.
echo '<pre>Sessions do not seem to work correctly on your server.<br>';
echo 'Make sure the variable session.save_path is set correctly in your php config, and that you have write access to it.<br>';
echo 'It currently points to '.session_save_path().'<br><br><a href="?">Click to try again.</a></pre>';
if (!isset($_SESSION['session_tested']))
{ // Step 1 : Try to store data in session and reload page.
$_SESSION['session_tested'] = 'Working'; // Try to set a variable in session.
header('Location: '.indexUrl().'?test_session'); // Redirect to check stored data.
if (isset($_GET['test_session']))
{ // Step 3: Sessions are ok. Remove test parameter from URL.
header('Location: '.indexUrl());
if (!empty($_POST['setlogin']) && !empty($_POST['setpassword']))
$tz = 'UTC';
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