This feature is based general.enable_async_metadata setting and works with existing metadata.js file.
The script is compatible with any template:
- the thumbnail div bloc must have attribute
- the bookmark bloc must have attribute with the bookmark ID as value
- There is a new standalone script (metadata.js) which requests
a new controller to get bookmark metadata and fill the form async
- This feature is enabled with the new setting: general.enable_async_metadata
(enabled by default)
- general.retrieve_description is now enabled by default
- A small rotating loader animation has a been added to bookmark inputs
when metadata is being retrieved (default template)
- Custom JS htmlentities has been removed and mathiasbynens/he
library is used instead
XSS vulnerabilities fixed in editlink, linklist, and tag.list.
Also fixed tag search with special characters: urlencode function needs to be applied on raw data, before espaping, otherwise the rendered URL is wrong.