It contains mostly read only information about the current Shaarli instance,
PHP version, extensions, file and folder permissions, etc.
Also action buttons to clear the cache or sync thumbnails.
Part of the content of this page is also displayed on the install page,
to check server requirement before installing Shaarli config file.
How it works:
1. when a fulltext search is made, Shaarli looks for the first
occurence position of every term matching the search. No change here,
but we store these positions in an array, in Bookmark's additionalContent.
2. when formatting bookmarks (through BookmarkFormatter
1. first we insert specific tokens at every search result positions
2. we format the content (escape HTML, apply markdown, etc.)
3. as a last step, we replace our token with displayable span
Cons: this tightens coupling between search filters and formatters
Pros: it was absolutely necessary not to perform the
search twice. this solution has close to no impact on performances.
- There is a new standalone script (metadata.js) which requests
a new controller to get bookmark metadata and fill the form async
- This feature is enabled with the new setting: general.enable_async_metadata
(enabled by default)
- general.retrieve_description is now enabled by default
- A small rotating loader animation has a been added to bookmark inputs
when metadata is being retrieved (default template)
- Custom JS htmlentities has been removed and mathiasbynens/he
library is used instead
Mostly in order to get rid of deprecated deps, and upgrade vulnerable ones.
- Upgrade webpack from 3.x to 4.x
- Moved babel package to main repo
- Replaced deprecated extract-text-webpack-plugin with extract-text-webpack-plugin
- Replaced deprecated babel-minify-webpack-plugin with terser-webpack-plugin
- Replaced deprecated node-sass with (dart) sass package
- Replaced deprecated sass-lint with stylelint (the rules might be a bit different
Related to #1531: trivy doesn't raise any more issue
* Adds a new core plugin to override default template colors
* Adds a new hook when plugin settings are saved
* Use CSS native variables for main colors instead of SASS variables
* Disable SASS sort order rules due to a bug in the plugin
- add a default thumb size value (125x90px)
- improve private vertical bar visual, especially with thumbnails
- translations
- add a sync thumbs button in tool and empty picwall page
- fixes WT download mode in JSON config