Use CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION to check the response code and content type (only allow HTML).
Also extract the title and charset during downloading chunk of data, and stop it when everything has been extracted.
- new setting *force_login* added and documented
- if both, *force_login* and *hide_public_links* are set to true, all requests
(except for the feeds) are redirected to the login page
When deleting links, the js of the default theme separated ids by an escaped space ('+').
There was a trailing '+' after the ids which led to the php code detecting multiple values
even for single values. In combination with the id '0' this could led to no id found at all
and a resulting php error.
this commit fixes the behavior and adds an additional error handling and trimming to the php code.
- the previous code tried to use links from a previous day if there are no one for the current one
- the new code skips this part if there are no entries (i.e. days) at all
- modified showDaily() to fit PSR-1 and PSR-2
- the default state for the login page's 'remember me' checkbox can now be configured
- adapted the default and vintage theme to consider the new setting
- added documentation for the new setting
From now, searching for tags with an empty value will return only not tagged links,
with the search bar showing `x results [not tagged]`.
Note that using the api, the searchtags request parameter must be set to `false` to get the same result.
- [ ] Update API doc
* The tag list can be sort alphabetically or by most used tag
* Edit/Delete are perform using AJAX, or fallback to 'do=changetag' page
* New features aren't backported to vintage theme
* Add a checkboxes in linklist which display a sub-header containing action buttons
* Strongly rely on JS
* Requires a modern browser (ES6 syntax support)
* Checkboxes are hidden if the browser is old or JS disabled
The goal of this is to be able to adapt the timezone form
in template without hacking the HTML already rendered.
* there are two arrays available:
* `continents` which contains only a list of available continents
* `cities` which contains a list of available timezone cities, associated with their continent
Note: there are two distinct array because RainTPL doesn't support nested loop very well.