It contains mostly read only information about the current Shaarli instance,
PHP version, extensions, file and folder permissions, etc.
Also action buttons to clear the cache or sync thumbnails.
Part of the content of this page is also displayed on the install page,
to check server requirement before installing Shaarli config file.
This feature is based general.enable_async_metadata setting and works with existing metadata.js file.
The script is compatible with any template:
- the thumbnail div bloc must have attribute
- the bookmark bloc must have attribute with the bookmark ID as value
- There is a new standalone script (metadata.js) which requests
a new controller to get bookmark metadata and fill the form async
- This feature is enabled with the new setting: general.enable_async_metadata
(enabled by default)
- general.retrieve_description is now enabled by default
- A small rotating loader animation has a been added to bookmark inputs
when metadata is being retrieved (default template)
- Custom JS htmlentities has been removed and mathiasbynens/he
library is used instead
Parameters typing and using strict types overall increase the codebase
quality by enforcing the a given parameter will have the expected type.
It also removes the need to unnecessary unit tests checking methods
behavior with invalid input.
XSS vulnerabilities fixed in editlink, linklist, and tag.list.
Also fixed tag search with special characters: urlencode function needs to be applied on raw data, before espaping, otherwise the rendered URL is wrong.
LegacyRouter is no longer used for routing, only in existing plugins to match the _PAGE_ parameter.
So we change a few of its values there, to match the new ones defined in TemplatePage.
@see discussion in shaarli/Shaarli#1537
If a PHP is raised while executing plugin hook, Shaarli will display an error instead of rendering the error page (or just ending in fatal error for default hooks).
Also added phpErrorHandler which is handled differently that regular errorHandler by Slim.: