<?php require_once 'tests/utils/FakeConfigManager.php'; // Initialize reference data _before_ PHPUnit starts a session require_once 'tests/utils/ReferenceSessionIdHashes.php'; ReferenceSessionIdHashes::genAllHashes(); use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Shaarli\Security\SessionManager; /** * Test coverage for SessionManager */ class SessionManagerTest extends TestCase { /** @var array Session ID hashes */ protected static $sidHashes = null; /** @var \FakeConfigManager ConfigManager substitute for testing */ protected $conf = null; /** @var array $_SESSION array for testing */ protected $session = []; /** @var SessionManager Server-side session management abstraction */ protected $sessionManager = null; /** * Assign reference data */ public static function setUpBeforeClass() { self::$sidHashes = ReferenceSessionIdHashes::getHashes(); } /** * Initialize or reset test resources */ public function setUp() { $this->conf = new FakeConfigManager([ 'credentials.login' => 'johndoe', 'credentials.salt' => 'salt', 'security.session_protection_disabled' => false, ]); $this->session = []; $this->sessionManager = new SessionManager($this->session, $this->conf); } /** * Generate a session token */ public function testGenerateToken() { $token = $this->sessionManager->generateToken(); $this->assertEquals(1, $this->session['tokens'][$token]); $this->assertEquals(40, strlen($token)); } /** * Check a session token */ public function testCheckToken() { $token = '4dccc3a45ad9d03e5542b90c37d8db6d10f2b38b'; $session = [ 'tokens' => [ $token => 1, ], ]; $sessionManager = new SessionManager($session, $this->conf); // check and destroy the token $this->assertTrue($sessionManager->checkToken($token)); $this->assertFalse(isset($session['tokens'][$token])); // ensure the token has been destroyed $this->assertFalse($sessionManager->checkToken($token)); } /** * Generate and check a session token */ public function testGenerateAndCheckToken() { $token = $this->sessionManager->generateToken(); // ensure a token has been generated $this->assertEquals(1, $this->session['tokens'][$token]); $this->assertEquals(40, strlen($token)); // check and destroy the token $this->assertTrue($this->sessionManager->checkToken($token)); $this->assertFalse(isset($this->session['tokens'][$token])); // ensure the token has been destroyed $this->assertFalse($this->sessionManager->checkToken($token)); } /** * Check an invalid session token */ public function testCheckInvalidToken() { $this->assertFalse($this->sessionManager->checkToken('4dccc3a45ad9d03e5542b90c37d8db6d10f2b38b')); } /** * Test SessionManager::checkId with a valid ID - TEST ALL THE HASHES! * * This tests extensively covers all hash algorithms / bit representations */ public function testIsAnyHashSessionIdValid() { foreach (self::$sidHashes as $algo => $bpcs) { foreach ($bpcs as $bpc => $hash) { $this->assertTrue(SessionManager::checkId($hash)); } } } /** * Test checkId with a valid ID - SHA-1 hashes */ public function testIsSha1SessionIdValid() { $this->assertTrue(SessionManager::checkId(sha1('shaarli'))); } /** * Test checkId with a valid ID - SHA-256 hashes */ public function testIsSha256SessionIdValid() { $this->assertTrue(SessionManager::checkId(hash('sha256', 'shaarli'))); } /** * Test checkId with a valid ID - SHA-512 hashes */ public function testIsSha512SessionIdValid() { $this->assertTrue(SessionManager::checkId(hash('sha512', 'shaarli'))); } /** * Test checkId with invalid IDs. */ public function testIsSessionIdInvalid() { $this->assertFalse(SessionManager::checkId('')); $this->assertFalse(SessionManager::checkId([])); $this->assertFalse( SessionManager::checkId('c0ZqcWF3VFE2NmJBdm1HMVQ0ZHJ3UmZPbTFsNGhkNHI=') ); } /** * Store login information after a successful login */ public function testStoreLoginInfo() { $this->sessionManager->storeLoginInfo('ip_id'); $this->assertGreaterThan(time(), $this->session['expires_on']); $this->assertEquals('ip_id', $this->session['ip']); $this->assertEquals('johndoe', $this->session['username']); } /** * Extend a server-side session by SessionManager::$SHORT_TIMEOUT */ public function testExtendSession() { $this->sessionManager->extendSession(); $this->assertGreaterThan(time(), $this->session['expires_on']); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( time() + SessionManager::$SHORT_TIMEOUT, $this->session['expires_on'] ); } /** * Extend a server-side session by SessionManager::$LONG_TIMEOUT */ public function testExtendSessionStaySignedIn() { $this->sessionManager->setStaySignedIn(true); $this->sessionManager->extendSession(); $this->assertGreaterThan(time(), $this->session['expires_on']); $this->assertGreaterThan( time() + SessionManager::$LONG_TIMEOUT - 10, $this->session['expires_on'] ); $this->assertLessThanOrEqual( time() + SessionManager::$LONG_TIMEOUT, $this->session['expires_on'] ); } /** * Unset session variables after logging out */ public function testLogout() { $this->session = [ 'ip' => 'ip_id', 'expires_on' => time() + 1000, 'username' => 'johndoe', 'visibility' => 'public', 'untaggedonly' => false, ]; $this->sessionManager->logout(); $this->assertFalse(isset($this->session['ip'])); $this->assertFalse(isset($this->session['expires_on'])); $this->assertFalse(isset($this->session['username'])); $this->assertFalse(isset($this->session['visibility'])); $this->assertFalse(isset($this->session['untaggedonly'])); } /** * The session is active and expiration time has been reached */ public function testHasExpiredTimeElapsed() { $this->session['expires_on'] = time() - 10; $this->assertTrue($this->sessionManager->hasSessionExpired()); } /** * The session is active and expiration time has not been reached */ public function testHasNotExpired() { $this->session['expires_on'] = time() + 1000; $this->assertFalse($this->sessionManager->hasSessionExpired()); } /** * Session hijacking protection is disabled, we assume the IP has not changed */ public function testHasClientIpChangedNoSessionProtection() { $this->conf->set('security.session_protection_disabled', true); $this->assertFalse($this->sessionManager->hasClientIpChanged('')); } /** * The client IP identifier has not changed */ public function testHasClientIpChangedNope() { $this->session['ip'] = 'ip_id'; $this->assertFalse($this->sessionManager->hasClientIpChanged('ip_id')); } /** * The client IP identifier has changed */ public function testHasClientIpChanged() { $this->session['ip'] = 'ip_id_one'; $this->assertTrue($this->sessionManager->hasClientIpChanged('ip_id_two')); } /** * Test creating an entry in the session array */ public function testSetSessionParameterCreate(): void { $this->sessionManager->setSessionParameter('abc', 'def'); static::assertSame('def', $this->session['abc']); } /** * Test updating an entry in the session array */ public function testSetSessionParameterUpdate(): void { $this->session['abc'] = 'ghi'; $this->sessionManager->setSessionParameter('abc', 'def'); static::assertSame('def', $this->session['abc']); } /** * Test updating an entry in the session array with null value */ public function testSetSessionParameterUpdateNull(): void { $this->session['abc'] = 'ghi'; $this->sessionManager->setSessionParameter('abc', null); static::assertArrayHasKey('abc', $this->session); static::assertNull($this->session['abc']); } /** * Test deleting an existing entry in the session array */ public function testDeleteSessionParameter(): void { $this->session['abc'] = 'def'; $this->sessionManager->deleteSessionParameter('abc'); static::assertArrayNotHasKey('abc', $this->session); } /** * Test deleting a non existent entry in the session array */ public function testDeleteSessionParameterNotExisting(): void { $this->sessionManager->deleteSessionParameter('abc'); static::assertArrayNotHasKey('abc', $this->session); } }