#Release Shaarli See [Git - Maintaining a project - Tagging your [](.html) releases](http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Distributed-Git-Maintaining-a-Project#Tagging-Your-Releases). ## Prerequisites This guide assumes that you have: - a GPG key matching your GitHub authentication credentials - i.e., the email address identified by the GPG key is the same as the one in your `~/.gitconfig` - a GitHub fork of Shaarli - a local clone of your Shaarli fork, with the following remotes: - `origin` pointing to your GitHub fork - `upstream` pointing to the main Shaarli repository - maintainer permissions on the main Shaarli repository, to: - push the signed tag - create a new release - [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) and [Pandoc](http://pandoc.org/) need to be installed[](.html) ## GitHub release draft and `CHANGELOG.md` See http://keepachangelog.com/en/0.3.0/ for changelog formatting. ### GitHub release draft GitHub allows drafting the release note for the upcoming release, from the [Releases](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases) page. This way, the release note can be drafted while contributions are merged to `master`.[](.html) ### `CHANGELOG.md` This file should contain the same information as the release note draft for the upcoming version. Update it to: - add new entries (additions, fixes, etc.) - mark the current version as released by setting its date and link - add a new section for the future unreleased version ```bash $ cd /path/to/shaarli $ nano CHANGELOG.md [...][](.html) ## vA.B.C - UNRELEASED TBA ## [vX.Y.Z](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases/tag/vX.Y.Z) - YYYY-MM-DD[](.html) [...][](.html) ``` ## Increment the version code, create and push a signed tag ### Bump Shaarli's version ```bash $ cd /path/to/shaarli # create a new branch $ git fetch upstream $ git checkout upstream/master -b v0.5.0 # bump the version number $ vim index.php shaarli_version.php # rebuild the documentation from the wiki $ make htmldoc # commit the changes $ git add index.php shaarli_version.php doc $ git commit -s -m "Bump version to v0.5.0" # push the commit on your GitHub fork $ git push origin v0.5.0 ``` ### Create and merge a Pull Request This one is pretty straightforward ;-) ### Create and push a signed tag ```bash # update your local copy $ git checkout master $ git fetch upstream $ git pull upstream master # create a signed tag $ git tag -s -m "Release v0.5.0" v0.5.0 # push it to "upstream" $ git push --tags upstream ``` ### Verify a signed tag [`v0.5.0`](https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/releases/tag/v0.5.0) is the first GPG-signed tag pushed on the Community Shaarli.[](.html) Let's have a look at its signature! ```bash $ cd /path/to/shaarli $ git fetch upstream # get the SHA1 reference of the tag $ git show-ref tags/v0.5.0 f7762cf803f03f5caf4b8078359a63783d0090c1 refs/tags/v0.5.0 # verify the tag signature information $ git verify-tag f7762cf803f03f5caf4b8078359a63783d0090c1 gpg: Signature made Thu 30 Jul 2015 11:46:34 CEST using RSA key ID 4100DF6F gpg: Good signature from "VirtualTam <virtualtam@flibidi.net>" [ultimate][](.html) ``` ## Publish the GitHub release ### Create a GitHub release from a Git tag From the previously drafted release: - edit the release notes (if needed) - specify the appropriate Git tag - publish the release - profit! ### Generate and upload all-in-one release archives Users with a shared hosting may have: - no SSH access - no possibility to install PHP packages or server extensions - no possibility to run scripts To ease Shaarli installations, it is possible to generate and upload additional release archives, that will contain Shaarli code plus all required third-party libraries: ```bash $ make release_archive ``` This will create the following archives: - `shaarli-vX.Y.Z-full.tar` - `shaarli-vX.Y.Z-full.zip` The archives need to be manually uploaded on the previously created GitHub release.