<?php namespace Shaarli\Render; /** * Class ThemeUtilsTest * * @package Shaarli */ class ThemeUtilsTest extends \Shaarli\TestCase { /** * Test getThemes() with existing theme directories. */ public function testGetThemes() { $themes = ['theme1', 'default', 'Bl1p_- bL0p']; foreach ($themes as $theme) { mkdir('sandbox/tpl/' . $theme, 0755, true); } // include a file which should be ignored touch('sandbox/tpl/supertheme'); $res = ThemeUtils::getThemes('sandbox/tpl/'); foreach ($res as $theme) { $this->assertTrue(in_array($theme, $themes)); } $this->assertFalse(in_array('supertheme', $res)); foreach ($themes as $theme) { rmdir('sandbox/tpl/' . $theme); } unlink('sandbox/tpl/supertheme'); rmdir('sandbox/tpl'); } /** * Test getThemes() without any theme dir. */ public function testGetThemesEmpty() { mkdir('sandbox/tpl/', 0755, true); $this->assertEquals([], ThemeUtils::getThemes('sandbox/tpl/')); rmdir('sandbox/tpl/'); } /** * Test getThemes() with an invalid path. */ public function testGetThemesInvalid() { $this->assertEquals([], ThemeUtils::getThemes('nope')); } }