<?php namespace Shaarli\Api; use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager; use Shaarli\History; use Shaarli\Plugin\PluginManager; use Shaarli\Tests\Utils\ReferenceLinkDB; use Slim\Container; use Slim\Http\Environment; use Slim\Http\Request; use Slim\Http\Response; /** * Class ApiMiddlewareTest * * Test the REST API Slim Middleware. * * Note that we can't test a valid use case here, because the middleware * needs to call a valid controller/action during its execution. * * @package Api */ class ApiMiddlewareTest extends \Shaarli\TestCase { /** * @var string datastore to test write operations */ protected static $testDatastore = 'sandbox/datastore.php'; /** * @var ConfigManager instance */ protected $conf; /** * @var ReferenceLinkDB instance. */ protected $refDB = null; /** * @var Container instance. */ protected $container; /** * Before every test, instantiate a new Api with its config, plugins and bookmarks. */ protected function setUp(): void { $this->conf = new ConfigManager('tests/utils/config/configJson'); $this->conf->set('api.secret', 'NapoleonWasALizard'); $this->refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB(); $this->refDB->write(self::$testDatastore); $history = new History('sandbox/history.php'); $this->container = new Container(); $this->container['conf'] = $this->conf; $this->container['history'] = $history; $this->container['pluginManager'] = new PluginManager($this->conf); } /** * After every test, remove the test datastore. */ protected function tearDown(): void { @unlink(self::$testDatastore); } /** * Invoke the middleware with a valid token */ public function testInvokeMiddlewareWithValidToken(): void { $next = function (Request $request, Response $response): Response { return $response; }; $mw = new ApiMiddleware($this->container); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/echo', 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Bearer ' . ApiUtilsTest::generateValidJwtToken('NapoleonWasALizard'), ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = new Response(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $mw($request, $response, $next); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode()); } /** * Invoke the middleware with a valid token * Using specific Apache CGI redirected authorization. */ public function testInvokeMiddlewareWithValidTokenFromRedirectedHeader(): void { $next = function (Request $request, Response $response): Response { return $response; }; $token = 'Bearer ' . ApiUtilsTest::generateValidJwtToken('NapoleonWasALizard'); $this->container->environment['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = $token; $mw = new ApiMiddleware($this->container); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/echo', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = new Response(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $mw($request, $response, $next); $this->assertEquals(200, $response->getStatusCode()); } /** * Invoke the middleware with the API disabled: * should return a 401 error Unauthorized. */ public function testInvokeMiddlewareApiDisabled() { $this->conf->set('api.enabled', false); $mw = new ApiMiddleware($this->container); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/echo', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = new Response(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $mw($request, $response, null); $this->assertEquals(401, $response->getStatusCode()); $body = json_decode((string) $response->getBody()); $this->assertEquals('Not authorized', $body); } /** * Invoke the middleware with the API disabled in debug mode: * should return a 401 error Unauthorized - with a specific message and a stacktrace. */ public function testInvokeMiddlewareApiDisabledDebug() { $this->conf->set('api.enabled', false); $this->conf->set('dev.debug', true); $mw = new ApiMiddleware($this->container); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/echo', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = new Response(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $mw($request, $response, null); $this->assertEquals(401, $response->getStatusCode()); $body = json_decode((string) $response->getBody()); $this->assertEquals('Not authorized: API is disabled', $body->message); $this->assertContainsPolyfill('ApiAuthorizationException', $body->stacktrace); } /** * Invoke the middleware without a token (debug): * should return a 401 error Unauthorized - with a specific message and a stacktrace. */ public function testInvokeMiddlewareNoTokenProvidedDebug() { $this->conf->set('dev.debug', true); $mw = new ApiMiddleware($this->container); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/echo', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = new Response(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $mw($request, $response, null); $this->assertEquals(401, $response->getStatusCode()); $body = json_decode((string) $response->getBody()); $this->assertEquals('Not authorized: JWT token not provided', $body->message); $this->assertContainsPolyfill('ApiAuthorizationException', $body->stacktrace); } /** * Invoke the middleware without a secret set in settings (debug): * should return a 401 error Unauthorized - with a specific message and a stacktrace. */ public function testInvokeMiddlewareNoSecretSetDebug() { $this->conf->set('dev.debug', true); $this->conf->set('api.secret', ''); $mw = new ApiMiddleware($this->container); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/echo', 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Bearer jwt', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = new Response(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $mw($request, $response, null); $this->assertEquals(401, $response->getStatusCode()); $body = json_decode((string) $response->getBody()); $this->assertEquals('Not authorized: Token secret must be set in Shaarli\'s administration', $body->message); $this->assertContainsPolyfill('ApiAuthorizationException', $body->stacktrace); } /** * Invoke the middleware with an invalid JWT token header */ public function testInvalidJwtAuthHeaderDebug() { $this->conf->set('dev.debug', true); $mw = new ApiMiddleware($this->container); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/echo', 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'PolarBearer jwt', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = new Response(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $mw($request, $response, null); $this->assertEquals(401, $response->getStatusCode()); $body = json_decode((string) $response->getBody()); $this->assertEquals('Not authorized: Invalid JWT header', $body->message); $this->assertContainsPolyfill('ApiAuthorizationException', $body->stacktrace); } /** * Invoke the middleware with an invalid JWT token (debug): * should return a 401 error Unauthorized - with a specific message and a stacktrace. * * Note: specific JWT errors tests are handled in ApiUtilsTest. */ public function testInvokeMiddlewareInvalidJwtDebug() { $this->conf->set('dev.debug', true); $mw = new ApiMiddleware($this->container); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/echo', 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' => 'Bearer jwt', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = new Response(); /** @var Response $response */ $response = $mw($request, $response, null); $this->assertEquals(401, $response->getStatusCode()); $body = json_decode((string) $response->getBody()); $this->assertEquals('Not authorized: Malformed JWT token', $body->message); $this->assertContainsPolyfill('ApiAuthorizationException', $body->stacktrace); } }