<?php /** * ApplicationUtils' tests */ require_once 'application/config/ConfigManager.php'; require_once 'application/ApplicationUtils.php'; /** * Fake ApplicationUtils class to avoid HTTP requests */ class FakeApplicationUtils extends ApplicationUtils { public static $VERSION_CODE = ''; /** * Toggle HTTP requests, allow overriding the version code */ public static function getLatestGitVersionCode($url, $timeout=0) { return self::$VERSION_CODE; } } /** * Unitary tests for Shaarli utilities */ class ApplicationUtilsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { protected static $testUpdateFile = 'sandbox/update.txt'; protected static $testVersion = '0.5.0'; protected static $versionPattern = '/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/'; /** * Reset test data for each test */ public function setUp() { FakeApplicationUtils::$VERSION_CODE = ''; if (file_exists(self::$testUpdateFile)) { unlink(self::$testUpdateFile); } } /** * Retrieve the latest version code available on Git * * Expected format: Semantic Versioning - major.minor.patch */ public function testGetLatestGitVersionCode() { $testTimeout = 10; $this->assertEquals( '0.5.4', ApplicationUtils::getLatestGitVersionCode( 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shaarli/Shaarli/' .'v0.5.4/shaarli_version.php', $testTimeout ) ); $this->assertRegExp( self::$versionPattern, ApplicationUtils::getLatestGitVersionCode( 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shaarli/Shaarli/' .'master/shaarli_version.php', $testTimeout ) ); } /** * Attempt to retrieve the latest version from an invalid URL */ public function testGetLatestGitVersionCodeInvalidUrl() { $this->assertFalse( ApplicationUtils::getLatestGitVersionCode('htttp://null.io', 1) ); } /** * Test update checks - the user is logged off */ public function testCheckUpdateLoggedOff() { $this->assertFalse( ApplicationUtils::checkUpdate(self::$testVersion, 'null', 0, false, false) ); } /** * Test update checks - the user has disabled updates */ public function testCheckUpdateUserDisabled() { $this->assertFalse( ApplicationUtils::checkUpdate(self::$testVersion, 'null', 0, false, true) ); } /** * A newer version is available */ public function testCheckUpdateNewVersionAvailable() { $newVersion = '1.8.3'; FakeApplicationUtils::$VERSION_CODE = $newVersion; $version = FakeApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( self::$testVersion, self::$testUpdateFile, 100, true, true ); $this->assertEquals($newVersion, $version); } /** * No available information about versions */ public function testCheckUpdateNewVersionUnavailable() { $version = FakeApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( self::$testVersion, self::$testUpdateFile, 100, true, true ); $this->assertFalse($version); } /** * Test update checks - invalid Git branch * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Invalid branch selected for updates/ */ public function testCheckUpdateInvalidGitBranch() { ApplicationUtils::checkUpdate('', 'null', 0, true, true, 'unstable'); } /** * Shaarli is up-to-date */ public function testCheckUpdateNewVersionUpToDate() { FakeApplicationUtils::$VERSION_CODE = self::$testVersion; $version = FakeApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( self::$testVersion, self::$testUpdateFile, 100, true, true ); $this->assertFalse($version); } /** * Time-traveller's Shaarli */ public function testCheckUpdateNewVersionMaartiMcFly() { FakeApplicationUtils::$VERSION_CODE = '0.4.1'; $version = FakeApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( self::$testVersion, self::$testUpdateFile, 100, true, true ); $this->assertFalse($version); } /** * The version has been checked recently and Shaarli is up-to-date */ public function testCheckUpdateNewVersionTwiceUpToDate() { FakeApplicationUtils::$VERSION_CODE = self::$testVersion; // Create the update file $version = FakeApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( self::$testVersion, self::$testUpdateFile, 100, true, true ); $this->assertFalse($version); // Reuse the update file $version = FakeApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( self::$testVersion, self::$testUpdateFile, 100, true, true ); $this->assertFalse($version); } /** * The version has been checked recently and Shaarli is outdated */ public function testCheckUpdateNewVersionTwiceOutdated() { $newVersion = '1.8.3'; FakeApplicationUtils::$VERSION_CODE = $newVersion; // Create the update file $version = FakeApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( self::$testVersion, self::$testUpdateFile, 100, true, true ); $this->assertEquals($newVersion, $version); // Reuse the update file $version = FakeApplicationUtils::checkUpdate( self::$testVersion, self::$testUpdateFile, 100, true, true ); $this->assertEquals($newVersion, $version); } /** * Check supported PHP versions */ public function testCheckSupportedPHPVersion() { $minVersion = '5.3'; ApplicationUtils::checkPHPVersion($minVersion, '5.4.32'); ApplicationUtils::checkPHPVersion($minVersion, '5.5'); ApplicationUtils::checkPHPVersion($minVersion, '5.6.10'); } /** * Check a unsupported PHP version * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Your PHP version is obsolete/ */ public function testCheckSupportedPHPVersion51() { ApplicationUtils::checkPHPVersion('5.3', '5.1.0'); } /** * Check another unsupported PHP version * @expectedException Exception * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp /Your PHP version is obsolete/ */ public function testCheckSupportedPHPVersion52() { ApplicationUtils::checkPHPVersion('5.3', '5.2'); } /** * Checks resource permissions for the current Shaarli installation */ public function testCheckCurrentResourcePermissions() { $conf = new ConfigManager(''); $conf->set('resource.thumbnails_cache', 'cache'); $conf->set('resource.config', 'data/config.php'); $conf->set('resource.data_dir', 'data'); $conf->set('resource.datastore', 'data/datastore.php'); $conf->set('resource.ban_file', 'data/ipbans.php'); $conf->set('resource.log', 'data/log.txt'); $conf->set('resource.page_cache', 'pagecache'); $conf->set('resource.raintpl_tmp', 'tmp'); $conf->set('resource.raintpl_tpl', 'tpl'); $conf->set('resource.update_check', 'data/lastupdatecheck.txt'); $this->assertEquals( array(), ApplicationUtils::checkResourcePermissions($conf) ); } /** * Checks resource permissions for a non-existent Shaarli installation */ public function testCheckCurrentResourcePermissionsErrors() { $conf = new ConfigManager(''); $conf->set('resource.thumbnails_cache', 'null/cache'); $conf->set('resource.config', 'null/data/config.php'); $conf->set('resource.data_dir', 'null/data'); $conf->set('resource.datastore', 'null/data/store.php'); $conf->set('resource.ban_file', 'null/data/ipbans.php'); $conf->set('resource.log', 'null/data/log.txt'); $conf->set('resource.page_cache', 'null/pagecache'); $conf->set('resource.raintpl_tmp', 'null/tmp'); $conf->set('resource.raintpl_tpl', 'null/tpl'); $conf->set('resource.update_check', 'null/data/lastupdatecheck.txt'); $this->assertEquals( array( '"null/tpl" directory is not readable', '"null/cache" directory is not readable', '"null/cache" directory is not writable', '"null/data" directory is not readable', '"null/data" directory is not writable', '"null/pagecache" directory is not readable', '"null/pagecache" directory is not writable', '"null/tmp" directory is not readable', '"null/tmp" directory is not writable' ), ApplicationUtils::checkResourcePermissions($conf) ); } }