<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="pageheader">
	<div id="toolsdiv">
		<a href="?do=configure"><b>Configure your Shaarli</b><span>: Change Title, timezone...</span></a>
		<a href="?do=pluginadmin"><b>Plugin administration</b><span>: Enable, disable and configure plugins.</span></a>
		{if="!$openshaarli"}<a href="?do=changepasswd"><b>Change password</b><span>: Change your password.</span></a>
		<a href="?do=changetag"><b>Rename/delete tags</b><span>: Rename or delete a tag in all links</span></a>
		<a href="?do=import"><b>Import</b><span>: Import Netscape html bookmarks (as exported from Firefox, Chrome, Opera, delicious...)</span></a>
		<a href="?do=export"><b>Export</b><span>: Export Netscape html bookmarks (which can be imported in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, delicious...)</span></a>
		<a class="smallbutton"
		   onclick="return alertBookmarklet();"
		)();"><b>✚Shaare link</b></a>
		<a href="#" onclick="return alertBookmarklet();">
				&#x21D0; Drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar (or right-click it and choose Bookmark This Link....).<br>
				&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then click "✚Shaare link" button in any page you want to share.
		<a class="smallbutton"
		   	onclick="return alertBookmarklet();"
        )();"><b>✚Add Note</b></a>
		<a href="#" onclick="return alertBookmarklet();">
				&#x21D0; Drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar (or right-click it and choose Bookmark This Link....).<br>
				&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Then click "✚Add Note" button anytime to start composing a private Note (text post) to your Shaarli.

		<a class="smallbutton" onclick="activateFirefoxSocial(this)"><b>✚Add to Firefox social</b></a>
		<a href="#">
			<span>&#x21D0; Click on this button to add Shaarli to the "Share this page" button in Firefox.</span>


		<div class="clear"></div>

			function activateFirefoxSocial(node) {
				var loc = location.href;
				var baseURL = loc.substring(0, loc.lastIndexOf("/"));

				// Keeping the data separated (ie. not in the DOM) so that it's maintainable and diffable.
				var data = {
					name: "{$shaarlititle}",
					description: "The personal, minimalist, super-fast, no-database delicious clone.",
					author: "Shaarli",
					version: "1.0.0",

					iconURL: baseURL + "/images/favicon.ico",
					icon32URL: baseURL + "/images/favicon.ico",
					icon64URL: baseURL + "/images/favicon.ico",

					shareURL: baseURL + "{noparse}?post=%{url}&title=%{title}&description=%{text}&source=firefoxsocialapi{/noparse}",
					homepageURL: baseURL
				node.setAttribute("data-service", JSON.stringify(data));

				var activate = new CustomEvent("ActivateSocialFeature");
			function alertBookmarklet() {
				alert('Drag this link to your bookmarks toolbar, or right-click it and choose Bookmark This Link...');
				return false;