<?php namespace Shaarli\Bookmark; use ReferenceLinkDB; require_once 'tests/utils/CurlUtils.php'; /** * Class LinkUtilsTest. */ class LinkUtilsTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase { /** * Test html_extract_title() when the title is found. */ public function testHtmlExtractExistentTitle() { $title = 'Read me please.'; $html = '<html><meta>stuff</meta><title>' . $title . '</title></html>'; $this->assertEquals($title, html_extract_title($html)); $html = '<html><title>' . $title . '</title>blabla<title>another</title></html>'; $this->assertEquals($title, html_extract_title($html)); } /** * Test html_extract_title() when the title is not found. */ public function testHtmlExtractNonExistentTitle() { $html = '<html><meta>stuff</meta></html>'; $this->assertFalse(html_extract_title($html)); } /** * Test headers_extract_charset() when the charset is found. */ public function testHeadersExtractExistentCharset() { $charset = 'x-MacCroatian'; $headers = 'text/html; charset=' . $charset; $this->assertEquals(strtolower($charset), header_extract_charset($headers)); } /** * Test headers_extract_charset() when the charset is not found. */ public function testHeadersExtractNonExistentCharset() { $headers = ''; $this->assertFalse(header_extract_charset($headers)); $headers = 'text/html'; $this->assertFalse(header_extract_charset($headers)); } /** * Test html_extract_charset() when the charset is found. */ public function testHtmlExtractExistentCharset() { $charset = 'x-MacCroatian'; $html = '<html><meta>stuff2</meta><meta charset="' . $charset . '"/></html>'; $this->assertEquals(strtolower($charset), html_extract_charset($html)); } /** * Test html_extract_charset() when the charset is not found. */ public function testHtmlExtractNonExistentCharset() { $html = '<html><meta>stuff</meta></html>'; $this->assertFalse(html_extract_charset($html)); $html = '<html><meta>stuff</meta><meta charset=""/></html>'; $this->assertFalse(html_extract_charset($html)); } /** * Test the download callback with valid value */ public function testCurlDownloadCallbackOk() { $callback = get_curl_download_callback($charset, $title, 'ut_curl_getinfo_ok'); $data = [ 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'Server: GitHub.com', 'Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2017 12:01:33 GMT', 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8', 'Status: 200 OK', 'end' => 'th=device-width">' . '<title>Refactoring · GitHub</title>' . '<link rel="search" type="application/opensea', '<title>ignored</title>', ]; foreach ($data as $key => $line) { $ignore = null; $expected = $key !== 'end' ? strlen($line) : false; $this->assertEquals($expected, $callback($ignore, $line)); if ($expected === false) { break; } } $this->assertEquals('utf-8', $charset); $this->assertEquals('Refactoring · GitHub', $title); } /** * Test the download callback with valid values and no charset */ public function testCurlDownloadCallbackOkNoCharset() { $callback = get_curl_download_callback($charset, $title, 'ut_curl_getinfo_no_charset'); $data = [ 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'end' => 'th=device-width">' . '<title>Refactoring · GitHub</title>' . '<link rel="search" type="application/opensea', '<title>ignored</title>', ]; foreach ($data as $key => $line) { $ignore = null; $this->assertEquals(strlen($line), $callback($ignore, $line)); } $this->assertEmpty($charset); $this->assertEquals('Refactoring · GitHub', $title); } /** * Test the download callback with valid values and no charset */ public function testCurlDownloadCallbackOkHtmlCharset() { $callback = get_curl_download_callback($charset, $title, 'ut_curl_getinfo_no_charset'); $data = [ 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />', 'end' => 'th=device-width">' . '<title>Refactoring · GitHub</title>' . '<link rel="search" type="application/opensea', '<title>ignored</title>', ]; foreach ($data as $key => $line) { $ignore = null; $expected = $key !== 'end' ? strlen($line) : false; $this->assertEquals($expected, $callback($ignore, $line)); if ($expected === false) { break; } } $this->assertEquals('utf-8', $charset); $this->assertEquals('Refactoring · GitHub', $title); } /** * Test the download callback with valid values and no title */ public function testCurlDownloadCallbackOkNoTitle() { $callback = get_curl_download_callback($charset, $title, 'ut_curl_getinfo_ok'); $data = [ 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK', 'end' => 'th=device-width">Refactoring · GitHub<link rel="search" type="application/opensea', 'ignored', ]; foreach ($data as $key => $line) { $ignore = null; $this->assertEquals(strlen($line), $callback($ignore, $line)); } $this->assertEquals('utf-8', $charset); $this->assertEmpty($title); } /** * Test the download callback with an invalid content type. */ public function testCurlDownloadCallbackInvalidContentType() { $callback = get_curl_download_callback($charset, $title, 'ut_curl_getinfo_ct_ko'); $ignore = null; $this->assertFalse($callback($ignore, '')); $this->assertEmpty($charset); $this->assertEmpty($title); } /** * Test the download callback with an invalid response code. */ public function testCurlDownloadCallbackInvalidResponseCode() { $callback = get_curl_download_callback($charset, $title, 'ut_curl_getinfo_rc_ko'); $ignore = null; $this->assertFalse($callback($ignore, '')); $this->assertEmpty($charset); $this->assertEmpty($title); } /** * Test the download callback with an invalid content type and response code. */ public function testCurlDownloadCallbackInvalidContentTypeAndResponseCode() { $callback = get_curl_download_callback($charset, $title, 'ut_curl_getinfo_rs_ct_ko'); $ignore = null; $this->assertFalse($callback($ignore, '')); $this->assertEmpty($charset); $this->assertEmpty($title); } /** * Test count_private. */ public function testCountPrivateLinks() { $refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB(); $this->assertEquals($refDB->countPrivateLinks(), count_private($refDB->getLinks())); } /** * Test text2clickable without a redirector being set. */ public function testText2clickableWithoutRedirector() { $text = 'stuff http://hello.there/is=someone#here otherstuff'; $expectedText = 'stuff <a href="http://hello.there/is=someone#here">' . 'http://hello.there/is=someone#here</a> otherstuff'; $processedText = text2clickable($text, ''); $this->assertEquals($expectedText, $processedText); $text = 'stuff http://hello.there/is=someone#here(please) otherstuff'; $expectedText = 'stuff <a href="http://hello.there/is=someone#here(please)">' . 'http://hello.there/is=someone#here(please)</a> otherstuff'; $processedText = text2clickable($text, ''); $this->assertEquals($expectedText, $processedText); $text = 'stuff http://hello.there/is=someone#here(please)&no otherstuff'; $expectedText = 'stuff <a href="http://hello.there/is=someone#here(please)&no">' . 'http://hello.there/is=someone#here(please)&no</a> otherstuff'; $processedText = text2clickable($text, ''); $this->assertEquals($expectedText, $processedText); } /** * Test text2clickable with a redirector set. */ public function testText2clickableWithRedirector() { $text = 'stuff http://hello.there/is=someone#here otherstuff'; $redirector = 'http://redirector.to'; $expectedText = 'stuff <a href="' . $redirector . urlencode('http://hello.there/is=someone#here') . '">http://hello.there/is=someone#here</a> otherstuff'; $processedText = text2clickable($text, $redirector); $this->assertEquals($expectedText, $processedText); } /** * Test text2clickable a redirector set and without URL encode. */ public function testText2clickableWithRedirectorDontEncode() { $text = 'stuff http://hello.there/?is=someone&or=something#here otherstuff'; $redirector = 'http://redirector.to'; $expectedText = 'stuff <a href="' . $redirector . 'http://hello.there/?is=someone&or=something#here' . '">http://hello.there/?is=someone&or=something#here</a> otherstuff'; $processedText = text2clickable($text, $redirector, false); $this->assertEquals($expectedText, $processedText); } /** * Test testSpace2nbsp. */ public function testSpace2nbsp() { $text = ' Are you thrilled by flags ?' . PHP_EOL . ' Really?'; $expectedText = ' Are you thrilled by flags ?' . PHP_EOL . ' Really?'; $processedText = space2nbsp($text); $this->assertEquals($expectedText, $processedText); } /** * Test hashtags auto-link. */ public function testHashtagAutolink() { $index = 'http://domain.tld/'; $rawDescription = '#hashtag\n # nothashtag\n test#nothashtag #hashtag \#nothashtag\n test #hashtag #hashtag test #hashtag.test\n #hashtag #hashtag-nothashtag #hashtag_hashtag\n What is #ашок anyway?\n カタカナ #カタカナ」カタカナ\n'; $autolinkedDescription = hashtag_autolink($rawDescription, $index); $this->assertContains($this->getHashtagLink('hashtag', $index), $autolinkedDescription); $this->assertNotContains(' #hashtag', $autolinkedDescription); $this->assertNotContains('>#nothashtag', $autolinkedDescription); $this->assertContains($this->getHashtagLink('ашок', $index), $autolinkedDescription); $this->assertContains($this->getHashtagLink('カタカナ', $index), $autolinkedDescription); $this->assertContains($this->getHashtagLink('hashtag_hashtag', $index), $autolinkedDescription); $this->assertNotContains($this->getHashtagLink('hashtag-nothashtag', $index), $autolinkedDescription); } /** * Test hashtags auto-link without index URL. */ public function testHashtagAutolinkNoIndex() { $rawDescription = 'blabla #hashtag x#nothashtag'; $autolinkedDescription = hashtag_autolink($rawDescription); $this->assertContains($this->getHashtagLink('hashtag'), $autolinkedDescription); $this->assertNotContains(' #hashtag', $autolinkedDescription); $this->assertNotContains('>#nothashtag', $autolinkedDescription); } /** * Util function to build an hashtag link. * * @param string $hashtag Hashtag name. * @param string $index Index URL. * * @return string HTML hashtag link. */ private function getHashtagLink($hashtag, $index = '') { $hashtagLink = '<a href="' . $index . '?addtag=$1" title="Hashtag $1">#$1</a>'; return str_replace('$1', $hashtag, $hashtagLink); } }