<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Shaarli\Http; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager; class MetadataRetrieverTest extends TestCase { /** @var MetadataRetriever */ protected $retriever; /** @var ConfigManager */ protected $conf; /** @var HttpAccess */ protected $httpAccess; public function setUp(): void { $this->conf = $this->createMock(ConfigManager::class); $this->httpAccess = $this->createMock(HttpAccess::class); $this->retriever = new MetadataRetriever($this->conf, $this->httpAccess); $this->conf->method('get')->willReturnCallback(function (string $param, $default) { return $default === null ? $param : $default; }); } /** * Test metadata retrieve() with values returned */ public function testFullRetrieval(): void { $url = 'https://domain.tld/link'; $remoteTitle = 'Remote Title '; $remoteDesc = 'Sometimes the meta description is relevant.'; $remoteTags = 'abc def'; $expectedResult = [ 'title' => $remoteTitle, 'description' => $remoteDesc, 'tags' => $remoteTags, ]; $this->httpAccess ->expects(static::once()) ->method('getCurlDownloadCallback') ->willReturnCallback( function (&$charset, &$title, &$description, &$tags) use ( $remoteTitle, $remoteDesc, $remoteTags ): callable { return function () use ( &$charset, &$title, &$description, &$tags, $remoteTitle, $remoteDesc, $remoteTags ): void { $charset = 'ISO-8859-1'; $title = $remoteTitle; $description = $remoteDesc; $tags = $remoteTags; }; } ) ; $this->httpAccess ->expects(static::once()) ->method('getHttpResponse') ->with($url, 30, 4194304) ->willReturnCallback(function($url, $timeout, $maxBytes, $callback): void { $callback(); }) ; $result = $this->retriever->retrieve($url); static::assertSame($expectedResult, $result); } /** * Test metadata retrieve() without any value */ public function testEmptyRetrieval(): void { $url = 'https://domain.tld/link'; $expectedResult = [ 'title' => null, 'description' => null, 'tags' => null, ]; $this->httpAccess ->expects(static::once()) ->method('getCurlDownloadCallback') ->willReturnCallback( function (&$charset, &$title, &$description, &$tags): callable { return function () use (&$charset, &$title, &$description, &$tags): void {}; } ) ; $this->httpAccess ->expects(static::once()) ->method('getHttpResponse') ->with($url, 30, 4194304) ->willReturnCallback(function($url, $timeout, $maxBytes, $callback): void { $callback(); }) ; $result = $this->retriever->retrieve($url); static::assertSame($expectedResult, $result); } }