<?php /** * Class LinkFilter. * * Perform search and filter operation on link data list. */ class LinkFilter { /** * @var string permalinks. */ public static $FILTER_HASH = 'permalink'; /** * @var string text search. */ public static $FILTER_TEXT = 'fulltext'; /** * @var string tag filter. */ public static $FILTER_TAG = 'tags'; /** * @var string filter by day. */ public static $FILTER_DAY = 'FILTER_DAY'; /** * @var string Allowed characters for hashtags (regex syntax). */ public static $HASHTAG_CHARS = '\p{Pc}\p{N}\p{L}\p{Mn}'; /** * @var LinkDB all available links. */ private $links; /** * @param LinkDB $links initialization. */ public function __construct($links) { $this->links = $links; } /** * Filter links according to parameters. * * @param string $type Type of filter (eg. tags, permalink, etc.). * @param mixed $request Filter content. * @param bool $casesensitive Optional: Perform case sensitive filter if true. * @param string $visibility Optional: return only all/private/public links * * @return array filtered link list. */ public function filter($type, $request, $casesensitive = false, $visibility = 'all') { if (! in_array($visibility, ['all', 'public', 'private'])) { $visibility = 'all'; } switch($type) { case self::$FILTER_HASH: return $this->filterSmallHash($request); case self::$FILTER_TAG | self::$FILTER_TEXT: if (!empty($request)) { $filtered = $this->links; if (isset($request[0])) { $filtered = $this->filterTags($request[0], $casesensitive, $visibility); } if (isset($request[1])) { $lf = new LinkFilter($filtered); $filtered = $lf->filterFulltext($request[1], $visibility); } return $filtered; } return $this->noFilter($visibility); case self::$FILTER_TEXT: return $this->filterFulltext($request, $visibility); case self::$FILTER_TAG: return $this->filterTags($request, $casesensitive, $visibility); case self::$FILTER_DAY: return $this->filterDay($request); default: return $this->noFilter($visibility); } } /** * Unknown filter, but handle private only. * * @param string $visibility Optional: return only all/private/public links * * @return array filtered links. */ private function noFilter($visibility = 'all') { if ($visibility === 'all') { return $this->links; } $out = array(); foreach ($this->links as $key => $value) { if ($value['private'] && $visibility === 'private') { $out[$key] = $value; } else if (! $value['private'] && $visibility === 'public') { $out[$key] = $value; } } return $out; } /** * Returns the shaare corresponding to a smallHash. * * @param string $smallHash permalink hash. * * @return array $filtered array containing permalink data. * * @throws LinkNotFoundException if the smallhash doesn't match any link. */ private function filterSmallHash($smallHash) { $filtered = array(); foreach ($this->links as $key => $l) { if ($smallHash == $l['shorturl']) { // Yes, this is ugly and slow $filtered[$key] = $l; return $filtered; } } if (empty($filtered)) { throw new LinkNotFoundException(); } return $filtered; } /** * Returns the list of links corresponding to a full-text search * * Searches: * - in the URLs, title and description; * - are case-insensitive; * - terms surrounded by quotes " are exact terms search. * - terms starting with a dash - are excluded (except exact terms). * * Example: * print_r($mydb->filterFulltext('hollandais')); * * mb_convert_case($val, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8') * - allows to perform searches on Unicode text * - see https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues/75 for examples * * @param string $searchterms search query. * @param string $visibility Optional: return only all/private/public links. * * @return array search results. */ private function filterFulltext($searchterms, $visibility = 'all') { if (empty($searchterms)) { return $this->noFilter($visibility); } $filtered = array(); $search = mb_convert_case(html_entity_decode($searchterms), MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'); $exactRegex = '/"([^"]+)"/'; // Retrieve exact search terms. preg_match_all($exactRegex, $search, $exactSearch); $exactSearch = array_values(array_filter($exactSearch[1])); // Remove exact search terms to get AND terms search. $explodedSearchAnd = explode(' ', trim(preg_replace($exactRegex, '', $search))); $explodedSearchAnd = array_values(array_filter($explodedSearchAnd)); // Filter excluding terms and update andSearch. $excludeSearch = array(); $andSearch = array(); foreach ($explodedSearchAnd as $needle) { if ($needle[0] == '-' && strlen($needle) > 1) { $excludeSearch[] = substr($needle, 1); } else { $andSearch[] = $needle; } } $keys = array('title', 'description', 'url', 'tags'); // Iterate over every stored link. foreach ($this->links as $id => $link) { // ignore non private links when 'privatonly' is on. if ($visibility !== 'all') { if (! $link['private'] && $visibility === 'private') { continue; } else if ($link['private'] && $visibility === 'public') { continue; } } // Concatenate link fields to search across fields. // Adds a '\' separator for exact search terms. $content = ''; foreach ($keys as $key) { $content .= mb_convert_case($link[$key], MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8') . '\\'; } // Be optimistic $found = true; // First, we look for exact term search for ($i = 0; $i < count($exactSearch) && $found; $i++) { $found = strpos($content, $exactSearch[$i]) !== false; } // Iterate over keywords, if keyword is not found, // no need to check for the others. We want all or nothing. for ($i = 0; $i < count($andSearch) && $found; $i++) { $found = strpos($content, $andSearch[$i]) !== false; } // Exclude terms. for ($i = 0; $i < count($excludeSearch) && $found; $i++) { $found = strpos($content, $excludeSearch[$i]) === false; } if ($found) { $filtered[$id] = $link; } } return $filtered; } /** * Returns the list of links associated with a given list of tags * * You can specify one or more tags, separated by space or a comma, e.g. * print_r($mydb->filterTags('linux programming')); * * @param string $tags list of tags separated by commas or blank spaces. * @param bool $casesensitive ignore case if false. * @param string $visibility Optional: return only all/private/public links. * * @return array filtered links. */ public function filterTags($tags, $casesensitive = false, $visibility = 'all') { // Implode if array for clean up. $tags = is_array($tags) ? trim(implode(' ', $tags)) : $tags; if (empty($tags)) { return $this->noFilter($visibility); } $searchtags = self::tagsStrToArray($tags, $casesensitive); $filtered = array(); if (empty($searchtags)) { return $filtered; } foreach ($this->links as $key => $link) { // ignore non private links when 'privatonly' is on. if ($visibility !== 'all') { if (! $link['private'] && $visibility === 'private') { continue; } else if ($link['private'] && $visibility === 'public') { continue; } } $linktags = self::tagsStrToArray($link['tags'], $casesensitive); $found = true; for ($i = 0 ; $i < count($searchtags) && $found; $i++) { // Exclusive search, quit if tag found. // Or, tag not found in the link, quit. if (($searchtags[$i][0] == '-' && $this->searchTagAndHashTag(substr($searchtags[$i], 1), $linktags, $link['description'])) || ($searchtags[$i][0] != '-') && ! $this->searchTagAndHashTag($searchtags[$i], $linktags, $link['description']) ) { $found = false; } } if ($found) { $filtered[$key] = $link; } } return $filtered; } /** * Returns the list of articles for a given day, chronologically sorted * * Day must be in the form 'YYYYMMDD' (e.g. '20120125'), e.g. * print_r($mydb->filterDay('20120125')); * * @param string $day day to filter. * * @return array all link matching given day. * * @throws Exception if date format is invalid. */ public function filterDay($day) { if (! checkDateFormat('Ymd', $day)) { throw new Exception('Invalid date format'); } $filtered = array(); foreach ($this->links as $key => $l) { if ($l['created']->format('Ymd') == $day) { $filtered[$key] = $l; } } // sort by date ASC return array_reverse($filtered, true); } /** * Check if a tag is found in the taglist, or as an hashtag in the link description. * * @param string $tag Tag to search. * @param array $taglist List of tags for the current link. * @param string $description Link description. * * @return bool True if found, false otherwise. */ protected function searchTagAndHashTag($tag, $taglist, $description) { if (in_array($tag, $taglist)) { return true; } if (preg_match('/(^| )#'. $tag .'([^'. self::$HASHTAG_CHARS .']|$)/mui', $description) > 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * Convert a list of tags (str) to an array. Also * - handle case sensitivity. * - accepts spaces commas as separator. * * @param string $tags string containing a list of tags. * @param bool $casesensitive will convert everything to lowercase if false. * * @return array filtered tags string. */ public static function tagsStrToArray($tags, $casesensitive) { // We use UTF-8 conversion to handle various graphemes (i.e. cyrillic, or greek) $tagsOut = $casesensitive ? $tags : mb_convert_case($tags, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8'); $tagsOut = str_replace(',', ' ', $tagsOut); return preg_split('/\s+/', $tagsOut, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } } class LinkNotFoundException extends Exception { protected $message = 'The link you are trying to reach does not exist or has been deleted.'; }