

namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Visitor;

use Shaarli\Bookmark\BookmarkFilter;
use Shaarli\Container\ShaarliContainer;
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;

 * Class ShaarliVisitorController
 * All controllers accessible by visitors (non logged in users) should extend this abstract class.
 * Contains a few helper function for template rendering, plugins, etc.
 * @package Shaarli\Front\Controller\Visitor
abstract class ShaarliVisitorController
    /** @var ShaarliContainer */
    protected $container;

    /** @param ShaarliContainer $container Slim container (extended for attribute completion). */
    public function __construct(ShaarliContainer $container)
        $this->container = $container;

     * Assign variables to RainTPL template through the PageBuilder.
     * @param mixed $value Value to assign to the template
    protected function assignView(string $name, $value): self
        $this->container->pageBuilder->assign($name, $value);

        return $this;

     * Assign variables to RainTPL template through the PageBuilder.
     * @param mixed $data Values to assign to the template and their keys
    protected function assignAllView(array $data): self
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $this->assignView($key, $value);

        return $this;

    protected function render(string $template): string
        $this->assignView('linkcount', $this->container->bookmarkService->count(BookmarkFilter::$ALL));
        $this->assignView('privateLinkcount', $this->container->bookmarkService->count(BookmarkFilter::$PRIVATE));


        $this->assignView('plugin_errors', $this->container->pluginManager->getErrors());

        return $this->container->pageBuilder->render($template, $this->container->basePath);

     * Call plugin hooks for header, footer and includes, specifying which page will be rendered.
     * Then assign generated data to RainTPL.
    protected function executeDefaultHooks(string $template): void
        $common_hooks = [

        $parameters = $this->buildPluginParameters($template);

        foreach ($common_hooks as $name) {
            $pluginData = [];
                'render_' . $name,
            $this->assignView('plugins_' . $name, $pluginData);

    protected function executePageHooks(string $hook, array &$data, string $template = null): void

    protected function buildPluginParameters(?string $template): array
        return [
            'target' => $template,
            'loggedin' => $this->container->loginManager->isLoggedIn(),
            'basePath' => $this->container->basePath,
            'bookmarkService' => $this->container->bookmarkService

     * Simple helper which prepend the base path to redirect path.
     * @param Response $response
     * @param string $path Absolute path, e.g.: `/`, or `/admin/shaare/123` regardless of install directory
     * @return Response updated
    protected function redirect(Response $response, string $path): Response
        return $response->withRedirect($this->container->basePath . $path);

     * Generates a redirection to the previous page, based on the HTTP_REFERER.
     * It fails back to the home page.
     * @param array $loopTerms   Terms to remove from path and query string to prevent direction loop.
     * @param array $clearParams List of parameter to remove from the query string of the referrer.
    protected function redirectFromReferer(
        Request $request,
        Response $response,
        array $loopTerms = [],
        array $clearParams = [],
        string $anchor = null
    ): Response {
        $defaultPath = $this->container->basePath . '/';
        $referer = $this->container->environment['HTTP_REFERER'] ?? null;

        if (null !== $referer) {
            $currentUrl = parse_url($referer);
            parse_str($currentUrl['query'] ?? '', $params);
            $path = $currentUrl['path'] ?? $defaultPath;
        } else {
            $params = [];
            $path = $defaultPath;

        // Prevent redirection loop
        if (isset($currentUrl)) {
            foreach ($clearParams as $value) {

            $checkQuery = implode('', array_keys($params));
            foreach ($loopTerms as $value) {
                if (strpos($path . $checkQuery, $value) !== false) {
                    $params = [];
                    $path = $defaultPath;

        $queryString = count($params) > 0 ? '?'. http_build_query($params) : '';
        $anchor = $anchor ? '#' . $anchor : '';

        return $response->withRedirect($path . $queryString . $anchor);