// Show the QR-Code of a permalink (when the QR-Code icon is clicked). function showQrCode(caller,loading) { // Dynamic javascript lib loading: We only load qr.js if the QR code icon is clicked: if (typeof(qr) == 'undefined') // Load qr.js only if not present. { if (!loading) // If javascript lib is still loading, do not append script to body. { var element = document.createElement("script"); element.src = "plugins/qrcode/qr-1.1.3.min.js"; document.body.appendChild(element); } setTimeout(function() { showQrCode(caller,true);}, 200); // Retry in 200 milliseconds. return false; } // Remove previous qrcode if present. removeQrcode(); // Build the div which contains the QR-Code: var element = document.createElement('div'); element.id = 'permalinkQrcode'; // Make QR-Code div commit sepuku when clicked: if ( element.attachEvent ){ element.attachEvent('onclick', 'this.parentNode.removeChild(this);' ); } else { // Damn IE element.setAttribute('onclick', 'this.parentNode.removeChild(this);' ); } // Build the QR-Code: var image = qr.image({size: 8,value: caller.dataset.permalink}); if (image) { element.appendChild(image); element.innerHTML += "<br>Click to close"; caller.parentNode.appendChild(element); // Show the QRCode qrcodeImage = document.getElementById('permalinkQrcode'); // Workaround to deal with newly created element lag for transition. window.getComputedStyle(qrcodeImage).opacity; qrcodeImage.className = 'show'; } else { element.innerHTML = "Your browser does not seem to be HTML5 compatible."; } return false; } // Remove any displayed QR-Code function removeQrcode() { var elem = document.getElementById('permalinkQrcode'); if (elem) { elem.parentNode.removeChild(elem); } return false; }