<?php namespace Shaarli\Api\Controllers; use malkusch\lock\mutex\NoMutex; use Shaarli\Bookmark\BookmarkFileService; use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager; use Shaarli\History; use Shaarli\Plugin\PluginManager; use Shaarli\Tests\Utils\ReferenceHistory; use Shaarli\Tests\Utils\ReferenceLinkDB; use Slim\Container; use Slim\Http\Environment; use Slim\Http\Request; use Slim\Http\Response; class DeleteLinkTest extends \Shaarli\TestCase { /** * @var string datastore to test write operations */ protected static $testDatastore = 'sandbox/datastore.php'; /** * @var string datastore to test write operations */ protected static $testHistory = 'sandbox/history.php'; /** * @var ConfigManager instance */ protected $conf; /** * @var ReferenceLinkDB instance. */ protected $refDB = null; /** * @var BookmarkFileService instance. */ protected $bookmarkService; /** * @var HistoryController instance. */ protected $history; /** * @var Container instance. */ protected $container; /** * @var Links controller instance. */ protected $controller; /** @var NoMutex */ protected $mutex; /** @var PluginManager */ protected $pluginManager; /** * Before each test, instantiate a new Api with its config, plugins and bookmarks. */ protected function setUp(): void { $this->mutex = new NoMutex(); $this->conf = new ConfigManager('tests/utils/config/configJson'); $this->conf->set('resource.datastore', self::$testDatastore); $this->refDB = new ReferenceLinkDB(); $this->refDB->write(self::$testDatastore); $refHistory = new ReferenceHistory(); $refHistory->write(self::$testHistory); $this->history = new History(self::$testHistory); $this->pluginManager = new PluginManager($this->conf); $this->bookmarkService = new BookmarkFileService( $this->conf, $this->pluginManager, $this->history, $this->mutex, true ); $this->container = new Container(); $this->container['conf'] = $this->conf; $this->container['db'] = $this->bookmarkService; $this->container['history'] = $this->history; $this->controller = new Links($this->container); } /** * After each test, remove the test datastore. */ protected function tearDown(): void { @unlink(self::$testDatastore); @unlink(self::$testHistory); } /** * Test DELETE link endpoint: the link should be removed. */ public function testDeleteLinkValid() { $id = '41'; $this->assertTrue($this->bookmarkService->exists($id)); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'DELETE', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $response = $this->controller->deleteLink($request, new Response(), ['id' => $id]); $this->assertEquals(204, $response->getStatusCode()); $this->assertEmpty((string) $response->getBody()); $this->bookmarkService = new BookmarkFileService( $this->conf, $this->pluginManager, $this->history, $this->mutex, true ); $this->assertFalse($this->bookmarkService->exists($id)); $historyEntry = $this->history->getHistory()[0]; $this->assertEquals(History::DELETED, $historyEntry['event']); $this->assertTrue( (new \DateTime())->add(\DateInterval::createFromDateString('-5 seconds')) < $historyEntry['datetime'] ); $this->assertEquals($id, $historyEntry['id']); } /** * Test DELETE link endpoint: reach not existing ID. */ public function testDeleteLink404() { $this->expectException(\Shaarli\Api\Exceptions\ApiLinkNotFoundException::class); $id = -1; $this->assertFalse($this->bookmarkService->exists($id)); $env = Environment::mock([ 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'DELETE', ]); $request = Request::createFromEnvironment($env); $this->controller->deleteLink($request, new Response(), ['id' => $id]); } }