generateCustomJwtToken('notJSON', '{"JSON":1}', 'secret'); ApiUtils::validateJwtToken($token, 'secret'); } /** * Test validateJwtToken() with a JWT token with a an invalid payload (not JSON). * * @expectedException \Shaarli\Api\Exceptions\ApiAuthorizationException * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid JWT payload */ public function testValidateJwtTokenInvalidPayload() { $token = $this->generateCustomJwtToken('{"JSON":1}', 'notJSON', 'secret'); ApiUtils::validateJwtToken($token, 'secret'); } /** * Test validateJwtToken() with a JWT token without issued time. * * @expectedException \Shaarli\Api\Exceptions\ApiAuthorizationException * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid JWT issued time */ public function testValidateJwtTokenInvalidTimeEmpty() { $token = $this->generateCustomJwtToken('{"JSON":1}', '{"JSON":1}', 'secret'); ApiUtils::validateJwtToken($token, 'secret'); } /** * Test validateJwtToken() with an expired JWT token. * * @expectedException \Shaarli\Api\Exceptions\ApiAuthorizationException * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid JWT issued time */ public function testValidateJwtTokenInvalidTimeExpired() { $token = $this->generateCustomJwtToken('{"JSON":1}', '{"iat":' . (time() - 600) . '}', 'secret'); ApiUtils::validateJwtToken($token, 'secret'); } /** * Test validateJwtToken() with a JWT token issued in the future. * * @expectedException \Shaarli\Api\Exceptions\ApiAuthorizationException * @expectedExceptionMessage Invalid JWT issued time */ public function testValidateJwtTokenInvalidTimeFuture() { $token = $this->generateCustomJwtToken('{"JSON":1}', '{"iat":' . (time() + 60) . '}', 'secret'); ApiUtils::validateJwtToken($token, 'secret'); } /** * Test formatLink() with a link using all useful fields. */ public function testFormatLinkComplete() { $indexUrl = 'https://domain.tld/sub/'; $link = [ 'id' => 12, 'url' => '', 'shorturl' => 'abc', 'title' => 'Important Title', 'description' => 'It is very lol' . PHP_EOL . 'new line', 'tags' => 'blip .blop ', 'private' => '1', 'created' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20170107_160102'), 'updated' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20170107_160612'), ]; $expected = [ 'id' => 12, 'url' => '', 'shorturl' => 'abc', 'title' => 'Important Title', 'description' => 'It is very lol' . PHP_EOL . 'new line', 'tags' => ['blip', '.blop'], 'private' => true, 'created' => '2017-01-07T16:01:02+00:00', 'updated' => '2017-01-07T16:06:12+00:00', ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, ApiUtils::formatLink($link, $indexUrl)); } /** * Test formatLink() with only minimal fields filled, and internal link. */ public function testFormatLinkMinimalNote() { $indexUrl = 'https://domain.tld/sub/'; $link = [ 'id' => 12, 'url' => '?abc', 'shorturl' => 'abc', 'title' => 'Note', 'description' => '', 'tags' => '', 'private' => '', 'created' => \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20170107_160102'), ]; $expected = [ 'id' => 12, 'url' => 'https://domain.tld/sub/?abc', 'shorturl' => 'abc', 'title' => 'Note', 'description' => '', 'tags' => [], 'private' => false, 'created' => '2017-01-07T16:01:02+00:00', 'updated' => '', ]; $this->assertEquals($expected, ApiUtils::formatLink($link, $indexUrl)); } /** * Test updateLink with valid data, and also unnecessary fields. */ public function testUpdateLink() { $created = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20170107_160102'); $old = [ 'id' => 12, 'url' => '?abc', 'shorturl' => 'abc', 'title' => 'Note', 'description' => '', 'tags' => '', 'private' => '', 'created' => $created, ]; $new = [ 'id' => 13, 'shorturl' => 'nope', 'url' => 'http://somewhere.else', 'title' => 'Le Cid', 'description' => 'Percé jusques au fond du cœur [...]', 'tags' => 'corneille rodrigue', 'private' => true, 'created' => 'creation', 'updated' => 'updation', ]; $result = ApiUtils::updateLink($old, $new); $this->assertEquals(12, $result['id']); $this->assertEquals('http://somewhere.else', $result['url']); $this->assertEquals('abc', $result['shorturl']); $this->assertEquals('Le Cid', $result['title']); $this->assertEquals('Percé jusques au fond du cœur [...]', $result['description']); $this->assertEquals('corneille rodrigue', $result['tags']); $this->assertEquals(true, $result['private']); $this->assertEquals($created, $result['created']); $this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $result['updated']); } /** * Test updateLink with minimal data. */ public function testUpdateLinkMinimal() { $created = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20170107_160102'); $old = [ 'id' => 12, 'url' => '?abc', 'shorturl' => 'abc', 'title' => 'Note', 'description' => 'Interesting description!', 'tags' => 'doggo', 'private' => true, 'created' => $created, ]; $new = [ 'url' => '', 'title' => '', 'description' => '', 'tags' => '', 'private' => false, ]; $result = ApiUtils::updateLink($old, $new); $this->assertEquals(12, $result['id']); $this->assertEquals('?abc', $result['url']); $this->assertEquals('abc', $result['shorturl']); $this->assertEquals('?abc', $result['title']); $this->assertEquals('', $result['description']); $this->assertEquals('', $result['tags']); $this->assertEquals(false, $result['private']); $this->assertEquals($created, $result['created']); $this->assertTrue(new \DateTime('5 seconds ago') < $result['updated']); } }