namespace Shaarli\Config;

 * Unit tests for Class ConfigManagerTest
 * Note: it only test the manager with ConfigJson,
 *  ConfigPhp is only a workaround to handle the transition to JSON type.
class ConfigManagerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
     * @var ConfigManager
    protected $conf;

    public function setUp()
        $this->conf = new ConfigManager('tests/utils/config/configJson');

     * Simple config test:
     *   1. Set settings.
     *   2. Check settings value.
    public function testSetGet()
        $this->conf->set('paramInt', 42);
        $this->conf->set('paramString', 'value1');
        $this->conf->set('paramBool', false);
        $this->conf->set('paramArray', array('foo' => 'bar'));
        $this->conf->set('paramNull', null);

        $this->assertEquals(42, $this->conf->get('paramInt'));
        $this->assertEquals('value1', $this->conf->get('paramString'));
        $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $this->conf->get('paramArray'));
        $this->assertEquals(null, $this->conf->get('paramNull'));

     * Set/write/get config test:
     *   1. Set settings.
     *   2. Write it to the config file.
     *   3. Read the file.
     *   4. Check settings value.
    public function testSetWriteGet()
        $this->conf->set('paramInt', 42);
        $this->conf->set('paramString', 'value1');
        $this->conf->set('paramBool', false);
        $this->conf->set('paramArray', array('foo' => 'bar'));
        $this->conf->set('paramNull', null);


        $this->assertEquals(42, $this->conf->get('paramInt'));
        $this->assertEquals('value1', $this->conf->get('paramString'));
        $this->assertEquals(array('foo' => 'bar'), $this->conf->get('paramArray'));
        $this->assertEquals(null, $this->conf->get('paramNull'));

     * Test set/write/get with nested keys.
    public function testSetWriteGetNested()
        $this->conf->set('foo.bar.key.stuff', 'testSetWriteGetNested');


        $this->assertEquals('testSetWriteGetNested', $this->conf->get('foo.bar.key.stuff'));

     * Set with an empty key.
     * @expectedException \Exception
     * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #^Invalid setting key parameter. String expected, got.*#
    public function testSetEmptyKey()
        $this->conf->set('', 'stuff');

     * Set with an array key.
     * @expectedException \Exception
     * @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #^Invalid setting key parameter. String expected, got.*#
    public function testSetArrayKey()
        $this->conf->set(array('foo' => 'bar'), 'stuff');

     * Try to write the config without mandatory parameter (e.g. 'login').
     * @expectedException Shaarli\Config\MissingFieldConfigException
    public function testWriteMissingParameter()


     * Try to get non existent config keys.
    public function testGetNonExistent()
        $this->assertEquals('', $this->conf->get('nope.test'));
        $this->assertEquals('default', $this->conf->get('nope.test', 'default'));

     * Test the 'exists' method with existent values.
    public function testExistsOk()

     * Test the 'exists' method with non existent or invalid values.
    public function testExistsKo()

     * Reset the ConfigManager instance.
    public function testReset()
        $confIO = $this->conf->getConfigIO();
        $this->assertFalse($confIO === $this->conf->getConfigIO());

     * Reload the config from file.
    public function testReload()
        $newConf = ConfigJson::getPhpHeaders() . '{ "key": "value" }';
        file_put_contents($this->conf->getConfigFileExt(), $newConf);
        // Previous conf no longer exists, and new values have been loaded.
        $this->assertEquals('value', $this->conf->get('key'));