<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller; use Shaarli\Front\Exception\ThumbnailsDisabledException; use Shaarli\Thumbnailer; use Slim\Http\Request; use Slim\Http\Response; /** * Class PicturesWallController * * Slim controller used to render the pictures wall page. * If thumbnails mode is set to NONE, we just render the template without any image. * * @package Front\Controller */ class PictureWallController extends ShaarliController { public function index(Request $request, Response $response): Response { if ($this->container->conf->get('thumbnails.mode', Thumbnailer::MODE_NONE) === Thumbnailer::MODE_NONE) { throw new ThumbnailsDisabledException(); } $this->assignView( 'pagetitle', t('Picture wall') .' - '. $this->container->conf->get('general.title', 'Shaarli') ); // Optionally filter the results: $links = $this->container->bookmarkService->search($request->getQueryParams()); $linksToDisplay = []; // Get only bookmarks which have a thumbnail. // Note: we do not retrieve thumbnails here, the request is too heavy. $formatter = $this->container->formatterFactory->getFormatter('raw'); foreach ($links as $key => $link) { if (!empty($link->getThumbnail())) { $linksToDisplay[] = $formatter->format($link); } } $data = $this->executeHooks($linksToDisplay); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $this->assignView($key, $value); } return $response->write($this->render('picwall')); } /** * @param mixed[] $linksToDisplay List of formatted bookmarks * * @return mixed[] Template data after active plugins render_picwall hook execution. */ protected function executeHooks(array $linksToDisplay): array { $data = [ 'linksToDisplay' => $linksToDisplay, ]; $this->container->pluginManager->executeHooks( 'render_picwall', $data, ['loggedin' => $this->container->loginManager->isLoggedIn()] ); return $data; } }