addLink( 'Free as in Freedom 2.0', '', 'Richard Stallman and the Free Software Revolution', 0, '20150310_114633', 'free gnu software stallman' ); $this->addLink( 'MediaGoblin', '', 'A free software media publishing platform', 0, '20130614_184135', 'gnu media web' ); $this->addLink( 'w3c-markup-validator', '', 'Mercurial repository for the W3C Validator', 1, '20141125_084734', 'css html w3c web Mercurial' ); $this->addLink( 'UserFriendly - Web Designer', '', 'Naming conventions...', 0, '20121206_142300', 'dev cartoon web' ); $this->addLink( 'UserFriendly - Samba', '', 'Tropical printing', 0, '20121206_172539', 'samba cartoon web' ); $this->addLink( 'Geek and Poke', '', '', 1, '20121206_182539', 'dev cartoon' ); } /** * Adds a new link */ protected function addLink($title, $url, $description, $private, $date, $tags) { $link = array( 'title' => $title, 'url' => $url, 'description' => $description, 'private' => $private, 'linkdate' => $date, 'tags' => $tags, ); $this->links[$date] = $link; if ($private) { $this->privateCount++; return; } $this->publicCount++; } /** * Writes data to the datastore */ public function write($filename, $prefix, $suffix) { file_put_contents( $filename, $prefix.base64_encode(gzdeflate(serialize($this->links))).$suffix ); } /** * Returns the number of links in the reference data */ public function countLinks() { return $this->publicCount + $this->privateCount; } /** * Returns the number of public links in the reference data */ public function countPublicLinks() { return $this->publicCount; } /** * Returns the number of private links in the reference data */ public function countPrivateLinks() { return $this->privateCount; } } ?>