<?php namespace Shaarli\Netscape; use DateTime; use DateTimeZone; use Exception; use Katzgrau\KLogger\Logger; use Psr\Http\Message\UploadedFileInterface; use Psr\Log\LogLevel; use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark; use Shaarli\Bookmark\BookmarkServiceInterface; use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager; use Shaarli\Formatter\BookmarkFormatter; use Shaarli\History; use Shaarli\NetscapeBookmarkParser\NetscapeBookmarkParser; /** * Utilities to import and export bookmarks using the Netscape format */ class NetscapeBookmarkUtils { /** @var BookmarkServiceInterface */ protected $bookmarkService; /** @var ConfigManager */ protected $conf; /** @var History */ protected $history; public function __construct(BookmarkServiceInterface $bookmarkService, ConfigManager $conf, History $history) { $this->bookmarkService = $bookmarkService; $this->conf = $conf; $this->history = $history; } /** * Filters bookmarks and adds Netscape-formatted fields * * Added fields: * - timestamp link addition date, using the Unix epoch format * - taglist comma-separated tag list * * @param BookmarkFormatter $formatter instance * @param string $selection Which bookmarks to export: (all|private|public) * @param bool $prependNoteUrl Prepend note permalinks with the server's URL * @param string $indexUrl Absolute URL of the Shaarli index page * * @return array The bookmarks to be exported, with additional fields * * @throws Exception Invalid export selection */ public function filterAndFormat( $formatter, $selection, $prependNoteUrl, $indexUrl ) { // see tpl/export.html for possible values if (!in_array($selection, array('all', 'public', 'private'))) { throw new Exception(t('Invalid export selection:') . ' "' . $selection . '"'); } $bookmarkLinks = array(); foreach ($this->bookmarkService->search([], $selection) as $bookmark) { $link = $formatter->format($bookmark); $link['taglist'] = implode(',', $bookmark->getTags()); if ($bookmark->isNote() && $prependNoteUrl) { $link['url'] = rtrim($indexUrl, '/') . '/' . ltrim($link['url'], '/'); } $bookmarkLinks[] = $link; } return $bookmarkLinks; } /** * Imports Web bookmarks from an uploaded Netscape bookmark dump * * @param array $post Server $_POST parameters * @param UploadedFileInterface $file File in PSR-7 object format * * @return string Summary of the bookmark import status */ public function import($post, UploadedFileInterface $file) { $start = time(); $filename = $file->getClientFilename(); $filesize = $file->getSize(); $data = (string) $file->getStream(); if (preg_match('/<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>/i', $data) === 0) { return $this->importStatus($filename, $filesize); } // Overwrite existing bookmarks? $overwrite = !empty($post['overwrite']); // Add tags to all imported bookmarks? if (empty($post['default_tags'])) { $defaultTags = array(); } else { $defaultTags = preg_split( '/[\s,]+/', escape($post['default_tags']) ); } // bookmarks are imported as public by default $defaultPrivacy = 0; $parser = new NetscapeBookmarkParser( true, // nested tag support $defaultTags, // additional user-specified tags strval(1 - $defaultPrivacy), // defaultPub = 1 - defaultPrivacy $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir') // log path, will be overridden ); $logger = new Logger( $this->conf->get('resource.data_dir'), !$this->conf->get('dev.debug') ? LogLevel::INFO : LogLevel::DEBUG, [ 'prefix' => 'import.', 'extension' => 'log', ] ); $parser->setLogger($logger); $bookmarks = $parser->parseString($data); $importCount = 0; $overwriteCount = 0; $skipCount = 0; foreach ($bookmarks as $bkm) { $private = $defaultPrivacy; if (empty($post['privacy']) || $post['privacy'] == 'default') { // use value from the imported file $private = $bkm['pub'] == '1' ? 0 : 1; } elseif ($post['privacy'] == 'private') { // all imported bookmarks are private $private = 1; } elseif ($post['privacy'] == 'public') { // all imported bookmarks are public $private = 0; } $link = $this->bookmarkService->findByUrl($bkm['uri']); $existingLink = $link !== null; if (! $existingLink) { $link = new Bookmark(); } if ($existingLink !== false) { if ($overwrite === false) { // Do not overwrite an existing link $skipCount++; continue; } $link->setUpdated(new DateTime()); $overwriteCount++; } else { $newLinkDate = new DateTime('@' . strval($bkm['time'])); $newLinkDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); $link->setCreated($newLinkDate); } $link->setTitle($bkm['title']); $link->setUrl($bkm['uri'], $this->conf->get('security.allowed_protocols')); $link->setDescription($bkm['note']); $link->setPrivate($private); $link->setTagsString($bkm['tags']); $this->bookmarkService->addOrSet($link, false); $importCount++; } $this->bookmarkService->save(); $this->history->importLinks(); $duration = time() - $start; return $this->importStatus( $filename, $filesize, $importCount, $overwriteCount, $skipCount, $duration ); } /** * Generates an import status summary * * @param string $filename name of the file to import * @param int $filesize size of the file to import * @param int $importCount how many bookmarks were imported * @param int $overwriteCount how many bookmarks were overwritten * @param int $skipCount how many bookmarks were skipped * @param int $duration how many seconds did the import take * * @return string Summary of the bookmark import status */ protected function importStatus( $filename, $filesize, $importCount = 0, $overwriteCount = 0, $skipCount = 0, $duration = 0 ) { $status = sprintf(t('File %s (%d bytes) '), $filename, $filesize); if ($importCount == 0 && $overwriteCount == 0 && $skipCount == 0) { $status .= t('has an unknown file format. Nothing was imported.'); } else { $status .= vsprintf( t( 'was successfully processed in %d seconds: ' . '%d bookmarks imported, %d bookmarks overwritten, %d bookmarks skipped.' ), [$duration, $importCount, $overwriteCount, $skipCount] ); } return $status; } }