<?php namespace Shaarli\Bookmark; use Shaarli\TestCase; /** * Class BookmarkArrayTest */ class BookmarkArrayTest extends TestCase { /** * Test the constructor and make sure that the instance is properly initialized */ public function testArrayConstructorEmpty() { $array = new BookmarkArray(); $this->assertTrue(is_iterable($array)); $this->assertEmpty($array); } /** * Test adding entries to the array, specifying the key offset or not. */ public function testArrayAccessAddEntries() { $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark = new Bookmark(); $bookmark->setId(11)->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark; $this->assertCount(1, $array); $this->assertTrue(isset($array[11])); $this->assertNull($array[0]); $this->assertEquals($bookmark, $array[11]); $bookmark = new Bookmark(); $bookmark->setId(14)->validate(); $array[14] = $bookmark; $this->assertCount(2, $array); $this->assertTrue(isset($array[14])); $this->assertNull($array[0]); $this->assertEquals($bookmark, $array[14]); } /** * Test adding a bad entry: wrong type */ public function testArrayAccessAddBadEntryInstance() { $this->expectException(\Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\InvalidBookmarkException::class); $array = new BookmarkArray(); $array[] = 'nope'; } /** * Test adding a bad entry: no id */ public function testArrayAccessAddBadEntryNoId() { $this->expectException(\Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\InvalidBookmarkException::class); $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark = new Bookmark(); $array[] = $bookmark; } /** * Test adding a bad entry: no url */ public function testArrayAccessAddBadEntryNoUrl() { $this->expectException(\Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\InvalidBookmarkException::class); $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark = (new Bookmark())->setId(11); $array[] = $bookmark; } /** * Test adding a bad entry: invalid offset */ public function testArrayAccessAddBadEntryOffset() { $this->expectException(\Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\InvalidBookmarkException::class); $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark = (new Bookmark())->setId(11); $bookmark->validate(); $array['nope'] = $bookmark; } /** * Test adding a bad entry: invalid ID type */ public function testArrayAccessAddBadEntryIdType() { $this->expectException(\Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\InvalidBookmarkException::class); $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark = (new Bookmark())->setId('nope'); $bookmark->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark; } /** * Test adding a bad entry: ID/offset not consistent */ public function testArrayAccessAddBadEntryIdOffset() { $this->expectException(\Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\InvalidBookmarkException::class); $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark = (new Bookmark())->setId(11); $bookmark->validate(); $array[14] = $bookmark; } /** * Test update entries through array access. */ public function testArrayAccessUpdateEntries() { $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark = new Bookmark(); $bookmark->setId(11)->validate(); $bookmark->setTitle('old'); $array[] = $bookmark; $bookmark = new Bookmark(); $bookmark->setId(11)->validate(); $bookmark->setTitle('test'); $array[] = $bookmark; $this->assertCount(1, $array); $this->assertEquals('test', $array[11]->getTitle()); $bookmark = new Bookmark(); $bookmark->setId(11)->validate(); $bookmark->setTitle('test2'); $array[11] = $bookmark; $this->assertCount(1, $array); $this->assertEquals('test2', $array[11]->getTitle()); } /** * Test delete entries through array access. */ public function testArrayAccessDeleteEntries() { $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark11 = new Bookmark(); $bookmark11->setId(11)->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark11; $bookmark14 = new Bookmark(); $bookmark14->setId(14)->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark14; $bookmark23 = new Bookmark(); $bookmark23->setId(23)->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark23; $bookmark0 = new Bookmark(); $bookmark0->setId(0)->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark0; $this->assertCount(4, $array); unset($array[14]); $this->assertCount(3, $array); $this->assertEquals($bookmark11, $array[11]); $this->assertEquals($bookmark23, $array[23]); $this->assertEquals($bookmark0, $array[0]); unset($array[23]); $this->assertCount(2, $array); $this->assertEquals($bookmark11, $array[11]); $this->assertEquals($bookmark0, $array[0]); unset($array[11]); $this->assertCount(1, $array); $this->assertEquals($bookmark0, $array[0]); unset($array[0]); $this->assertCount(0, $array); } /** * Test iterating through array access. */ public function testArrayAccessIterate() { $array = new BookmarkArray(); $bookmark11 = new Bookmark(); $bookmark11->setId(11)->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark11; $bookmark14 = new Bookmark(); $bookmark14->setId(14)->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark14; $bookmark23 = new Bookmark(); $bookmark23->setId(23)->validate(); $array[] = $bookmark23; $this->assertCount(3, $array); foreach ($array as $id => $bookmark) { $this->assertEquals(${'bookmark'. $id}, $bookmark); } } /** * Test reordering the array. */ public function testReorder() { $refDB = new \ReferenceLinkDB(); $refDB->write('sandbox/datastore.php'); $bookmarks = $refDB->getLinks(); $bookmarks->reorder('ASC'); $this->assertInstanceOf(BookmarkArray::class, $bookmarks); $stickyIds = [11, 10]; $standardIds = [42, 4, 9, 1, 0, 7, 6, 8, 41]; $linkIds = array_merge($stickyIds, $standardIds); $cpt = 0; foreach ($bookmarks as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($linkIds[$cpt++], $key); } $bookmarks = $refDB->getLinks(); $bookmarks->reorder('DESC'); $this->assertInstanceOf(BookmarkArray::class, $bookmarks); $linkIds = array_merge(array_reverse($stickyIds), array_reverse($standardIds)); $cpt = 0; foreach ($bookmarks as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($linkIds[$cpt++], $key); } } }