<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Shaarli\Bookmark; use DateTime; use Exception; use malkusch\lock\mutex\Mutex; use Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException; use Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\DatastoreNotInitializedException; use Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\EmptyDataStoreException; use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager; use Shaarli\Formatter\BookmarkMarkdownFormatter; use Shaarli\History; use Shaarli\Legacy\LegacyLinkDB; use Shaarli\Legacy\LegacyUpdater; use Shaarli\Render\PageCacheManager; use Shaarli\Updater\UpdaterUtils; /** * Class BookmarksService * * This is the entry point to manipulate the bookmark DB. * It manipulates loads links from a file data store containing all bookmarks. * * It also triggers the legacy format (bookmarks as arrays) migration. */ class BookmarkFileService implements BookmarkServiceInterface { /** @var Bookmark[] instance */ protected $bookmarks; /** @var BookmarkIO instance */ protected $bookmarksIO; /** @var BookmarkFilter */ protected $bookmarkFilter; /** @var ConfigManager instance */ protected $conf; /** @var History instance */ protected $history; /** @var PageCacheManager instance */ protected $pageCacheManager; /** @var bool true for logged in users. Default value to retrieve private bookmarks. */ protected $isLoggedIn; /** @var Mutex */ protected $mutex; /** * @inheritDoc */ public function __construct(ConfigManager $conf, History $history, Mutex $mutex, bool $isLoggedIn) { $this->conf = $conf; $this->history = $history; $this->mutex = $mutex; $this->pageCacheManager = new PageCacheManager($this->conf->get('resource.page_cache'), $isLoggedIn); $this->bookmarksIO = new BookmarkIO($this->conf, $this->mutex); $this->isLoggedIn = $isLoggedIn; if (!$this->isLoggedIn && $this->conf->get('privacy.hide_public_links', false)) { $this->bookmarks = []; } else { try { $this->bookmarks = $this->bookmarksIO->read(); } catch (EmptyDataStoreException | DatastoreNotInitializedException $e) { $this->bookmarks = new BookmarkArray(); if ($this->isLoggedIn) { // Datastore file does not exists, we initialize it with default bookmarks. if ($e instanceof DatastoreNotInitializedException) { $this->initialize(); } else { $this->save(); } } } if (! $this->bookmarks instanceof BookmarkArray) { $this->migrate(); exit( 'Your data store has been migrated, please reload the page.' . PHP_EOL . 'If this message keeps showing up, please delete data/updates.txt file.' ); } } $this->bookmarkFilter = new BookmarkFilter($this->bookmarks, $this->conf); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function findByHash(string $hash, string $privateKey = null): Bookmark { $bookmark = $this->bookmarkFilter->filter(BookmarkFilter::$FILTER_HASH, $hash); // PHP 7.3 introduced array_key_first() to avoid this hack $first = reset($bookmark); if ( !$this->isLoggedIn && $first->isPrivate() && (empty($privateKey) || $privateKey !== $first->getAdditionalContentEntry('private_key')) ) { throw new BookmarkNotFoundException(); } return $first; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function findByUrl(string $url): ?Bookmark { return $this->bookmarks->getByUrl($url); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function search( array $request = [], string $visibility = null, bool $caseSensitive = false, bool $untaggedOnly = false, bool $ignoreSticky = false ) { if ($visibility === null) { $visibility = $this->isLoggedIn ? BookmarkFilter::$ALL : BookmarkFilter::$PUBLIC; } // Filter bookmark database according to parameters. $searchTags = isset($request['searchtags']) ? $request['searchtags'] : ''; $searchTerm = isset($request['searchterm']) ? $request['searchterm'] : ''; if ($ignoreSticky) { $this->bookmarks->reorder('DESC', true); } return $this->bookmarkFilter->filter( BookmarkFilter::$FILTER_TAG | BookmarkFilter::$FILTER_TEXT, [$searchTags, $searchTerm], $caseSensitive, $visibility, $untaggedOnly ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function get(int $id, string $visibility = null): Bookmark { if (! isset($this->bookmarks[$id])) { throw new BookmarkNotFoundException(); } if ($visibility === null) { $visibility = $this->isLoggedIn ? BookmarkFilter::$ALL : BookmarkFilter::$PUBLIC; } $bookmark = $this->bookmarks[$id]; if ( ($bookmark->isPrivate() && $visibility != 'all' && $visibility != 'private') || (! $bookmark->isPrivate() && $visibility != 'all' && $visibility != 'public') ) { throw new Exception('Unauthorized'); } return $bookmark; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function set(Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save = true): Bookmark { if (true !== $this->isLoggedIn) { throw new Exception(t('You\'re not authorized to alter the datastore')); } if (! isset($this->bookmarks[$bookmark->getId()])) { throw new BookmarkNotFoundException(); } $bookmark->validate(); $bookmark->setUpdated(new DateTime()); $this->bookmarks[$bookmark->getId()] = $bookmark; if ($save === true) { $this->save(); $this->history->updateLink($bookmark); } return $this->bookmarks[$bookmark->getId()]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function add(Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save = true): Bookmark { if (true !== $this->isLoggedIn) { throw new Exception(t('You\'re not authorized to alter the datastore')); } if (!empty($bookmark->getId())) { throw new Exception(t('This bookmarks already exists')); } $bookmark->setId($this->bookmarks->getNextId()); $bookmark->validate(); $this->bookmarks[$bookmark->getId()] = $bookmark; if ($save === true) { $this->save(); $this->history->addLink($bookmark); } return $this->bookmarks[$bookmark->getId()]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function addOrSet(Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save = true): Bookmark { if (true !== $this->isLoggedIn) { throw new Exception(t('You\'re not authorized to alter the datastore')); } if ($bookmark->getId() === null) { return $this->add($bookmark, $save); } return $this->set($bookmark, $save); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function remove(Bookmark $bookmark, bool $save = true): void { if (true !== $this->isLoggedIn) { throw new Exception(t('You\'re not authorized to alter the datastore')); } if (! isset($this->bookmarks[$bookmark->getId()])) { throw new BookmarkNotFoundException(); } unset($this->bookmarks[$bookmark->getId()]); if ($save === true) { $this->save(); $this->history->deleteLink($bookmark); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function exists(int $id, string $visibility = null): bool { if (! isset($this->bookmarks[$id])) { return false; } if ($visibility === null) { $visibility = $this->isLoggedIn ? 'all' : 'public'; } $bookmark = $this->bookmarks[$id]; if ( ($bookmark->isPrivate() && $visibility != 'all' && $visibility != 'private') || (! $bookmark->isPrivate() && $visibility != 'all' && $visibility != 'public') ) { return false; } return true; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function count(string $visibility = null): int { return count($this->search([], $visibility)); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function save(): void { if (true !== $this->isLoggedIn) { // TODO: raise an Exception instead die('You are not authorized to change the database.'); } $this->bookmarks->reorder(); $this->bookmarksIO->write($this->bookmarks); $this->pageCacheManager->invalidateCaches(); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function bookmarksCountPerTag(array $filteringTags = [], string $visibility = null): array { $bookmarks = $this->search(['searchtags' => $filteringTags], $visibility); $tags = []; $caseMapping = []; foreach ($bookmarks as $bookmark) { foreach ($bookmark->getTags() as $tag) { if ( empty($tag) || (! $this->isLoggedIn && startsWith($tag, '.')) || $tag === BookmarkMarkdownFormatter::NO_MD_TAG || in_array($tag, $filteringTags, true) ) { continue; } // The first case found will be displayed. if (!isset($caseMapping[strtolower($tag)])) { $caseMapping[strtolower($tag)] = $tag; $tags[$caseMapping[strtolower($tag)]] = 0; } $tags[$caseMapping[strtolower($tag)]]++; } } /* * Formerly used arsort(), which doesn't define the sort behaviour for equal values. * Also, this function doesn't produce the same result between PHP 5.6 and 7. * * So we now use array_multisort() to sort tags by DESC occurrences, * then ASC alphabetically for equal values. * * @see https://github.com/shaarli/Shaarli/issues/1142 */ $keys = array_keys($tags); $tmpTags = array_combine($keys, $keys); array_multisort($tags, SORT_DESC, $tmpTags, SORT_ASC, $tags); return $tags; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function findByDate( \DateTimeInterface $from, \DateTimeInterface $to, ?\DateTimeInterface &$previous, ?\DateTimeInterface &$next ): array { $out = []; $previous = null; $next = null; foreach ($this->search([], null, false, false, true) as $bookmark) { if ($to < $bookmark->getCreated()) { $next = $bookmark->getCreated(); } elseif ($from < $bookmark->getCreated() && $to > $bookmark->getCreated()) { $out[] = $bookmark; } else { if ($previous !== null) { break; } $previous = $bookmark->getCreated(); } } return $out; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getLatest(): ?Bookmark { foreach ($this->search([], null, false, false, true) as $bookmark) { return $bookmark; } return null; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function initialize(): void { $initializer = new BookmarkInitializer($this); $initializer->initialize(); if (true === $this->isLoggedIn) { $this->save(); } } /** * Handles migration to the new database format (BookmarksArray). */ protected function migrate(): void { $bookmarkDb = new LegacyLinkDB( $this->conf->get('resource.datastore'), true, false ); $updater = new LegacyUpdater( UpdaterUtils::readUpdatesFile($this->conf->get('resource.updates')), $bookmarkDb, $this->conf, true ); $newUpdates = $updater->update(); if (! empty($newUpdates)) { UpdaterUtils::writeUpdatesFile( $this->conf->get('resource.updates'), $updater->getDoneUpdates() ); } } }