It contains mostly read only information about the current Shaarli instance, PHP version, extensions, file and folder permissions, etc. Also action buttons to clear the cache or sync thumbnails. Part of the content of this page is also displayed on the install page, to check server requirement before installing Shaarli config file. Fixes #40 Fixes #185
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<div class="server-tables">
<h3 class="window-subtitle">{'Permissions'|t}</h3>
{if="count($permissions) > 0"}
<p class="center">
<i class="fa fa-close fa-color-red" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{'There are permissions that need to be fixed.'|t}
<div class="center">{$value}</div>
<p class="center">
<i class="fa fa-check fa-color-green" aria-hidden="true"></i>
{'All read/write permissions are properly set.'|t}
<h3 class="window-subtitle">PHP</h3>
<p class="center">
<strong>{'Running PHP'|t} {$php_version}</strong>
<i class="fa fa-circle fa-color-orange" aria-label="hidden"></i><br>
{'End of life: '|t} {$php_eol}
<i class="fa fa-circle fa-color-green" aria-label="hidden"></i><br>
<table class="center">
<td>{$value.required ? t('Required') : t('Optional')}</td>
{$strLoaded=t('Not loaded')}
<i class="fa fa-circle {$classLoaded}" aria-label="{$strLoaded}" title="{$strLoaded}"></i>