It contains mostly read only information about the current Shaarli instance, PHP version, extensions, file and folder permissions, etc. Also action buttons to clear the cache or sync thumbnails. Part of the content of this page is also displayed on the install page, to check server requirement before installing Shaarli config file. Fixes #40 Fixes #185
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namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Visitor;
use Shaarli\ApplicationUtils;
use Shaarli\Container\ShaarliContainer;
use Shaarli\Front\Exception\AlreadyInstalledException;
use Shaarli\Front\Exception\ResourcePermissionException;
use Shaarli\Languages;
use Shaarli\Security\SessionManager;
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
* Slim controller used to render install page, and create initial configuration file.
class InstallController extends ShaarliVisitorController
public const SESSION_TEST_KEY = 'session_tested';
public const SESSION_TEST_VALUE = 'Working';
public function __construct(ShaarliContainer $container)
if (is_file($this->container->conf->getConfigFileExt())) {
throw new AlreadyInstalledException();
* Display the install template page.
* Also test file permissions and sessions beforehand.
public function index(Request $request, Response $response): Response
// Before installation, we'll make sure that permissions are set properly, and sessions are working.
!== $this->container->sessionManager->getSessionParameter(static::SESSION_TEST_KEY)
) {
$this->container->sessionManager->setSessionParameter(static::SESSION_TEST_KEY, static::SESSION_TEST_VALUE);
return $this->redirect($response, '/install/session-test');
[$continents, $cities] = generateTimeZoneData(timezone_identifiers_list(), date_default_timezone_get());
$this->assignView('continents', $continents);
$this->assignView('cities', $cities);
$this->assignView('languages', Languages::getAvailableLanguages());
$phpEol = new \DateTimeImmutable(ApplicationUtils::getPhpEol(PHP_VERSION));
$this->assignView('php_version', PHP_VERSION);
$this->assignView('php_eol', format_date($phpEol, false));
$this->assignView('php_has_reached_eol', $phpEol < new \DateTimeImmutable());
$this->assignView('php_extensions', ApplicationUtils::getPhpExtensionsRequirement());
$this->assignView('permissions', ApplicationUtils::checkResourcePermissions($this->container->conf));
$this->assignView('pagetitle', t('Install Shaarli'));
return $response->write($this->render('install'));
* Route checking that the session parameter has been properly saved between two distinct requests.
* If the session parameter is preserved, redirect to install template page, otherwise displays error.
public function sessionTest(Request $request, Response $response): Response
// This part makes sure sessions works correctly.
// (Because on some hosts, session.save_path may not be set correctly,
// or we may not have write access to it.)
!== $this->container->sessionManager->getSessionParameter(static::SESSION_TEST_KEY)
) {
// Step 2: Check if data in session is correct.
$msg = t(
'<pre>Sessions do not seem to work correctly on your server.<br>'.
'Make sure the variable "session.save_path" is set correctly in your PHP config, '.
'and that you have write access to it.<br>'.
'It currently points to %s.<br>'.
'On some browsers, accessing your server via a hostname like \'localhost\' '.
'or any custom hostname without a dot causes cookie storage to fail. '.
'We recommend accessing your server via it\'s IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name.<br>'
$msg = sprintf($msg, $this->container->sessionManager->getSavePath());
$this->assignView('message', $msg);
return $response->write($this->render('error'));
return $this->redirect($response, '/install');
* Save installation form and initialize config file and datastore if necessary.
public function save(Request $request, Response $response): Response
$timezone = 'UTC';
if (!empty($request->getParam('continent'))
&& !empty($request->getParam('city'))
&& isTimeZoneValid($request->getParam('continent'), $request->getParam('city'))
) {
$timezone = $request->getParam('continent') . '/' . $request->getParam('city');
$this->container->conf->set('general.timezone', $timezone);
$login = $request->getParam('setlogin');
$this->container->conf->set('credentials.login', $login);
$salt = sha1(uniqid('', true) .'_'. mt_rand());
$this->container->conf->set('credentials.salt', $salt);
$this->container->conf->set('credentials.hash', sha1($request->getParam('setpassword') . $login . $salt));
if (!empty($request->getParam('title'))) {
$this->container->conf->set('general.title', escape($request->getParam('title')));
} else {
'Shared bookmarks on '.escape(index_url($this->container->environment))
$this->container->conf->set('translation.language', escape($request->getParam('language')));
$this->container->conf->set('updates.check_updates', !empty($request->getParam('updateCheck')));
$this->container->conf->set('api.enabled', !empty($request->getParam('enableApi')));
$this->container->conf->set('general.header_link', $this->container->basePath . '/');
try {
// Everything is ok, let's create config file.
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assignView('message', t('Error while writing config file after configuration update.'));
$this->assignView('stacktrace', $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString());
return $response->write($this->render('error'));
[t('Shaarli is now configured. Please login and start shaaring your bookmarks!')]
return $this->redirect($response, '/login');
protected function checkPermissions(): bool
// Ensure Shaarli has proper access to its resources
$errors = ApplicationUtils::checkResourcePermissions($this->container->conf, true);
if (empty($errors)) {
return true;
$message = t('Insufficient permissions:') . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($errors as $error) {
$message .= PHP_EOL . $error;
throw new ResourcePermissionException($message);