ArthurHoaro a39acb2518 Fix an issue with private tags and fix nomarkdown tag
The new bookmark service wasn't handling private tags properly.

nomarkdown tag is now shown only for logged in user in bookmarks, and hidden for everyone in tag clouds/lists.

2020-01-18 11:39:26 +01:00

206 lines
6.4 KiB

namespace Shaarli\Formatter;
use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
* Class BookmarkMarkdownFormatter
* Format bookmark description into Markdown format.
* @package Shaarli\Formatter
class BookmarkMarkdownFormatter extends BookmarkDefaultFormatter
* When this tag is present in a bookmark, its description should not be processed with Markdown
const NO_MD_TAG = 'nomarkdown';
/** @var \Parsedown instance */
protected $parsedown;
/** @var bool used to escape HTML in Markdown or not.
* It MUST be set to true for shared instance as HTML content can
* introduce XSS vulnerabilities.
protected $escape;
* @var array List of allowed protocols for links inside bookmark's description.
protected $allowedProtocols;
* LinkMarkdownFormatter constructor.
* @param ConfigManager $conf instance
* @param bool $isLoggedIn
public function __construct(ConfigManager $conf, bool $isLoggedIn)
parent::__construct($conf, $isLoggedIn);
$this->parsedown = new \Parsedown();
$this->escape = $conf->get('security.markdown_escape', true);
$this->allowedProtocols = $conf->get('security.allowed_protocols', []);
* @inheritdoc
public function formatDescription($bookmark)
if (in_array(self::NO_MD_TAG, $bookmark->getTags())) {
return parent::formatDescription($bookmark);
$processedDescription = $bookmark->getDescription();
$processedDescription = $this->filterProtocols($processedDescription);
$processedDescription = $this->formatHashTags($processedDescription);
$processedDescription = $this->reverseEscapedHtml($processedDescription);
$processedDescription = $this->parsedown
$processedDescription = $this->sanitizeHtml($processedDescription);
if (!empty($processedDescription)) {
$processedDescription = '<div class="markdown">'. $processedDescription . '</div>';
return $processedDescription;
* Remove the NO markdown tag if it is present
* @inheritdoc
protected function formatTagList($bookmark)
$out = parent::formatTagList($bookmark);
if ($this->isLoggedIn === false && ($pos = array_search(self::NO_MD_TAG, $out)) !== false) {
return array_values($out);
return $out;
* Replace not whitelisted protocols with http:// in given description.
* Also adds `index_url` to relative links if it's specified
* @param string $description input description text.
* @return string $description without malicious link.
protected function filterProtocols($description)
$allowedProtocols = $this->allowedProtocols;
$indexUrl = ! empty($this->contextData['index_url']) ? $this->contextData['index_url'] : '';
return preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use ($allowedProtocols, $indexUrl) {
$link = startsWith($match[1], '?') || startsWith($match[1], '/') ? $indexUrl : '';
$link .= whitelist_protocols($match[1], $allowedProtocols);
return ']('. $link.')';
* Replace hashtag in Markdown links format
* E.g. `#hashtag` becomes `[#hashtag](?addtag=hashtag)`
* It includes the index URL if specified.
* @param string $description
* @return string
protected function formatHashTags($description)
$indexUrl = ! empty($this->contextData['index_url']) ? $this->contextData['index_url'] : '';
* To support unicode:
* \p{Pc} - to match underscore
* \p{N} - numeric character in any script
* \p{L} - letter from any language
* \p{Mn} - any non marking space (accents, umlauts, etc)
$regex = '/(^|\s)#([\p{Pc}\p{N}\p{L}\p{Mn}]+)/mui';
$replacement = '$1[#$2]('. $indexUrl .'?addtag=$2)';
$descriptionLines = explode(PHP_EOL, $description);
$descriptionOut = '';
$codeBlockOn = false;
$lineCount = 0;
foreach ($descriptionLines as $descriptionLine) {
// Detect line of code: starting with 4 spaces,
// except lists which can start with +/*/- or `2.` after spaces.
$codeLineOn = preg_match('/^ +(?=[^\+\*\-])(?=(?!\d\.).)/', $descriptionLine) > 0;
// Detect and toggle block of code
if (!$codeBlockOn) {
$codeBlockOn = preg_match('/^```/', $descriptionLine) > 0;
} elseif (preg_match('/^```/', $descriptionLine) > 0) {
$codeBlockOn = false;
if (!$codeBlockOn && !$codeLineOn) {
$descriptionLine = preg_replace($regex, $replacement, $descriptionLine);
$descriptionOut .= $descriptionLine;
if ($lineCount++ < count($descriptionLines) - 1) {
$descriptionOut .= PHP_EOL;
return $descriptionOut;
* Remove dangerous HTML tags (tags, iframe, etc.).
* Doesn't affect <code> content (already escaped by Parsedown).
* @param string $description input description text.
* @return string given string escaped.
protected function sanitizeHtml($description)
$escapeTags = array(
foreach ($escapeTags as $tag) {
$description = preg_replace_callback(
'#<\s*'. $tag .'[^>]*>(.*</\s*'. $tag .'[^>]*>)?#is',
function ($match) {
return escape($match[0]);
$description = preg_replace(
'#(<[^>]+\s)on[a-z]*="?[^ "]*"?#is',
return $description;
protected function reverseEscapedHtml($description)
return unescape($description);