nodiscc 53ed6d7d1e Generate HTML documentation using MkDocs (WIP)
MkDocs is a static site generator geared towards building project documentation.
Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML file.


Ref. #312

* remove pandoc-generated HTML documentation
* move markdown doc to doc/md/,
* mkdocs.yml:
  * generate HTML doc in doc/html
  * add pages TOC/ordering
  * use as index page
* Makefile: remove execute permissions from generated files
* Makefile: rewrite htmlpages GFM to markdown conversion using sed:
   awk expression aslo matched '][' which causes invalid output on complex links with images or code blocks
* Add mkdocs.yml to .gitattributes, exclude this file from release archives
* Makefile: rename: htmldoc -> doc_html target
* run make doc: pull latest markdown documentation from wiki
* run make htmlpages: update html documentation
2017-06-18 00:19:49 +02:00

497 lines
16 KiB

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<h3 id="download-css-styles-for-shaarlis-listed-in-an-opml-file">Download CSS styles for shaarlis listed in an opml file</h3>
<p>Example php script:</p>
<pre><code class="php">&lt;!---- ?php --&gt;
&lt;!---- Copyright (c) 2014 Nicolas Delsaux ( --&gt;
&lt;!---- License: zlib ( --&gt;
* Source:
* Download css styles for shaarlis listed in an opml file
define(&quot;SHAARLI_RSS_OPML&quot;, &quot;;);
define(&quot;THEMES_TEMP_FOLDER&quot;, &quot;new_themes&quot;);
if(!file_exists(THEMES_TEMP_FOLDER)) {
function siteUrl($pathInSite) {
$indexPos = strpos($pathInSite, &quot;index.php&quot;);
if(!$indexPos) {
return $pathInSite;
} else {
return substr($pathInSite, 0, $indexPos);
function createShaarliHashFromOPMLL($opmlFile) {
$result = array();
$opml = file_get_contents($opmlFile);
$opmlXml = simplexml_load_string($opml);
$outlineElements = $opmlXml-&gt;xpath(&quot;body/outline&quot;);
foreach($outlineElements as $site) {
$siteUrl = siteUrl((string) $site['htmlUrl']);
$result[$siteUrl]=((string) $site['text']);
return $result;
function getSiteFolder($url) {
$domain = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST);
return THEMES_TEMP_FOLDER.&quot;/&quot;.str_replace(&quot;.&quot;, &quot;_&quot;, $domain);
function get_http_response_code($theURL) {
$headers = get_headers($theURL);
return substr($headers[0], 9, 3);
* This makes the code PHP-5 only (particularly the call to &quot;get_headers&quot;)
function copyUserStyleFrom($url, $name, $knownStyles) {
$userStyle = $url.&quot;inc/user.css&quot;;
if(in_array($url, $knownStyles)) {
// TODO add log message
} else {
$statusCode = get_http_response_code($userStyle);
if(intval($statusCode)&lt;300) {
$styleSheet = file_get_contents($userStyle);
$siteFolder = getSiteFolder($url);
if(!file_exists($siteFolder)) {
if(!file_exists($siteFolder.'/user.css')) {
// Copy stylesheet
file_put_contents($siteFolder.'/user.css', $styleSheet);
if(!file_exists($siteFolder.'/')) {
// Then write a file
&quot;User style from &quot;.$name.&quot;\n&quot;
.&quot;This stylesheet was downloaded from &quot;.$userStyle.&quot; on &quot;.date(DATE_RFC822)
if(!file_exists($siteFolder.'/config.ini')) {
// Write a config file containing useful informations
if(!file_exists($siteFolder.'/home.png')) {
// And finally copy generated thumbnail
$homeThumb = $siteFolder.'/home.png';
file_put_contents($siteFolder.'/home.png', file_get_contents(getThumbnailUrl($url)));
echo 'Theme have been downloaded from &lt;a href=&quot;'.$url.'&quot;&gt;'.$url.'&lt;/a&gt; into '.$siteFolder
.'. It looks like &lt;img src=&quot;'.$homeThumb.'&quot;&gt;&lt;br/&gt;';
function getThumbnailUrl($url) {
return ''.$url;
function copyUserStylesFrom($urlToNames, $knownStyles) {
foreach($urlToNames as $url =&gt; $name) {
copyUserStyleFrom($url, $name, $knownStyles);
* Reading directory list, courtesy of
* @param directory the directory we want to list files of
* @return a simple array containing the list of absolute file paths. Notice that current file (&quot;.&quot;) and parent one(&quot;..&quot;)
* are not listed here
function getDirectoryList ($directory) {
$realPath = realpath($directory);
// create an array to hold directory list
$results = array();
// create a handler for the directory
$handler = opendir($directory);
// open directory and walk through the filenames
while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
// if file isn't this directory or its parent, add it to the results
if ($file != &quot;.&quot; &amp;&amp; $file != &quot;..&quot;) {
$results[] = realpath($realPath . &quot;/&quot; . $file);
// tidy up: close the handler
// done!
return $results;
* Start in themes folder and look in all subfolders for config.ini files.
* These config.ini files allow us not to download styles again and again
function findKnownStyles() {
$result = array();
$subFolders = getDirectoryList(&quot;themes&quot;);
foreach($subFolders as $folder) {
$configFile = $folder.&quot;/config.ini&quot;;
if(file_exists($configFile)) {
$iniParameters = parse_ini_file($configFile);
array_push($result, $iniParameters['site_url']);
return $result;
$knownStyles = findKnownStyles();
copyUserStylesFrom(createShaarliHashFromOPMLL(SHAARLI_RSS_OPML), $knownStyles);
&lt;!--- ? ----&gt;
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