nodiscc 53ed6d7d1e Generate HTML documentation using MkDocs (WIP)
MkDocs is a static site generator geared towards building project documentation.
Documentation source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML file.


Ref. #312

* remove pandoc-generated HTML documentation
* move markdown doc to doc/md/,
* mkdocs.yml:
  * generate HTML doc in doc/html
  * add pages TOC/ordering
  * use as index page
* Makefile: remove execute permissions from generated files
* Makefile: rewrite htmlpages GFM to markdown conversion using sed:
   awk expression aslo matched '][' which causes invalid output on complex links with images or code blocks
* Add mkdocs.yml to .gitattributes, exclude this file from release archives
* Makefile: rename: htmldoc -> doc_html target
* run make doc: pull latest markdown documentation from wiki
* run make htmlpages: update html documentation
2017-06-18 00:19:49 +02:00

436 lines
15 KiB

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<h2 id="foreword">Foreword</h2>
<p>There are two ways of customizing how Shaarli looks:</p>
<li>by using a custom CSS to override Shaarli's CSS</li>
<li>by using a full theme that provides its own RainTPL templates, CSS and Javascript resources</li>
<h2 id="custom-css">Custom CSS</h2>
<p>Shaarli's appearance can be modified by adding CSS rules to:
- Shaarli &lt; <code>v0.9.0</code>: <code>inc/user.css</code>
- Shaarli &gt;= <code>v0.9.0</code>: <code>data/user.css</code></p>
<p>This file allows overriding rules defined in the template CSS files (only add changed rules), or define a whole new theme.</p>
<p><strong>Note</strong>: Do not edit <code>tpl/default/css/shaarli.css</code>! Your changes would be overridden when updating Shaarli.</p>
<p>See also <a href="../Download CSS styles from an OPML list">Download CSS styles from an OPML list</a></p>
<h2 id="themes">Themes</h2>
<p><em>WARNING - This feature is currently being worked on and will be improved in the next releases. Experimental.</em></p>
- find a theme you'd like to install
- copy or clone the theme folder under <code>tpl/&lt;a_sweet_theme&gt;</code>
- enable the theme:
- Shaarli &lt; <code>v0.9.0</code>: edit <code>data/config.json.php</code> and set the value of <code>raintpl_tpl</code> to the new theme name:
<code>"raintpl_tpl": "tpl\/my-template\/"</code>
- Shaarli &gt;= <code>v0.9.0</code>: select the theme through the <em>Tools</em> page</p>
<h2 id="community-css-themes">Community CSS &amp; themes</h2>
<h3 id="custom-css_1">Custom CSS</h3>
<li><a href="">mrjovanovic/serious-theme-shaarli</a> - A serious theme for Shaarli</li>
<li><a href="">shaarli/shaarli-themes</a></li>
<h3 id="themes_1">Themes</h3>
<li><a href="">AkibaTech/Shaarli Superhero Theme</a> - A template/theme for Shaarli</li>
<li><a href="">alexisju/albinomouse-template</a> - A full template for Shaarli</li>
<li><a href="">ArthurHoaro/shaarli-launch</a> - Customizable Shaarli theme</li>
<li><a href="">dhoko/ShaarliTemplate</a> - A template/theme for Shaarli</li>
<li><a href="">kalvn/shaarli-blocks</a> - A template/theme for Shaarli</li>
<li><a href="">kalvn/Shaarli-Material</a> - A theme (template) based on Google's Material Design for Shaarli, the superfast delicious clone</li>
<li><a href="">ManufacturaInd/shaarli-2004licious-theme</a> - A template/theme as a humble homage to the early looks of the site</li>
<h3 id="shaarli-forks">Shaarli forks</h3>
<li><a href="">misterair/Limonade</a> - A fork of (legacy) Shaarli with a new template</li>
<li><a href="">vivienhaese/shaarlitheme</a> - A Shaarli fork meant to be run in an openshift instance</li>
<h2 id="example-installation-albinomouse-theme">Example installation: AlbinoMouse theme</h2>
<p>With the following configuration:
- Apache 2 / PHP 5.6
- user sites are enabled, e.g. <code>/home/user/public_html/somedir</code> is served as <code>http://localhost/~user/somedir</code>
- <code>http</code> is the name of the Apache user</p>
<pre><code class="bash">$ cd ~/public_html
# clone repositories
$ git clone shaarli
$ pushd shaarli/tpl
$ git clone
$ popd
# set access rights for Apache
$ chgrp -R http shaarli
$ chmod g+rwx shaarli shaarli/cache shaarli/data shaarli/pagecache shaarli/tmp
<p>Get config written:
- go to the freshly installed site
- fill the install form
- log in to Shaarli</p>
<p>Edit Shaarli's <a href="../configuration|Shaarli configuration">configuration|Shaarli configuration</a>:</p>
<pre><code class="bash"># the file should be owned by Apache, thus not writeable =&gt; sudo
$ sudo sed -i s=tpl=tpl/albinomouse-template=g shaarli/data/config.php
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