ArthurHoaro 4e3875c0ce Feature: highlight fulltext search results
How it works:

  1. when a fulltext search is made, Shaarli looks for the first
occurence position of every term matching the search. No change here,
but we store these positions in an array, in Bookmark's additionalContent.
  2. when formatting bookmarks (through BookmarkFormatter
    1. first we insert specific tokens at every search result positions
    2. we format the content (escape HTML, apply markdown, etc.)
    3. as a last step, we replace our token with displayable span

Cons: this tightens coupling between search filters and formatters
Pros: it was absolutely necessary not to perform the
search twice. this solution has close to no impact on performances.

2020-10-16 20:31:12 +02:00

555 lines
19 KiB

namespace Shaarli\Bookmark;
use Exception;
use Shaarli\Bookmark\Exception\BookmarkNotFoundException;
* Class LinkFilter.
* Perform search and filter operation on link data list.
class BookmarkFilter
* @var string permalinks.
public static $FILTER_HASH = 'permalink';
* @var string text search.
public static $FILTER_TEXT = 'fulltext';
* @var string tag filter.
public static $FILTER_TAG = 'tags';
* @var string filter by day.
public static $FILTER_DAY = 'FILTER_DAY';
* @var string filter by day.
public static $DEFAULT = 'NO_FILTER';
/** @var string Visibility: all */
public static $ALL = 'all';
/** @var string Visibility: public */
public static $PUBLIC = 'public';
/** @var string Visibility: private */
public static $PRIVATE = 'private';
* @var string Allowed characters for hashtags (regex syntax).
public static $HASHTAG_CHARS = '\p{Pc}\p{N}\p{L}\p{Mn}';
* @var Bookmark[] all available bookmarks.
private $bookmarks;
* @param Bookmark[] $bookmarks initialization.
public function __construct($bookmarks)
$this->bookmarks = $bookmarks;
* Filter bookmarks according to parameters.
* @param string $type Type of filter (eg. tags, permalink, etc.).
* @param mixed $request Filter content.
* @param bool $casesensitive Optional: Perform case sensitive filter if true.
* @param string $visibility Optional: return only all/private/public bookmarks
* @param bool $untaggedonly Optional: return only untagged bookmarks. Applies only if $type includes FILTER_TAG
* @return Bookmark[] filtered bookmark list.
* @throws BookmarkNotFoundException
public function filter(
string $type,
bool $casesensitive = false,
string $visibility = 'all',
bool $untaggedonly = false
) {
if (!in_array($visibility, ['all', 'public', 'private'])) {
$visibility = 'all';
switch ($type) {
case self::$FILTER_HASH:
return $this->filterSmallHash($request);
case self::$FILTER_TAG | self::$FILTER_TEXT: // == "vuotext"
$noRequest = empty($request) || (empty($request[0]) && empty($request[1]));
if ($noRequest) {
if ($untaggedonly) {
return $this->filterUntagged($visibility);
return $this->noFilter($visibility);
if ($untaggedonly) {
$filtered = $this->filterUntagged($visibility);
} else {
$filtered = $this->bookmarks;
if (!empty($request[0])) {
$filtered = (new BookmarkFilter($filtered))->filterTags($request[0], $casesensitive, $visibility);
if (!empty($request[1])) {
$filtered = (new BookmarkFilter($filtered))->filterFulltext($request[1], $visibility);
return $filtered;
case self::$FILTER_TEXT:
return $this->filterFulltext($request, $visibility);
case self::$FILTER_TAG:
if ($untaggedonly) {
return $this->filterUntagged($visibility);
} else {
return $this->filterTags($request, $casesensitive, $visibility);
case self::$FILTER_DAY:
return $this->filterDay($request, $visibility);
return $this->noFilter($visibility);
* Unknown filter, but handle private only.
* @param string $visibility Optional: return only all/private/public bookmarks
* @return Bookmark[] filtered bookmarks.
private function noFilter(string $visibility = 'all')
if ($visibility === 'all') {
return $this->bookmarks;
$out = array();
foreach ($this->bookmarks as $key => $value) {
if ($value->isPrivate() && $visibility === 'private') {
$out[$key] = $value;
} elseif (!$value->isPrivate() && $visibility === 'public') {
$out[$key] = $value;
return $out;
* Returns the shaare corresponding to a smallHash.
* @param string $smallHash permalink hash.
* @return Bookmark[] $filtered array containing permalink data.
* @throws BookmarkNotFoundException if the smallhash doesn't match any link.
private function filterSmallHash(string $smallHash)
foreach ($this->bookmarks as $key => $l) {
if ($smallHash == $l->getShortUrl()) {
// Yes, this is ugly and slow
return [$key => $l];
throw new BookmarkNotFoundException();
* Returns the list of bookmarks corresponding to a full-text search
* Searches:
* - in the URLs, title and description;
* - are case-insensitive;
* - terms surrounded by quotes " are exact terms search.
* - terms starting with a dash - are excluded (except exact terms).
* Example:
* print_r($mydb->filterFulltext('hollandais'));
* mb_convert_case($val, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8')
* - allows to perform searches on Unicode text
* - see for examples
* @param string $searchterms search query.
* @param string $visibility Optional: return only all/private/public bookmarks.
* @return Bookmark[] search results.
private function filterFulltext(string $searchterms, string $visibility = 'all')
if (empty($searchterms)) {
return $this->noFilter($visibility);
$filtered = [];
$search = mb_convert_case(html_entity_decode($searchterms), MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8');
$exactRegex = '/"([^"]+)"/';
// Retrieve exact search terms.
preg_match_all($exactRegex, $search, $exactSearch);
$exactSearch = array_values(array_filter($exactSearch[1]));
// Remove exact search terms to get AND terms search.
$explodedSearchAnd = explode(' ', trim(preg_replace($exactRegex, '', $search)));
$explodedSearchAnd = array_values(array_filter($explodedSearchAnd));
// Filter excluding terms and update andSearch.
$excludeSearch = [];
$andSearch = [];
foreach ($explodedSearchAnd as $needle) {
if ($needle[0] == '-' && strlen($needle) > 1) {
$excludeSearch[] = substr($needle, 1);
} else {
$andSearch[] = $needle;
// Iterate over every stored link.
foreach ($this->bookmarks as $id => $link) {
// ignore non private bookmarks when 'privatonly' is on.
if ($visibility !== 'all') {
if (!$link->isPrivate() && $visibility === 'private') {
} elseif ($link->isPrivate() && $visibility === 'public') {
$lengths = [];
$content = $this->buildFullTextSearchableLink($link, $lengths);
// Be optimistic
$found = true;
$foundPositions = [];
// First, we look for exact term search
// Then iterate over keywords, if keyword is not found,
// no need to check for the others. We want all or nothing.
foreach ([$exactSearch, $andSearch] as $search) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($search) && $found !== false; $i++) {
$found = mb_strpos($content, $search[$i]);
if ($found === false) {
$foundPositions[] = ['start' => $found, 'end' => $found + mb_strlen($search[$i])];
// Exclude terms.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($excludeSearch) && $found !== false; $i++) {
$found = strpos($content, $excludeSearch[$i]) === false;
if ($found !== false) {
$this->postProcessFoundPositions($lengths, $foundPositions)
$filtered[$id] = $link;
return $filtered;
* generate a regex fragment out of a tag
* @param string $tag to to generate regexs from. may start with '-' to negate, contain '*' as wildcard
* @return string generated regex fragment
private static function tag2regex(string $tag): string
$len = strlen($tag);
if (!$len || $tag === "-" || $tag === "*") {
// nothing to search, return empty regex
return '';
if ($tag[0] === "-") {
// query is negated
$i = 1; // use offset to start after '-' character
$regex = '(?!'; // create negative lookahead
} else {
$i = 0; // start at first character
$regex = '(?='; // use positive lookahead
$regex .= '.*(?:^| )'; // before tag may only be a space or the beginning
// iterate over string, separating it into placeholder and content
for (; $i < $len; $i++) {
if ($tag[$i] === '*') {
// placeholder found
$regex .= '[^ ]*?';
} else {
// regular characters
$offset = strpos($tag, '*', $i);
if ($offset === false) {
// no placeholder found, set offset to end of string
$offset = $len;
// subtract one, as we want to get before the placeholder or end of string
$offset -= 1;
// we got a tag name that we want to search for. escape any regex characters to prevent conflicts.
$regex .= preg_quote(substr($tag, $i, $offset - $i + 1), '/');
// move $i on
$i = $offset;
$regex .= '(?:$| ))'; // after the tag may only be a space or the end
return $regex;
* Returns the list of bookmarks associated with a given list of tags
* You can specify one or more tags, separated by space or a comma, e.g.
* print_r($mydb->filterTags('linux programming'));
* @param string|array $tags list of tags, separated by commas or blank spaces if passed as string.
* @param bool $casesensitive ignore case if false.
* @param string $visibility Optional: return only all/private/public bookmarks.
* @return Bookmark[] filtered bookmarks.
public function filterTags($tags, bool $casesensitive = false, string $visibility = 'all')
// get single tags (we may get passed an array, even though the docs say different)
$inputTags = $tags;
if (!is_array($tags)) {
// we got an input string, split tags
$inputTags = preg_split('/(?:\s+)|,/', $inputTags, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
if (!count($inputTags)) {
// no input tags
return $this->noFilter($visibility);
// If we only have public visibility, we can't look for hidden tags
if ($visibility === self::$PUBLIC) {
$inputTags = array_values(array_filter($inputTags, function ($tag) {
return ! startsWith($tag, '.');
if (empty($inputTags)) {
return [];
// build regex from all tags
$re = '/^' . implode(array_map("self::tag2regex", $inputTags)) . '.*$/';
if (!$casesensitive) {
// make regex case insensitive
$re .= 'i';
// create resulting array
$filtered = [];
// iterate over each link
foreach ($this->bookmarks as $key => $link) {
// check level of visibility
// ignore non private bookmarks when 'privateonly' is on.
if ($visibility !== 'all') {
if (!$link->isPrivate() && $visibility === 'private') {
} elseif ($link->isPrivate() && $visibility === 'public') {
$search = $link->getTagsString(); // build search string, start with tags of current link
if (strlen(trim($link->getDescription())) && strpos($link->getDescription(), '#') !== false) {
// description given and at least one possible tag found
$descTags = array();
// find all tags in the form of #tag in the description
'/(?<![' . self::$HASHTAG_CHARS . '])#([' . self::$HASHTAG_CHARS . ']+?)\b/sm',
if (count($descTags[1])) {
// there were some tags in the description, add them to the search string
$search .= ' ' . implode(' ', $descTags[1]);
// match regular expression with search string
if (!preg_match($re, $search)) {
// this entry does _not_ match our regex
$filtered[$key] = $link;
return $filtered;
* Return only bookmarks without any tag.
* @param string $visibility return only all/private/public bookmarks.
* @return Bookmark[] filtered bookmarks.
public function filterUntagged(string $visibility)
$filtered = [];
foreach ($this->bookmarks as $key => $link) {
if ($visibility !== 'all') {
if (!$link->isPrivate() && $visibility === 'private') {
} elseif ($link->isPrivate() && $visibility === 'public') {
if (empty(trim($link->getTagsString()))) {
$filtered[$key] = $link;
return $filtered;
* Returns the list of articles for a given day, chronologically sorted
* Day must be in the form 'YYYYMMDD' (e.g. '20120125'), e.g.
* print_r($mydb->filterDay('20120125'));
* @param string $day day to filter.
* @param string $visibility return only all/private/public bookmarks.
* @return Bookmark[] all link matching given day.
* @throws Exception if date format is invalid.
public function filterDay(string $day, string $visibility)
if (!checkDateFormat('Ymd', $day)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid date format');
$filtered = [];
foreach ($this->bookmarks as $key => $bookmark) {
if ($visibility === static::$PUBLIC && $bookmark->isPrivate()) {
if ($bookmark->getCreated()->format('Ymd') == $day) {
$filtered[$key] = $bookmark;
// sort by date ASC
return array_reverse($filtered, true);
* Convert a list of tags (str) to an array. Also
* - handle case sensitivity.
* - accepts spaces commas as separator.
* @param string $tags string containing a list of tags.
* @param bool $casesensitive will convert everything to lowercase if false.
* @return string[] filtered tags string.
public static function tagsStrToArray(string $tags, bool $casesensitive): array
// We use UTF-8 conversion to handle various graphemes (i.e. cyrillic, or greek)
$tagsOut = $casesensitive ? $tags : mb_convert_case($tags, MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8');
$tagsOut = str_replace(',', ' ', $tagsOut);
return preg_split('/\s+/', $tagsOut, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
* This method finalize the content of the foundPositions array,
* by associated all search results to their associated bookmark field,
* making sure that there is no overlapping results, etc.
* @param array $fieldLengths Start and end positions of every bookmark fields in the aggregated bookmark content.
* @param array $foundPositions Positions where the search results were found in the aggregated content.
* @return array Updated $foundPositions, by bookmark field.
protected function postProcessFoundPositions(array $fieldLengths, array $foundPositions): array
// Sort results by starting position ASC.
usort($foundPositions, function (array $entryA, array $entryB): int {
return $entryA['start'] > $entryB['start'] ? 1 : -1;
$out = [];
$currentMax = -1;
foreach ($foundPositions as $foundPosition) {
// we do not allow overlapping highlights
if ($foundPosition['start'] < $currentMax) {
$currentMax = $foundPosition['end'];
foreach ($fieldLengths as $part => $length) {
if ($foundPosition['start'] < $length['start'] || $foundPosition['start'] > $length['end']) {
$out[$part][] = [
'start' => $foundPosition['start'] - $length['start'],
'end' => $foundPosition['end'] - $length['start'],
return $out;
* Concatenate link fields to search across fields. Adds a '\' separator for exact search terms.
* Also populate $length array with starting and ending positions of every bookmark field
* inside concatenated content.
* @param Bookmark $link
* @param array $lengths (by reference)
* @return string Lowercase concatenated fields content.
protected function buildFullTextSearchableLink(Bookmark $link, array &$lengths): string
$content = mb_convert_case($link->getTitle(), MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8') .'\\';
$content .= mb_convert_case($link->getDescription(), MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8') .'\\';
$content .= mb_convert_case($link->getUrl(), MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8') .'\\';
$content .= mb_convert_case($link->getTagsString(), MB_CASE_LOWER, 'UTF-8') .'\\';
$lengths['title'] = ['start' => 0, 'end' => mb_strlen($link->getTitle())];
$nextField = $lengths['title']['end'] + 1;
$lengths['description'] = ['start' => $nextField, 'end' => $nextField + mb_strlen($link->getDescription())];
$nextField = $lengths['description']['end'] + 1;
$lengths['url'] = ['start' => $nextField, 'end' => $nextField + mb_strlen($link->getUrl())];
$nextField = $lengths['url']['end'] + 1;
$lengths['tags'] = ['start' => $nextField, 'end' => $nextField + mb_strlen($link->getTagsString())];
return $content;