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<h1 id="unit-tests">Unit tests</h1>
<h3 id="setup-your-environment-for-tests">Setup your environment for tests</h3>
<p>The framework used is <a href="">PHPUnit</a>; it can be installed with <a href="">Composer</a>, which is a dependency management tool.<a href=".html"></a></p>
<p>Regarding Composer, you can either use:</p>
<li>a system-wide version, e.g. installed through your distro's package manager</li>
<li>a local version, downloadable <a href="">here</a><a href=".html"></a></li>
<h4 id="sample-usage">Sample usage</h4>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash"><span class="co"># system-wide version</span>
$ <span class="kw">composer</span> install
$ <span class="kw">composer</span> update
<span class="co"># local version</span>
$ <span class="kw">php</span> composer.phar self-update
$ <span class="kw">php</span> composer.phar install
$ <span class="kw">php</span> composer.phar update</code></pre></div>
<h4 id="install-shaarli-dev-dependencies">Install Shaarli dev dependencies</h4>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash">$ <span class="kw">cd</span> /path/to/shaarli
$ <span class="kw">composer</span> update</code></pre></div>
<h4 id="install-and-enable-xdebug-to-generate-phpunit-coverage-reports">Install and enable Xdebug to generate PHPUnit coverage reports</h4>
<p>For Debian-based distros:</p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash">$ <span class="kw">aptitude</span> install php5-xdebug</code></pre></div>
<p>For ArchLinux:</p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash">$ <span class="kw">pacman</span> -S xdebug</code></pre></div>
<p>Then add the following line to <code>/etc/php/php.ini</code>:</p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode ini"><code class="sourceCode ini"><span class="dt">zend_extension</span><span class="ot">=</span><span class="st"></span></code></pre></div>
<h4 id="run-unit-tests">Run unit tests</h4>
<p>Successful test suite:</p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash">$ <span class="kw">make</span> test
<span class="kw">-------</span>
<span class="kw">PHPUNIT</span>
<span class="kw">-------</span>
<span class="kw">PHPUnit</span> 4.6.9 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
<span class="kw">Configuration</span> read from /home/virtualtam/public_html/shaarli/phpunit.xml
<span class="kw">....................................</span>
<span class="kw">Time</span>: 759 ms, Memory: 8.25Mb
<span class="kw">OK</span> (36 tests, 65 assertions)</code></pre></div>
<p>Test suite with failures and errors:</p>
<div class="sourceCode"><pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash">$ <span class="kw">make</span> test
<span class="kw">-------</span>
<span class="kw">PHPUNIT</span>
<span class="kw">-------</span>
<span class="kw">PHPUnit</span> 4.6.9 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
<span class="kw">Configuration</span> read from /home/virtualtam/public_html/shaarli/phpunit.xml
<span class="kw">E..FF...............................</span>
<span class="kw">Time</span>: 802 ms, Memory: 8.25Mb
<span class="kw">There</span> was 1 error:
<span class="kw">1</span>) <span class="kw">LinkDBTest</span>::testConstructLoggedIn
<span class="kw">Missing</span> argument 2 for LinkDB::__construct(), <span class="kw">called</span> in /home/virtualtam/public_html/shaarli/tests/Link\
DBTest.php on line 79 and defined
<span class="kw">/home/virtualtam/public_html/shaarli/application</span>/LinkDB.php:<span class="kw">58</span>
<span class="kw">/home/virtualtam/public_html/shaarli/tests</span>/LinkDBTest.php:<span class="kw">79</span>
<span class="kw">--</span>
<span class="kw">There</span> were 2 failures:
<span class="kw">1</span>) <span class="kw">LinkDBTest</span>::testCheckDBNew
<span class="kw">Failed</span> asserting that two strings are equal.
<span class="kw">---</span> Expected
<span class="kw">+++</span> Actual
<span class="kw">@@</span> @@
<span class="kw">-</span><span class="st">&#39;e3edea8ea7bb50be4bcb404df53fbb4546a7156e&#39;</span>
<span class="kw">+</span><span class="st">&#39;85eab0c610d4f68025f6ed6e6b6b5fabd4b55834&#39;</span>
<span class="kw">/home/virtualtam/public_html/shaarli/tests</span>/LinkDBTest.php:<span class="kw">121</span>
<span class="kw">2</span>) <span class="kw">LinkDBTest</span>::testCheckDBLoad
<span class="kw">Failed</span> asserting that two strings are equal.
<span class="kw">---</span> Expected
<span class="kw">+++</span> Actual
<span class="kw">@@</span> @@
<span class="kw">-</span><span class="st">&#39;e3edea8ea7bb50be4bcb404df53fbb4546a7156e&#39;</span>
<span class="kw">+</span><span class="st">&#39;85eab0c610d4f68025f6ed6e6b6b5fabd4b55834&#39;</span>
<span class="kw">/home/virtualtam/public_html/shaarli/tests</span>/LinkDBTest.php:<span class="kw">133</span>
<span class="kw">FAILURES</span>!
<span class="kw">Tests</span>: 36, Assertions: 63, Errors: 1, Failures: 2.</code></pre></div>
<h4 id="test-results-and-coverage">Test results and coverage</h4>
<p>By default, PHPUnit will run all suitable tests found under the <code>tests</code> directory.</p>
<p>Each test has 3 possible outcomes:</p>
<li><code>.</code> - success</li>
<li><code>F</code> - failure: the test was run but its results are invalid</li>
<li>the code does not behave as expected</li>
<li>dependencies to external elements: globals, session, cache...</li>
<li><code>E</code> - error: something went wrong and the tested code has crashed</li>
<li>typos in the code, or in the test code</li>
<li>dependencies to missing external elements</li>
<p>If Xdebug has been installed and activated, two coverage reports will be generated:</p>
<li>a summary in the console</li>
<li>a detailed HTML report with metrics for tested code</li>
<li>to open it in a web browser: <code>firefox coverage/index.html &amp;</code></li>