ArthurHoaro cfdd209440 Display error details even with dev.debug set to false
It makes more sense to display the error even if it's unexpected.
Only for logged in users.

2020-11-05 19:55:17 +01:00

97 lines
3.1 KiB

namespace Shaarli\Front\Controller\Visitor;
use Shaarli\Front\Exception\ShaarliFrontException;
use Shaarli\TestCase;
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\Response;
class ErrorControllerTest extends TestCase
use FrontControllerMockHelper;
/** @var ErrorController */
protected $controller;
public function setUp(): void
$this->controller = new ErrorController($this->container);
* Test displaying error with a ShaarliFrontException: display exception message and use its code for HTTTP code
public function testDisplayFrontExceptionError(): void
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$response = new Response();
$message = 'error message';
$errorCode = 418;
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
$result = ($this->controller)(
new class($message, $errorCode) extends ShaarliFrontException {}
static::assertSame($errorCode, $result->getStatusCode());
static::assertSame($message, $assignedVariables['message']);
static::assertArrayNotHasKey('stacktrace', $assignedVariables);
* Test displaying error with any exception (no debug) while logged in:
* display full error details
public function testDisplayAnyExceptionErrorNoDebugLoggedIn(): void
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$response = new Response();
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
$result = ($this->controller)($request, $response, new \Exception('abc'));
static::assertSame(500, $result->getStatusCode());
static::assertSame('Error: abc', $assignedVariables['message']);
static::assertContainsPolyfill('Please report it on Github', $assignedVariables['text']);
static::assertArrayHasKey('stacktrace', $assignedVariables);
* Test displaying error with any exception (no debug) while logged out:
* display standard error without detail
public function testDisplayAnyExceptionErrorNoDebug(): void
$request = $this->createMock(Request::class);
$response = new Response();
// Save RainTPL assigned variables
$assignedVariables = [];
$result = ($this->controller)($request, $response, new \Exception('abc'));
static::assertSame(500, $result->getStatusCode());
static::assertSame('An unexpected error occurred.', $assignedVariables['message']);
static::assertArrayNotHasKey('text', $assignedVariables);
static::assertArrayNotHasKey('stacktrace', $assignedVariables);