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<li><a href="Home.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="Server-requirements.html">Server requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="Server-configuration.html">Server configuration</a></li>
<li><a href="Shaarli-configuration.html">Shaarli configuration</a></li>
<li><a href="Usage.html">Usage</a>
<li><a href="Sharing-button.html">Sharing button</a> (bookmarklet)</li>
<li><a href="Firefox-share.html">Firefox share</a></li>
<li><a href="RSS-feeds.html">RSS feeds</a></li>
<li>How To
<li><a href="Backup,-restore,-import-and-export.html">Backup, restore, import and export</a></li>
<li><a href="Copy-an-existing-installation-over-SSH-and-serve-it-locally.html">Copy an existing installation over SSH and serve it locally</a></li>
<li><a href="Download-CSS-styles-from-an-OPML-list.html">Download CSS styles from an OPML list</a></li>
<li><a href="Troubleshooting.html">Troubleshooting</a></li>
<li><a href="Development.html">Development</a>
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<li><a href="Directory-structure.html">Directory structure</a></li>
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<li><a href="Plugin-System.html">Plugin System</a></li>
<li><a href="Security.html">Security</a></li>
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<li><a href="Theming.html">Theming</a></li>
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<li><a href="FAQ.html">FAQ</a></li>
<li><a href="Community-&-Related-software.html">Community & Related software</a></li>
<li><a href="TODO.html">TODO</a></li>
<h1 id="theming">Theming</h1>
<h2 id="user-css">User CSS</h2>
<li>Shaarli's apparence can be modified by editing CSS rules in <code>inc/user.css</code>. This file allows to override rules defined in the main <code>inc/shaarli.css</code> (only add changed rules), or define a whole new theme.</li>
<li>Do not edit <code>inc/shaarli.css</code>! Your changes would be overriden when updating Shaarli.</li>
<li>Some themes are available at <a href="" class="uri"></a>.</li>
<p>See also:</p>
<li><a href="Download-CSS-styles-from-an-OPML-list.html">Download CSS styles from an OPML list</a></li>
<h2 id="raintpl-template">RainTPL template</h2>
<p><em>WARNING - This feature is currently being worked on and will be improved in the next releases. Experimental.</em></p>
<li>Find the template you'd like to install (see the list of <a href="available-templates|Theming#community-themes--templates.html">available templates|Theming#community-themes--templates</a>)</li>
<li>Find it's git clone URL or download the zip archive for the template.</li>
<li>In your Shaarli <code>tpl/</code> directory, run <code>git clone https://url/of/my-template/</code> or unpack the zip archive.
<li>There should now be a <code>my-template/</code> directory under the <code>tpl/</code> dir, containing directly all the template files.</li>
<li><p>Edit <code>data/config.php</code> to have Shaarli use this template, e.g.</p>
<pre class="sourceCode php"><code class="sourceCode php"><span class="kw">$GLOBALS</span><span class="ot">[</span><span class="st">'config'</span><span class="ot">[</span><span class="st">'RAINTPL_TPL'</span><span class="ot">]</span> = <span class="st">'tpl/my-template/'</span><span class="ot">;](</span><span class="st">'RAINTPL_TPL'</span><span class="ot">]</span>-=-<span class="st">'tpl/my-template/'</span><span class="ot">;</span>.html<span class="ot">)</span></code></pre></li>
<h2 id="community-themes-templates">Community themes & templates</h2>
<li><a href="">AkibaTech/Shaarli Superhero Theme</a> - A template/theme for Shaarli<a href=".html"></a></li>
<li><a href="">alexisju/albinomouse-template</a> - A full template for Shaarli<a href=".html"></a></li>
<li><a href="">dhoko/ShaarliTemplate</a> - A template/theme for Shaarli<a href=".html"></a></li>
<li><a href="">kalvn/shaarli-blocks</a> - A template/theme for Shaarli<a href=".html"></a></li>
<li><a href="">kalvn/Shaarli-Material</a> - A theme (template) based on Google's Material Design for Shaarli, the superfast delicious clone.<a href=".html"></a></li>
<li><a href="">misterair/Limonade</a> - A fork of (legacy) Shaarli with a new template<a href=".html"></a></li>
<li><a href="">Vinm/Blue-theme-for Shaarli</a> - A template/theme for Shaarli (<a href="">unmaintained</a>, compatibility unknown)<a href=".html"></a></li>
<li><a href="">vivienhaese/shaarlitheme</a> - A Shaarli fork meant to be run in an openshift instance<a href=".html"></a></li>
<h3 id="example-installation-albinomouse-template">Example installation: AlbinoMouse template</h3>
<p>With the following configuration:</p>
<li>Apache 2 / PHP 5.6</li>
<li>user sites are enabled, e.g. <code>/home/user/public_html/somedir</code> is served as <code>http://localhost/~user/somedir</code></li>
<li><code>http</code> is the name of the Apache user</li>
<pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash">$ <span class="kw">cd</span> ~/public_html
<span class="co"># clone repositories</span>
$ <span class="kw">git</span> clone shaarli
$ <span class="kw">pushd</span> shaarli/tpl
$ <span class="kw">git</span> clone
$ <span class="kw">popd</span>
<span class="co"># set access rights for Apache</span>
$ <span class="kw">chgrp</span> -R http shaarli
$ <span class="kw">chmod</span> g+rwx shaarli shaarli/cache shaarli/data shaarli/pagecache shaarli/tmp</code></pre>
<p>Get config written:</p>
<li>go to the freshly installed site</li>
<li>fill the install form</li>
<li>log in to Shaarli</li>
<p>Edit Shaarli's <a href="configuration|Shaarli-configuration.html">configuration|Shaarli configuration</a>:</p>
<pre class="sourceCode bash"><code class="sourceCode bash"><span class="co"># the file should be owned by Apache, thus not writeable => sudo</span>
$ <span class="kw">sudo</span> sed -i s=tpl=tpl/albinomouse-template=g shaarli/data/config.php</code></pre>