It is not useful for the RSS feed, as every new entry will be 'yesterday', and it requires an update the next day.
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namespace Shaarli\Helper;
use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
use Slim\Http\Request;
class DailyPageHelper
public const MONTH = 'month';
public const WEEK = 'week';
public const DAY = 'day';
* Extracts the type of the daily to display from the HTTP request parameters
* @param Request $request HTTP request
* @return string month/week/day
public static function extractRequestedType(Request $request): string
if ($request->getQueryParam(static::MONTH) !== null) {
return static::MONTH;
} elseif ($request->getQueryParam(static::WEEK) !== null) {
return static::WEEK;
return static::DAY;
* Extracts a DateTimeImmutable from provided HTTP request.
* If no parameter is provided, we rely on the creation date of the latest provided created bookmark.
* If the datastore is empty or no bookmark is provided, we use the current date.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @param string|null $requestedDate Input string extracted from the request
* @param Bookmark|null $latestBookmark Latest bookmark found in the datastore (by date)
* @return \DateTimeImmutable from input or latest bookmark.
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function extractRequestedDateTime(
string $type,
?string $requestedDate,
Bookmark $latestBookmark = null
): \DateTimeImmutable {
$format = static::getFormatByType($type);
if (empty($requestedDate)) {
return $latestBookmark instanceof Bookmark
? new \DateTimeImmutable($latestBookmark->getCreated()->format(\DateTime::ATOM))
: new \DateTimeImmutable()
// W is not supported by createFromFormat...
if ($type === static::WEEK) {
return (new \DateTimeImmutable())
->setISODate((int) substr($requestedDate, 0, 4), (int) substr($requestedDate, 4, 2))
return \DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat($format, $requestedDate);
* Get the DateTime format used by provided type
* Examples:
* - day: 20201016 (<year><month><day>)
* - week: 202041 (<year><week number>)
* - month: 202010 (<year><month>)
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @return string DateTime compatible format
* @see
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getFormatByType(string $type): string
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return 'Ym';
case static::WEEK:
return 'YW';
case static::DAY:
return 'Ymd';
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');
* Get the first DateTime of the time period depending on given datetime and type.
* Note: DateTimeImmutable is required because we rely heavily on DateTime->modify() syntax
* and we don't want to alter original datetime.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @param \DateTimeImmutable $requested DateTime extracted from request input
* (should come from extractRequestedDateTime)
* @return \DateTimeInterface First DateTime of the time period
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getStartDateTimeByType(string $type, \DateTimeImmutable $requested): \DateTimeInterface
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return $requested->modify('first day of this month midnight');
case static::WEEK:
return $requested->modify('Monday this week midnight');
case static::DAY:
return $requested->modify('Today midnight');
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');
* Get the last DateTime of the time period depending on given datetime and type.
* Note: DateTimeImmutable is required because we rely heavily on DateTime->modify() syntax
* and we don't want to alter original datetime.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @param \DateTimeImmutable $requested DateTime extracted from request input
* (should come from extractRequestedDateTime)
* @return \DateTimeInterface Last DateTime of the time period
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getEndDateTimeByType(string $type, \DateTimeImmutable $requested): \DateTimeInterface
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return $requested->modify('last day of this month 23:59:59');
case static::WEEK:
return $requested->modify('Sunday this week 23:59:59');
case static::DAY:
return $requested->modify('Today 23:59:59');
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');
* Get localized description of the time period depending on given datetime and type.
* Example: for a month period, it returns `October, 2020`.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @param \DateTimeImmutable $requested DateTime extracted from request input
* (should come from extractRequestedDateTime)
* @param bool $includeRelative Include relative date description (today, yesterday, etc.)
* @return string Localized time period description
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getDescriptionByType(
string $type,
\DateTimeImmutable $requested,
bool $includeRelative = true
): string {
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return $requested->format('F') . ', ' . $requested->format('Y');
case static::WEEK:
$requested = $requested->modify('Monday this week');
return t('Week') . ' ' . $requested->format('W') . ' (' . format_date($requested, false) . ')';
case static::DAY:
$out = '';
if ($includeRelative && $requested->format('Ymd') === date('Ymd')) {
$out = t('Today') . ' - ';
} elseif ($includeRelative && $requested->format('Ymd') === date('Ymd', strtotime('-1 days'))) {
$out = t('Yesterday') . ' - ';
return $out . format_date($requested, false);
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');
* Get the number of items to display in the RSS feed depending on the given type.
* @param string $type month/week/day
* @return int number of elements
* @throws \Exception Type not supported.
public static function getRssLengthByType(string $type): int
switch ($type) {
case static::MONTH:
return 12; // 1 year
case static::WEEK:
return 26; // ~6 months
case static::DAY:
return 30; // ~1 month
throw new \Exception('Unsupported daily format type');