ArthurHoaro a39acb2518 Fix an issue with private tags and fix nomarkdown tag
The new bookmark service wasn't handling private tags properly.

nomarkdown tag is now shown only for logged in user in bookmarks, and hidden for everyone in tag clouds/lists.

2020-01-18 11:39:26 +01:00

160 lines
6.1 KiB

namespace Shaarli\Formatter;
use DateTime;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Shaarli\Bookmark\Bookmark;
use Shaarli\Config\ConfigManager;
* Class BookmarkMarkdownFormatterTest
* @package Shaarli\Formatter
class BookmarkMarkdownFormatterTest extends TestCase
/** @var string Path of test config file */
protected static $testConf = 'sandbox/config';
/** @var BookmarkFormatter */
protected $formatter;
/** @var ConfigManager instance */
protected $conf;
* Initialize formatter instance.
public function setUp()
copy('tests/utils/config/configJson.json.php', self::$testConf .'.json.php');
$this->conf = new ConfigManager(self::$testConf);
$this->formatter = new BookmarkMarkdownFormatter($this->conf, true);
* Test formatting a bookmark with all its attribute filled.
public function testFormatFull()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$bookmark->setId($id = 11);
$bookmark->setShortUrl($short = 'abcdef');
$bookmark->setTitle($title = 'This is a <strong>bookmark</strong>');
$bookmark->setDescription('<h2>Content</h2><p>`Here is some content</p>');
$bookmark->setTags($tags = ['tag1', 'bookmark', 'other', '<script>alert("xss");</script>']);
$bookmark->setCreated($created = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190521_190412'));
$bookmark->setUpdated($updated = DateTime::createFromFormat('Ymd_His', '20190521_191213'));
$link = $this->formatter->format($bookmark);
$this->assertEquals($id, $link['id']);
$this->assertEquals($short, $link['shorturl']);
$this->assertEquals('https://sub.domain.tld?query=here&amp;for=real#hash', $link['url']);
$this->assertEquals('This is a &lt;strong&gt;bookmark&lt;/strong&gt;', $link['title']);
'<div class="markdown"><p>'.
'&lt;h2&gt;Content&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;`Here is some content&lt;/p&gt;'.
$tags[3] = '&lt;script&gt;alert(&quot;xss&quot;);&lt;/script&gt;';
$this->assertEquals($tags, $link['taglist']);
$this->assertEquals(implode(' ', $tags), $link['tags']);
$this->assertEquals($created, $link['created']);
$this->assertEquals($created->getTimestamp(), $link['timestamp']);
$this->assertEquals($updated, $link['updated']);
$this->assertEquals($updated->getTimestamp(), $link['updated_timestamp']);
$this->assertEquals('private', $link['class']);
* Test formatting a bookmark with all its attribute filled.
public function testFormatMinimal()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$link = $this->formatter->format($bookmark);
* Make sure that the description is properly formatted by the default formatter.
public function testFormatDescription()
$description = 'This a <strong>description</strong>'. PHP_EOL;
$description .= 'text https://sub.domain.tld?query=here&for=real#hash more text'. PHP_EOL;
$description .= 'Also, there is an #hashtag added'. PHP_EOL;
$description .= ' A N D KEEP SPACES ! '. PHP_EOL;
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$link = $this->formatter->format($bookmark);
$description = '<div class="markdown"><p>';
$description .= 'This a &lt;strong&gt;description&lt;/strong&gt;<br />'. PHP_EOL;
$url = 'https://sub.domain.tld?query=here&amp;for=real#hash';
$description .= 'text <a href="'. $url .'">'. $url .'</a> more text<br />'. PHP_EOL;
$description .= 'Also, there is an <a href="?addtag=hashtag">#hashtag</a> added<br />'. PHP_EOL;
$description .= 'A N D KEEP SPACES ! ';
$description .= '</p></div>';
$this->assertEquals($description, $link['description']);
* Test formatting URL with an index_url set
* It should prepend relative links.
public function testFormatNoteWithIndexUrl()
$bookmark = new Bookmark();
$bookmark->setUrl($short = '?abcdef');
$description = 'Text #hashtag more text';
$this->formatter->addContextData('index_url', $root = 'https://domain.tld/hithere/');
$description = '<div class="markdown"><p>';
$description .= 'Text <a href="'. $root .'?addtag=hashtag">#hashtag</a> more text';
$description .= '</p></div>';
$link = $this->formatter->format($bookmark);
$this->assertEquals($root . $short, $link['url']);
$this->assertEquals($root . $short, $link['real_url']);